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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
Подрыв Устоев Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 17:47:07 128925 Ответ
image.png 526Кб, 859x726
image.png 363Кб, 539x531
На пресловутых дебатах Кумала смешно похихикала над Трампыней. Типо Тримп дурак, выдумывает что нелегалы-понаехи крадут и жрут домашних животных.

однака оказалось...

Springfield OH - гарадишка на 60 тыщ, куда компактно поселили 15 тыщ гаитянских быдло-беженцев. Которые натурально Voodoo People. Которые риальна жрут чорных кошек ночью на кладбище, чтоб обрести СИЛУ.

Журналисты-блогеры массово ломанулись туда посмореть, и уже получили полицейское видео как чорная баба убивает и жрет чорново кота
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 21:54:53 128944
>>128925 (OP)
Слышишь, говно, иди хуячь ксилазин, пока не отгниют твои ёбанные ноги, одна за другой.
Dating in your country Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 22:48:28 127860 Ответ
186928055bdf596[...].jpg 94Кб, 1024x775
As you will see from my country flag, I am an American. I have been trying to date women for nine years and have only ever had one girlfriend. I have been turned down on nearly 20 times, 18 times just "No", one "I am a lesbian, actually" and one that was along the lines of "Ew, no". Probably could be something to do with me or the state of women in the country right now, I am not one to judge.

This is all with girls who were born in the U.S.

How is dating in your country? Any better?
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 18:30:25 128384
>>127860 (OP)
i guess it is better in Russia, but it became worse here too. Yet you still can see a lot of ugly dudes with beautiful Slavic women
Anonymous  07/09/24 Суб 13:18:52 128770
Back in 2017 I was at teens mental hospital, there was this girl who was into me. Year younger, after we got out - we met once at the beach and spend time there but she commited suicide.

I found this Russian girl on HelloTalk (it's type of app where you teach each others your own languages) in 2019. We talked for years but I wanted to end things because she lied about her age and other stuff. She was very obssessive stalker and she even reported me to local police and I had to explain myself to them :D during this time I lived with my mom so it was very fun try to explain to her why police is on to me.

