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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
Welcome to Russian /Int/ernational board ## Mod ## 09/10/16 Вск 18:32:39 616 Ответ
127Кб, 495x333

Welcome to Russian /Int/.

There are no limits and you can post anything that does not breach the Russian law. Please, post in English, so we can understand each other well. Please, abstain from using this board as your file hosting. Due to ban on suicide methods, child pornography, homosexual content and discrediting of the Russian armed forces in Russia, please refrain from posting materials containing any of the above. It is also not recommended to post NSFW material here such as guro and sexual perversions of any kind, you were warned.



Thank you for your attention.

/intpol/ General Anonymous  28/12/23 Чтв 23:50:58 123465 Ответ
war.webm 7968Кб, 960x720, 00:00:19
afgan.webm 16209Кб, 576x432, 00:05:14
g.mp4 10056Кб, 432x828, 00:00:49
svoboda.mp4 2495Кб, 898x720, 00:00:10
A thread related to discussing politics.

Russian/Ukrainian languages (these belong to /po), NSFW content and discrediting the armed forces of Russia are forbidden ITT, also refrain from posting this stuff elsewhere.

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Пропущено 495 постов, 298 с картинками.
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 03:07:10 128960
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 13:16:26 128963
image.png 358Кб, 480x600
It's fine, I post in riddles because I'm intellectually unchallenged. I think we're in agreement: the current situation is more like the early Cold War of the Berlin Crisis and the Korean War, yknow the 1950s with Trump's old m8 Roy Cohn aggressively hunting bumboys in the US Congress. We're still figuring out the rules so it's dangerous times until we have a Caribbean Crisis.

>What could possibly be wrong with them?
They are made by the Chinese as monkey models designed for export. The wiring is probably 90% aluminium and the guidance system is a pigeon in a box.

>the rate of escalation is directly related to the rate of destruction of Ukraine
And the destruction of Russians - this is how war works.

It's the absolutely last final ultimate Chinese warning. Again.
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 01:48:25 128967
e8e04b8e76430ee[...].jpg 87Кб, 762x529
{de62a208-8ed2-[...].jpg 133Кб, 746x600
48.JPG 227Кб, 1600x1200
They are designed in a town that literally makes dicks' ceramics.
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 15:28:58 128974
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 16:24:15 128975
Sorry, lots of work, not getting to reply properly.
In general, I will explain the essence without tinsel: prison culture in its peak form did not exist until the 90s. And if it existed, it existed only in its infancy, i.e. it was limited to the prison. In the 90s, having got rid of the oppression of Soviet information control, the cons started to drag their culture into ordinary life, singing songs, painting pictures and doing other shit, this culture became known as A.U.E. for short. Your pictures either show the accomplishments of a military service arrestee (pilot in Afghanistan) or, Nazi and nationalist shit that has nothing to do with AUE. AUE tattoos are a reflection of a prisoner's status, his crimes, and an informal language of communication with other prisoners. The prominent representatives of this subculture were the gopniks. Gopniks themselves had already almost disappeared from the streets in 2003, according to one amateur ironic documentary from 2004, and the AUE subculture finally died at the beginning of the tenth years and was finally banned (and equated to terrorist-extremist) in 2020 for safety.
/colony/ General Anonymous  28/12/23 Чтв 23:57:05 123466 Ответ
7ac.png 472Кб, 1779x887
Don't know where to go?

You can try make a small colony or else post links to any other international anonymous imageboard here.

Please don't spam your links in any other places and don't raid this board with many threads with a same subject matter otherwise it can and will be deleted.

