>>123972 Noooooo, dude, you need to feed those for decedes until they get an actual well payed position. Most churkas are poor and can't sustain such woman's lifestyle.
So a Soviet engineer is visiting America for a technical conference. After that, they're giving a fourchette, well, that's a cocktail party. And our engineer is sitting at the table, drinking cocktails and choking on salads. His American friend is passing by. -- John! Why aren't you eating!? -- Well Mikhail, I don't wanna eat. -- But it's free! It's halyava! You can't miss it! -- I just don't wanna eat. -- That's why we are humans, and you are animals.
>>123709 >is it true that your marriages have two days? mostly russian weddings last one day, but there are people who have weddings last two or even three days. >and in the second day males dress like a woman no, this is a rare case.
What the hell is going on in Dagestan now, please clarify. Hasbula and Habib have just organised a Kristallnacht and everyone is silent (except the kikes, their opinion does not matter). We need details! What is the real scale of the holocaust in the Caucasus?
Article 59 of the Constitution reads, in the relevant part, as follows:
3. A citizen of the Russian Federation shall have the right to replace military service with alternative civilian service in the case that his convictions or religious beliefs preclude military service, and also in other cases provided by the federal law.
HI, I am looking for an old video of a ukranian general talking about illuminait/zionist takeover. I cannot find it anywhere. I think it was made in 2014. It was an old guy in a outfit like picrel at nite in what looked like the center of keiv talking about Freemasons and things like that. I remeber there were a few other videos of him talking about similar things and he was known as some kind of anti zionist old guy.
>>123920 can you correct the English Ezdubs translation of that bald moderator before I embedding subs, please?
So, friends, hello. With you today online is old scary fat leka who wants to get close to one of the participants in our trade who, excuse me, triangularly fucked me. Regarding the fact that Dianon and all that, it's simpler in general, not me.
My face has slipped more than once, there are other data in principle, So what about Deanon, not coffee?
So, that's the gist of this whole video and why I'm making it. I would like, if you understand, to draw attention to the personality of Antosh. This is a personal message for you.
I have a gigantic request to you. As a person who has already lived in the world, if not a third of his life, then maybe a little less, please stop the insanity and weed that is slipping through you. This is no longer funny at all, and they don't make you look good. Understand?
Four-fifths of Trenton. The court is fucked with you, and you come, open your mouth and ask, Give me more. You can't do that.
It's simply not decency.
Even for an ordinary person, this is instantly uncommendful, after all.
At least we have respect for ourselves.
Within 2-3 years, The whims in your country will change direction due to independence.
I guarantee you, I will leave you my anus, as they say in our trend, and you will frantically hide your humongous omovets in a pile of pig shit in the backyard of your house. And you will turn away from your infamy.
Don't add to the list of your sins. No need.
Just don't come to our thread.
Don't get sick of your pig urine. In the end, you will be turned into a frying pan with devils.
And the fact that you are like homegrown. The shibbies do not reflect. Just...
Your show-offs are like the show-offs of a 19 year old teenager.
Yours are no interest to anyone. No one is interested in that one. Thank you.
If you are not against the transformation of the country into a Swedish emirate, then we probably should not be surprised at the vision of aesthetics in Soviet life.
>>121362 (OP) What is conversion rate for eur/ruble in Russland? I'm looking at this video and there's this Croatian "Podravka" soup, was kinda surprised bcause sanctions and all that, looked it up and it seems it's 1/3 of the price here. Same with other random goods that I've checked, everything is much cheaper. What gives?
>>123909 (OP) You should read rules of the jschan main developer or the acquaintance of jschan developer in indiachan (whoever admins your indiachan) since your countrymen start creating dead or future-to-be dead boards.
I believe that this is a true masterpiece of Russian cinema directed by a woman, it is a pity that it is almost impossible to translate it into English without losing the subtle atmosphere and meaning. Even half of the Russian audience didn't understand the meaning of this masterpiece. That's why his grades are so low(because of the fucking normies). full: https://youtu.be/f-_xdpq-xK4?t=2664
I've seen some other movies by the same woman. Does she have a spitting fetish? there's at least one scene in most of her movies in which a character spits something out of their mouth
What I understood looking at France these days
Anonymous 30/06/23 Птн 06:10:20№116526Ответ
>>120653 No one remembers that there is a war going on and at work no one talks about it. OPEC + cutting production affects more Western European from whatever Slav cutter shit going on in Mongolia-Tartaria.
I wonder, France has been having a growing budget deficit for 50 years, and trade deficit for 15 years. Given that the country's credit rating is steadily declining, who is paying for the feast?