Then I started daiting this Slavic girl. She was schizophrenic and disturbing, our relationship only lasted few months. Year later I found my current girlfriend from imageboard and we are happy together. I have been rejected once tho, back in 2021 when I asked for contact with a girl at my Russian class. She said "not now." but never gave it.
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 03:39:40 128839
>>127860 (OP)
Dude, you created humanism, malthusianism, multiculturalism and minority movements, and now you wonder why fucking machines (women) have any rights to say no.
УАААААААААААА ССАТЬ ХОЧУУУУУУУУУУ! Anonymous  08/09/24 Вск 13:11:50 128802 Ответ
0N5h4P0IbRM.jpg 664Кб, 2560x1707
How you enter new capcha? Anonymous  06/03/24 Срд 11:24:22 124530 Ответ
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How you enter new capcha?
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Anonymous  26/04/24 Птн 16:38:41 125932
In Linux Mint 23.1, I tried and I didn't worked. It even had Russian (Ukraine).
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 12:55:25 125938
image.png 15Кб, 515x213
It's easy: Google Translate gives you an onscreen Cyrillic keyboard and you just click the funny runes.
Anonymous  27/04/24 Суб 16:07:05 125945
Russian "Н": #just exists#
Anglo-Saxson in his head: Ashhhhhh... look, it's Ashhhhhh
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 01:41:36 125972
Anonymous  08/09/24 Вск 09:53:57 128801
In South Africa we have a pork sausage and we call these sausages "Russians", but nobody knows how t Anonymous  20/03/24 Срд 13:14:03 124769 Ответ
Screenshot-2021[...].png 746Кб, 829x558
In South Africa we have a pork sausage and we call these sausages "Russians", but nobody knows how they got that name. They are very delicious though
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Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 22:18:48 125053
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kolbasa-vareno-[...].webp 98Кб, 2040x1467
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Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 01:39:52 125247
16707305737900.webm 1186Кб, 600x466, 00:00:07
>It turns out the flames of hell that burn around us give meat an excellent taste and quality. And salty tears makes it extra juicy
This is one of the best commercials I've ever seen.
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 12:54:21 125300
R (90).jpg 423Кб, 1200x615
One last amusing bit of information is that we have these REALLY cheap cigarettes called Remington Gold that come from Zimbabwe (infact, these are the number one cigarettes that get smuggled into this country, Because they can be sold at a great markup in this country. Cigarette smuggling and bootlegging is a HUGE industry in this country). They cost around R20 for a pack of twenty, which means they are R1 (5 Rubles) per cigarette.
There is a little joke in this country that these cigarettes taste like 'Russian' sausages. So technically you can have cigarettes for breakfast if you like to eat sausages in the morning. They are so disgusting that I would not let my worst enemy take one from me if he saw I had a pack and asked for them.
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 12:51:33 125894
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 20:53:35 128761
>>124769 (OP)
>In South Africa we have a pork sausage and we call these sausages "Russians", but nobody knows how they got that name
Its because of ukrainians are russians.
My handwriting improves or nah? Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 11:08:37 122694 Ответ
0c2e4962-7565-4[...].jpg 3205Кб, 3000x4000
My handwriting improves or nah?
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Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 14:43:27 128481
Anonymous  26/08/24 Пнд 20:56:23 128487
>>122694 (OP)
While there are some mistakes (like "of Russia" written as Росси instead of России, and задание(task) ibstead of здание(building) etc etc), your handwriting is readable, and better than mine. Your most glaring problem is "a", you very often dont finish full circle turning it into "и".
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 19:09:34 128525
>>122694 (OP)
Not bad, I understood every word here. Only the word "исторический" caused me some troubles in recognizing it. Have more practice in handwriting complex words like "исторический", write more topics and etc.
One good thing is that your handwriting is easy to read and recognize, try to preserve this style, just write letters in one size, now they look very sloppy, like from 3rd grader, but overall style is simple and readable, so you are on the right way.
02/09/24 Пнд 23:36:28 128671
Этот аккаунт в Twitter много чего плохого говорил о России и Кремле.
Ругательные тексты уже удалены, но до недавнего времени она говорила много плохого о России.
Пожалуйста, взломайте этот аккаунт и накажите его, взломав

Anonymous  03/09/24 Втр 16:01:23 128687
Why do Russians talk like this? Anonymous  16/10/23 Пнд 18:09:09 121188 Ответ
Russian ASMR Be[...].mp4 2761Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:21
Russian ASMR ca[...].mp4 3054Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:15
Why do Russians talk like this?
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Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 09:12:12 128246
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 20:48:02 128258
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 20:49:08 128259
I think anglos deserved the fate of roman empire - decay and oblivion.
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 20:51:02 128260
Average germanized, brainwashed by gebbels propaganda pshek
Anonymous  02/09/24 Пнд 13:26:44 128658
Да, большинство пользователей здесь - славяне или иммигранты из славянских стран, несмотря на их IP-адреса.
I want 2006 back, it was so cool Anonymous  03/11/23 Птн 23:23:32 121766 Ответ
содомиты.mp4 2039Кб, 640x352, 00:00:29
Give me back my 2006
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 12:22:57 125509
>>121766 (OP)
man was just looking for some booty regardless of whose
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 09:26:32 128609
who is she? Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 20:56:02 127364 Ответ
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who is she?
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 00:48:26 127465
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 03:16:36 127469
Anonymous  15/07/24 Пнд 03:19:17 127470
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 19:40:46 128562
Anyway. It’s a matter of idle interest. One time I was watching YouTube and there was a comment unde Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 15:17:04 127684 Ответ
17203450580953.jpg 442Кб, 1018x1019
Anyway. It’s a matter of idle interest.
One time I was watching YouTube and there was a comment under one of the videos that there’s all this weird shit going on in Florida.
I’ve been looking through the Florida news for the last month, but the concentration of something unusual has not surprised me.
The question is, is Florida some kind of crazy state or did that dude write something stupid?
If Florida is the most common state, which one does it fall under the definition of a state where there’s always some shit going on? Is there any of that?
Anonymous  29/08/24 Чтв 12:39:57 128550
>>127684 (OP)
Not American, but Florida is in fact known for being a hotspot of crazies. For a while it's been a meme in the english-speaking net, look up Florida Man on wikipedia.
The state, as far as i know (few friends are from southern USA) is either filled with cocaine-sniffing rich kids, tourists of Miami and similar coastal cities and bog dwelling meth addicted rednecks in trailer parks, tons of blacks and cubans all around
did you know that name of ukrainian country украина (ukraina) was literally taken from polish fraze 25/08/24 Вск 00:14:59 128445 Ответ
Screenshot20240[...].jpg 77Кб, 1080x608
did you know that name of ukrainian country украина (ukraina)
was literally taken from polish fraze "u kraja rzeczpospolitej"
(near the edge of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). that means that ukrainians couldn't even come up with a proper name of their own country and had to stole it from polish language?
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Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 02:23:25 128452
>>128445 (OP)
>"u kraja rzeczpospolitej"
Polish lies. The name Ukraine is derived from Russian words "u kraja rossiji", or "Okrajina" (Which translates from Russian as borderland)

