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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
Serious question. So, I'm an expat from abroad and have been living in the Russian Federation comin Anonymous  17/05/24 Птн 16:10:35 126380 Ответ
pics-0001.jpg 49Кб, 700x525
Serious question.

So, I'm an expat from abroad and have been living in the Russian Federation coming up on about four years now. There is just one thing that I can't quite grasp;

What is everyone constantly drilling in their flats here?

I have lived in three different flats since arriving, and have been to friends homes, visited other cities, towns within the country - and its simply bewildering to me that no matter where or when, someone is always drilling some shit into their walls next door or in the floor above. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE DRILLING FOR YEARS ON END? WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST PEACE & QUIET???????
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Anonymous  20/05/24 Пнд 15:28:35 126420
First, commieblock is very deceptive vibro-acoustically, depending on specific construction sound of drill may travel for 3 or more levels.
Then, you have some modern furniture like my demanding several dozens points of fixing to the wall. On top of that every time you want to attach cable channel, or do a lot of other things, you have to drill a wall.
Due to laws those are usually clustered in time making it even worse.
A solution is to have headphones and do your business. If you are sure that it is your neighbor and he is nasty with noises, buy vibrospeaker and play gachimuchi remixes for him
Anonymous  20/05/24 Пнд 15:29:50 126421
Also, fuck maqaque, the owner of this buggy shit called 2ch.
20/05/24 Пнд 15:57:36 126422
>fuck maqaque
You are not a foreigner, pidorashka.
Stop fantasizing
Anonymous  20/05/24 Пнд 16:00:10 126423
20/05/24 Пнд 16:07:50 126424
>>126380 (OP)
Take a picture of your foreign passport against the background of Russian things.
Thoughts Anonymous  12/03/24 Втр 00:00:24 124608 Ответ
IMG9018.MOV 2788Кб, 640x360, 00:00:08
Anonymous  08/05/24 Срд 20:04:19 126195
Classics Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 15:01:19 125631 Ответ
image.png 593Кб, 405x562
image.png 38Кб, 698x532
Why are the Ukrainians doing this?
How does that help them?
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Anonymous  12/04/24 Птн 20:13:04 125651
Thanks bro
That's a helpful answer
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 23:40:10 125935
It must have taken a lot of time to teach the kidnapped Ukrainian children how to draw graphics in blender for this series
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 01:53:17 125936
dee-951914500.jpg 346Кб, 2544x4000
Anonymous  15/05/24 Срд 13:18:44 126336
>>125631 (OP)
funnily enough those cucks went pretty russophobic in their public
media, and the plot too

so I guess they like being shart on
Anonymous  15/05/24 Срд 16:45:39 126337
image.png 1164Кб, 920x518
It's just a parody of modern Russian life wrapped in a sci-fi setting. You need to learn to define the difference between parody and Russophobia, otherwise you will resemble a hohol without self-reflection. Without self-reflection there is no progress in the development of society. Also Russian society is not perfect, unfortunately, and some entrepreneurs really put their own interests above public interests. But unlike in the TV series, in real Russia there is a system of anti-monopoly penalties and fines for them.

Moreover, birchpunk (a Russian comedy art direction) emerged as a result of a strong contrast between the saturated Soviet mass visuals reflecting the rich and turbulent past of industrial development (followed by the apocalypse of the 90s, the impoverishment of the population, the pause in development that caused the start of the technological singularity to be missed), and today's sudden and powerful development with the introduction of competitive technologies that even Japan envies (e.g. Gosuslugi, any Japanese would suck on that convenience). An old grandmother scanning QR through her smartphone at a Russian Post terminal to track a parcel in real time across Russia, against the background of a rustic wooden house with peeling paint - typical birchpunk. (And real life.)
wtf is this? Anonymous  05/09/23 Втр 00:19:03 120061 Ответ
vhuo87jzsh8j2vta.jpg 156Кб, 737x1000
wtf is this?
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Anonymous  06/09/23 Срд 10:00:45 120105
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 21:48:29 126032
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Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 21:51:30 126034
image.png 563Кб, 810x521
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 15:50:28 126049
One of the trashiest alcoholic drinks available in russia. Something made of cheap fermented grape juice with some extra alcohol added. Should be something like fortified porto wine but actually tastes like ass. Too strong, too sweet. People also make fun of those who drink it.
Anonymous  12/05/24 Вск 20:24:25 126303
Why are Russians so prideful of WW2? Anonymous  11/05/24 Суб 06:31:27 126262 Ответ
RaisingtheFlago[...].jpg 189Кб, 1200x909
Hello Russians, I need to know why you're so prideful about WW2.

What did Russians do in WW2? They allied with the Nazis to split Poland, they failed to defend their own country and got half their male population killed in the process. The United States gave you the vehicles to fight back against the Germans and you still for some reason think it was Russia who prevailed. If I was Russian I would be EMBARASSED and ASHAMED of WW2.

The soviets proceeded to RAPE the innocent women and children of Europe and STEAL the land. Only after the USA got done liberating 3 continents did the Russians start to do anything. What do you have to be prideful about? 12 million Russians to 4 million Germans and you still got absolutely fucked. It's embarrassing how bad the Russian people are at war, even Finland fucked you.

The United States liberated Europe, Africa, China and countless pacific islands. We fought all the Axis powers at once and didn't steal the land in the process. You reds share a fucking border with China and guess who saved them? America. The soviets are a fucking embarrassment. The USA and UK never sided with the Nazis during the war.
11/05/24 Суб 19:58:41 126290
So when does it stops? Anonymous  # OP 06/05/24 Пнд 23:30:59 126115 Ответ
грустный пепе.webp 227Кб, 742x606
When I arrived in Norway I saw that I can't post in other segments on Dvach, like /b or /pol. And I guess it's because my IP is not russian, but before it wasn't that way. So I questioning - when I can post in other things?
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Anonymous  07/05/24 Втр 02:27:36 126124
Нет ксожелению, всё та же ошибка что очень печально. Я попытаюсь обратиться в Дискорд, как мне посоветовал анон выше, надеюсь это поможет
08/05/24 Срд 02:41:01 126167
>>126115 (OP)
Съебал в рыбоуловчную скандинавосрахию и ещё чего-то хочет

Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 01:02:35 126235
Соси хуй анонче, я всего лишь хочу быть счастливым и писать в треды
Anonymous  09/05/24 Чтв 01:13:30 126237
Поздновато, но сходил, спросил сейчас, надеюсь ответят
10/05/24 Птн 19:29:42 126259
Вопрос решён.
Why Russians looks so different from European people? Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 00:15:27 126054 Ответ
171484937681132[...].png 215Кб, 1024x768
Why Russians looks so different from European people?
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Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 01:50:46 126062
If any Russian agent is reading this, I would like to point out that karachan.org is the most influential portal for the entire polish culture, because everything that is there underground today will become mainstream in the entire country in 10 years, this portal is the center of the small, closed group of intellectual elite of the polish country
If Russian agents want to somehow spread their agenda in Poland, you should start with a karachan
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 11:26:23 126072
image.png 146Кб, 358x317
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 11:27:40 126073
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 11:30:41 126074
What's going on there in the picture? Apparently these posts are translated into Russian using Google Translate. With tips on how to enable Cyrillic on your phone, lol. Are you planning a raid where you impersonate Russians?
05/05/24 Вск 14:29:24 126078
How did he know it was me? Anonymous  23/04/24 Втр 18:11:44 125908 Ответ
1646656185352.png 323Кб, 706x675
How did he know it was me?
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 22:11:19 126035
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 01:14:58 126040
i.jpg 14Кб, 480x195
>>125908 (OP)
All anonymous on the internet make connections through an energetic etheric warp... When you shit, jerk off, eat pickles with milk and do other horrible things I can feel it with my empirical warp field warp essence, even from the other side of the globe. Just remember that every time you wank, shit or steal some war veteran's garden gnome from the lawn - I'm watching you.... I'm watching
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 07:52:36 126046
> When you shit
Why is this horrible? This is a natural process of the body!!!
Anonymous  04/05/24 Суб 12:42:26 126047
That God-awful shit, the one who shits goes to hell after death bypassing purgatory!!!
In finland we have drunk streamers who make living by getting drunk on camera Anonymous  23/01/24 Втр 20:33:56 123960 Ответ
7b0107bbc53c2595.mp4 4846Кб, 640x356, 00:01:05
In finland we have drunk streamers who make living by getting drunk on camera
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Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 21:57:22 125241
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 20:23:33 125270
783ef341714c985[...].png 144Кб, 1200x1200
he insulted Lechia Gdańsk football team on stream and the hooligans came to his house to take revenge
you can even see Lechia Gdańsk on the hoodie
Anonymous  17/04/24 Срд 15:49:27 125781
Anonymous  25/04/24 Чтв 20:32:09 125921
171406466880958[...].mp4 3600Кб, 1920x1080, 00:00:04
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Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 21:09:48 126031
polish man bulling ukrainian taxi driver in poland Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 23:47:05 125753 Ответ
171320820884634[...].mp4 7102Кб, 576x1024, 00:01:40
polish man bulling ukrainian taxi driver in poland
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Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 11:30:16 125763
Anonymous  16/04/24 Втр 15:32:55 125765
I think he's subtly provoking them beforehand to make a show. Lmao:D
Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 23:34:13 125934
image.png 94Кб, 358x317
Anonymous  29/04/24 Пнд 10:29:47 125960
If I lived in Poland, I'd have the same face.
Anonymous  03/05/24 Птн 19:05:21 126029
me rate Anonymous  02/05/24 Чтв 04:42:09 126003 Ответ
image.png 885Кб, 1280x1280
me rate
I sometimes enjoy scrolling Google maps, looks at some remote place and then reading about it. Just Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 21:24:16 125948 Ответ
image.png 1591Кб, 1004x1250
image.png 2538Кб, 1158x1151
I sometimes enjoy scrolling Google maps, looks at some remote place and then reading about it.