Ukrainians couldn't come up with a name for their own country, so they used the Russian language to do it.
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 02:33:59 128453
image.png 43Кб, 200x200
Too bad all Ukrainians are dead so they won't be able to appreciate this meme holy war thread.
25/08/24 Вск 09:36:58 128464
i'm sorry to say that, first time when
the name "Ukraine" was officially used was during the times of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1590 in the title of the Sejm constitution drafted by Jan Zamoyski: Porządek ze strony Niżowców i Ukrainy (Order from the Side of the Lowlands and Ukraine), so as you can see, the name was clearly invented by poles. (ukrainians first started to indetyficate as a a separate nation in half of XIX century by the way)
25/08/24 Вск 09:41:55 128466
>>128453 they don't exist bro, they're mix of russians, poles and stinky cosssacks
25/08/24 Вск 17:05:47 128468
Captcha in Russian language is discrimination. Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 16:08:58 125186 Ответ
FwuDOYMaUAIjL0K.jpg 137Кб, 772x1024
Captcha in Russian language is discrimination.
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Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 02:52:20 126476
Captura de ecrã[...].png 56Кб, 1126x642
I get worse captchas here than this example - basic/novice tier
Anonymous  22/06/24 Суб 18:39:52 126923
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Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 17:25:13 128381
Да, капча должна быть демократичной, свободной и всеобщей. Как математика, верно?
Anonymous  24/08/24 Суб 10:13:54 128422
I don't understand why all of LACNIC is blocked from posting, even on /int/
It has been so since the first time I tried posting here 10+ years ago with a few exceptions
She used to be an escort
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 02:35:21 128454

>She used to be an escort
Where is this information coming from?
Australia speaks and shows. https://www.tiktok.com/@canthinky/video/7248884406947941639 https://ww Anonymous  16/09/23 Суб 16:13:23 120333 Ответ
images (2).jpeg 33Кб, 662x463
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Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 16:02:24 125185
Anonymous  21/05/24 Втр 07:43:32 126429
Anonymous  31/05/24 Птн 13:24:20 126634
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 03:50:13 128366
Видео недоступно.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 17:08:56 128378
Гагарин летал, сисек не видал.
Say something nice about the Finnish prime minister. She's on TV right now with the other leaders of Anonymous  15/03/23 Срд 21:18:22 113373 Ответ
marin jigsaw.jpg 84Кб, 488x473
Say something nice about the Finnish prime minister. She's on TV right now with the other leaders of our political parties. Elections coming up soon.
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Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 16:29:15 128306
They are good.
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 12:57:04 128321
>>113373 (OP)
She is totally built for BWC, but I don't understand why this fertile female was elected president of the mongolian country.
Anonymous  21/08/24 Срд 20:52:04 128338
>>113373 (OP)
I can't say anything nice about it. That bitch is supplying weapons to kill our children.
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 02:04:11 128363
What is this ongoing tendency of giving women the position of president/PM in these (((democratic))) countries?

I was talking to a mate about this. He insists that its a humiliation ritual done by the CIA to give their vassals as weak of a leadership as possible.

Though I personally think it has more to do with emasculated males voting them in because yas queen slay! so tolerant much diversity!
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 11:22:11 128367
image.png 159Кб, 838x505
What can one buy for 100 ruble in Poccnr? Anonymous  07/09/23 Чтв 10:10:42 120119 Ответ
image.png 29Кб, 741x326
What can one buy for 100 ruble in Poccnr?
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Anonymous  12/11/23 Вск 19:41:16 121963
image.png 500Кб, 1262x853
>>120119 (OP)
Add 1 ruble and you can buy a kilogram of chicken legs directly from the poultry farm (without intermediaries). Unless, of course, you're (un)lucky enough to live near it. Because poultry farms are located in the deepest and farthest shitholes of Russia.
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 00:41:57 121968
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 00:46:23 121969
Я б поспорил. Двачер он и в Африке двачер.
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 18:05:50 128327
Качество медицины в России зависит от региона. В целом, качество хорошее. Доступ к медицине бесплатный или общественный, что не означает, что качество такое же, как в других странах. Статистика может быть сфальсифицирована, так как никто не будет судить гегемона. В России по-прежнему бесплатное образование.
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 19:47:21 128328
Пошел нахуй.

Постер посылает вас нахуй.
Russia offering visas to foreigners fed up with western degeneracy Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 09:59:53 128312 Ответ
dwdwa.png 104Кб, 734x1099

Realistically, why are they doing this?

Will they be sent to fight in the war?

Spy recruitment? Maybe they will be used to make propaganda videos about how "bad" the west is?

I can't see how a non-Russian speaker will be able to create a life for himself unless they have a WFH job.
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 12:44:30 128316
Wanna rename Helsinki to Helsingfors?
21/08/24 Срд 11:53:29 128333
Хотели бы полизать асфальт на парковке Walmarta? Anonymous  # OP 30/10/23 Пнд 02:19:38 121601 Ответ
image.png 329Кб, 348x549
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Anonymous  11/11/23 Суб 16:29:09 121924
You are wrong, watch the full video. He did that seriously.
Anonymous  11/11/23 Суб 16:35:16 121925
Это всё нейросети, не верю.
Anonymous  11/11/23 Суб 16:47:55 121926
Having landed in the best country of the world, you'd like to lick the ground.
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 22:38:36 122258
Может быть.
Anonymous  19/08/24 Пнд 15:58:32 128305
Ты не прав, посмотри полное видео. Он сделал это всерьёз.
Cats. Do you have one? Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 03:10:43 122203 Ответ
d414ceeda820f2a[...].webp 24Кб, 594x358
Я не пытаюсь быть грубым. Я ищу честный ответ. Действительно ли русские говорят кошкам "KcccccKcccccKccccc"? Я нахожу это очень забавным, как любитель Пккккпккпккпккккккк
Подпись: Канада
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Пропущено 5 постов, 2 с картинками.
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 18:10:27 122245
We say KsKsKsKsKsKsKsKsKsKs when we want to call the cat, it's true. And what's amazing is that cats respond very well to it.
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 23:07:22 122261
>>122203 (OP)
They respond well to both calls, I tested it long time ago, it does not even need cat to be accustomed to specific one. Maybe it reminds them rodent sounds in both cases.
As >>122245 said, it sounds more like more ksksksksks, looks hard to say but not that hard with little practice. It is written as "kis-kis-kis" and is associated with word "kiska", kitty.
Pspspspsps sound to a russian ear equally funny as ksksksksks to you, for us it is an offer/compulsion to urinate, each russian heard this from his mom in his very young years.
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 01:54:40 122284
>Pspspspsps sound to a russian ear equally funny as ksksksksks to you, for us it is an offer/compulsion to urinate, each russian heard this from his mom in his very young years.
also In english, they use the word piss
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 05:13:20 124986
>>122203 (OP)
пcccccпcccccпccccc*извините. программное обеспечение для перевода плохое.
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 11:50:13 124995
1.mp4 3384Кб, 360x640, 00:00:11
take me back to 1995-2001 Moscow Anonymous  15/03/24 Птн 20:50:05 124647 Ответ
ScooterinMoscow[...].jpg 33Кб, 500x375
take me back to 1995-2001 Moscow
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Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 15:43:10 128090
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 13:04:39 128154
>a nice round square with a monument
>but you can go there, no pedestrian access, everything is car centric
15/08/24 Чтв 15:49:46 128219
Всё по делу, как всегда и было у Ильича
Anonymous  16/08/24 Птн 01:50:40 128233
image.png 512Кб, 591x395
Anonymous  17/08/24 Суб 23:35:19 128262
Yes, and this reason is that it was in big cities that rich people lived, which in Russia, due to the climate and geography, were significantly fewer than in Europe
Hello Finns! How do you feel about other Finno-Ugric peoples, including those living in Russia? Anonymous  28/02/18 Срд 01:37:51 29041 Ответ
FlagofFinland.png 0Кб, 250x153
Hello Finns! How do you feel about other Finno-Ugric peoples, including those living in Russia?
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Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 19:07:23 128095
To add to this I also stied bit of few Balto-Finnic languages from internet but never to high level. However I know enough Karelian to understand 99% of Karelian texts for example. Minä vägän pagizen livvikse :)
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 05:52:21 128106
>social anxiety
>knowledge of useless hieroglyphics
>thinks he's anonymous
Yeah, you're a real 2cher, I'm proud of you