Just imagine being born on an 1.8 square kilometers island in the middle of ocean. What do people even do there? They have roads, they have housing, they have cars, where do they get it from and how?

Also this particular one is an island of colorblind.
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 22:57:06 125950
Subsidies from USA.

>where do they get it from and how?
Japanese and Americans brought civilization to it

This is probably similar to Azores - if you live on the most isolated and small islands, you get equity from the regional government and it subsides minimal needs of those 250 people from government of all islands, cheap taxations schemes. Like Madeira archipelago for example and that's why the ship recently aprehended by Iran is registered in Madeira because it's like an offshore of commercial vessels register.
Anonymous  29/04/24 Пнд 10:25:23 125958
What's the point of giving them subsides?
Saying in public, that I like Russia would put me on a list. Anonymous  05/01/24 Птн 21:36:46 123589 Ответ
trocki.jpg 57Кб, 736x777
Saying in public, that I like Russia would put me on a list.
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Anonymous  23/01/24 Втр 02:13:08 123953
"The grass is greener on the other side." Or in Portugal, "my neighbour's chicken/hen is/looks better than mine"
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 14:58:16 125005
>>123589 (OP)
Saying in public, that I like Russia would put me on the other side." Or in Portugal, "my neighbour's chicken/hen is/looks better than mine"
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 16:47:45 125008
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 06:35:23 125082
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 13:04:36 125896
Another self-hating Russian. Go fuck yourself.
What is this composition? Anonymous  # OP 09/03/24 Суб 23:55:55 124581 Ответ
1.mp4 202Кб, 640x360, 00:00:05
What is this composition?
Anonymous  10/03/24 Вск 00:59:57 124582
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 06:24:43 125883
He is right

Michael Jackson was from Indiana so that's why his song is used
Ethnographic map of Russian empire 1848 is a proof that Ukraine is artificial country and that Ukrai Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 00:14:45 125880 Ответ
434029989875185[...].jpg 1332Кб, 1423x2048
Ethnographic map of Russian empire 1848 is a proof that Ukraine is artificial country and that Ukrainians are actually Russians who have been brainwashed to hate their Russian background.

But in near future they will be returned back to motherland.
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 02:58:31 125881
22/04/24 Пнд 10:19:12 125886
What will we ever do without Poccnr gas?!?! Looks like we've found alternatives to you, poccnrs. Anonymous  03/12/23 Вск 14:48:54 122581 Ответ
image.png 154Кб, 1191x735
image.png 149Кб, 1131x729
What will we ever do without Poccnr gas?!?!

Looks like we've found alternatives to you, poccnrs.
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Anonymous  13/04/24 Суб 20:31:11 125673
>thinking 24/7 in Europeans freezing
Yeah, it's like making fun of Russians who are "starving because of European sanctions", the world is full of stupid retards with no connection to nationality whatsoever
You've made another discovery, congratulations

t. other
Anonymous  18/04/24 Чтв 10:05:48 125792
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 02:18:05 125803
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 13:15:58 125809
Lol, nobody cares about your crappy house in mediterranean climate, you can heat it with horse feces as wild asians do. Gas is needed for industry. Do you know what is it?
Anonymous  19/04/24 Птн 22:40:23 125823
image.png 4Кб, 85x38
(But thanks, I'll keep it in mind just in case)
Wasteland Toasters Anonymous  18/04/24 Чтв 14:13:18 125796 Ответ
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Is the obsession with toasters in this game (there's even a special in-game skill for repairing toasters) a reference to some phenomenon of the United States, like SPAM canned food in Britain, or maybe some kind of Texas joke, a cultural phenomenon?
Ниггер. Anonymous  03/01/24 Срд 23:45:10 123563 Ответ
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Anonymous  10/02/24 Суб 00:43:39 124126
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Anonymous  10/02/24 Суб 17:42:00 124131
Anonymous  03/03/24 Вск 04:18:16 124465
Chud  03/04/24 Срд 00:27:04 125424
qa won
Anonymous  18/04/24 Чтв 10:30:23 125795
Z.jpg 5Кб, 245x206
Pringlesnomics in your country Anonymous  03/11/23 Птн 03:03:03 121717 Ответ
image.jpg 121Кб, 722x1383
This is the price of a pack of Pringles in a store near my home in Russia.
How much does a pack like this cost in your cunt?
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Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 00:09:14 125723
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 00:19:14 125724
image.png 764Кб, 1189x591
These general-threads don't exist for you?
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 00:20:33 125725
"Cooking Every Day" - is the main thread in this section
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 03:02:46 125727
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 03:03:33 125728
pringles.jpg 102Кб, 491x914
What will happen to them and their children when capitalism collapses and people roll back into the Anonymous  06/03/24 Срд 13:17:41 124535 Ответ
20240306140233.jpg 496Кб, 896x982
What will happen to them and their children when capitalism collapses and people roll back into the era of neo-feudalism?
Anonymous  09/04/24 Втр 23:56:42 125580
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