>I also heard that Russia is treating them better now but idk if that's true.
What do you mean better? So you seriously think they're being oppressed here like the Uighurs? IS THAT REALLY YOUR WORLDVIEW?:D
The languages of the peoples of the indigenous republics are state languages, i.e. equal to Russian (see the list of state languages of the Russian Federation). The same is true for culture; money is allocated for the development of republican culture from the republic's budget, which comes directly from Moscow.
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 11:38:08 128117
Tldr, are you turkic finno-ugric femboy?
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 17:29:39 128121
>What do you mean better?
Better opportunies to study their culture and language.
>So you seriously think they're being oppressed here like the Uighurs?
Nah, I meant more like during Soviet times the forced Russification. And also less stigma around being ethnic minority as in before even in the 2000s many ethnic minorities changed their ethnicity from Veps to Russian (for example). Overall I dont think Russia treats that badly these minorities.

When I was in senior high school few years ago, we had a girl from Karelia. She spoke almost perfect Finnish just by learning it at school since in Karelia you either pick Karelian or Finnish. So yeah, it was very impressive. Her Finnish was better that her cousin's who was in my class too despite him living in Finland for years. Obviously I dont think all minorities learn to speak that well the language since there are limited possibilities to use them (for example read books, watch tv shows or listen music) compared to Russian or any other language.

And I do also know since I studied Karelian (Livvi dialect) that they relase few times a week News from Russia One TV (if I remember correctly) news in Karelian, Vepsian and Finnish. On top of this I am aware of Oma Mua -newspaper which is owned by state owned company Periodika and I sometimes watch the news in Karelian from Youtube. They from time to time tell about new books published in Karelian. And new learning books in Karelian for kids. I do believe the identiteties have gotten stroinger among the ethnic tribes since 2021 but again this is just me guessing.

Obviously I think that they could focus even more but again you could always do better. Here in Finland we have Sami people, who are native to the northern Finland and neighbouring countries. There is shortage of teachers with Sami knowledge which is obviously problem when it comes to future Sami kids and their culture but I actually hate them so I dont really care about that. Just observation. Anyways I hope you got my answer and what you were loooking for.
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 17:31:15 128122
I am not a femboy and I have no interest in crossdressing. Good luck tho hopefully you find what you want anon.
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