List of indian chans for your convenience here (provided by PT-bro, 06/02/24)
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Пропущено 106 постов, 24 с картинками.
Anonymous  25/08/24 Вск 17:37:40 128469
Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 11:07:36 128496
Anonymous  28/08/24 Срд 01:03:01 128516
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 16:04:10 128752
Anonymous  !! 11/09/24 Срд 17:18:44 128900
jartywhore.png 138Кб, 431x702
check out me chan o algo
>arrow becuase i no look like that
Why sucky murica is so fucking sucks, man? Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 07:15:34 128712 Ответ
16990004986300.jpg 360Кб, 1000x667
Why sucky murica is so fucking sucks, man?
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Пропущено 5 постов, 4 с картинками.
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 06:46:40 128748
le zoomer face.jpg 161Кб, 575x712
Look at this pathetic shit: sucky murrican, gayropeans. Man this thread suck like sucky murica sucks.
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 12:35:57 128750
Yeah. I do think the reason for this Americanism is simply because kids don't really speak other foreign languages besides English so they get exposed to American youtube, videogames and overall internet from very young age. And there aren't that much content in Finnish (especially if you like some less common thing)

Even tho everyone have to study Swedish also no one actually knows Swedish well, this is because most people have attitude aganist Swedish language teaching. So barely anyone use it outside school. I also notice that many kids in bigger cities speak poorly on purpose because they like to larp immigrants. I heard this has happened in other European countries as well.

About this language issue was 2 news articles sometime ago. The first one was "Lauri Lassila noticed that some of his friends can no longer speak Finnish, even if they wanted to" and the second one was "Helsinki speech therapist: Giving a smart device to a baby can cause serious consequences." This last article was about young kids who could only speak youtube English and had serious interaction disorders and problems in speaking.
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 19:28:14 128759
Templars Need t[...].mp4 6397Кб, 640x360, 00:01:23
motajr.png 216Кб, 1326x629
motajr2.png 757Кб, 696x888
what? Every Finn is obligated to study Swedish because of Swedish speakers in Finland like gaylord Linus Torvalds. very cuck. imagine every Portuguese learning Astur-Leonese variant from here because of 4k boomers in NE continental Portugal.

English is the lingua franca since mid 20th century and USA isn't the solely responsible for that - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_as_a_lingua_franca#Globalization,_geopolitics_and_ELF . If you lived to learn French like my parents did in high school and university studies, are you gonna blame France, Haiti and francophone parts of Canada? USA isn't for blame for the small populations of our country not producing some quality and updated tier content.

We suffer the same thing from English and Brazilian content creators where children instead learn Brazilian Portuguese and other start mixing Portuguese with English
>I also notice that many kids in bigger cities speak poorly on purpose because they like to larp immigrants. I heard this has happened in other European countries as well.
There was even an ethnic Portuguese rapper that lived in the same conditions with subsaharian and subsaharian mullatoes and started rapping in Cape Verdian Creole. He got fucked - was set up, taken hostage, killed and corpse eaten by khokols wild boars in Lisbon Metropolitan Area.
Anonymous  07/09/24 Суб 13:51:51 128771
In 1968 new law of the education system come and in this one foreign language and another domestic language became mandatory. The reason for this is that Finland has always been bilingual country to the least, the higher rank people always spoke Swedish (and later Russian) but the Finnish language has been seen as peasant language and even to this day the Finns who speak Swedish are seen more rich and successful. Of course there is no reason to study Swedish anymore so idk why this is still a thing. At school Swedish teachers often say "you can learn more languages if you understand Swedish" "no one nows if they find love in Sweden" or other bullshit. If you want to get uni degree you also have to pass "official Swedish" :D waste of resources and what not so very happy to see that more and more kids boycott this language

>If you lived to learn French like my parents did in high school and university studies, are you gonna blame France, Haiti and francophone parts of Canada?
No because back in the days this type of content wasnt avaible and also because France is a real country. It wasn't possible to rot your brain like it is nowdays, and what it comes to our parents and grandparents they couldn't watch 24/7 content in languages they studied, they didn't have this fast short content flow. The problem itself is not language, I wouldn't be aganist English so much if the situation was like in 1900s.

The problem is that because of internet, people's ability read text with context, understand what type of the text is and if it is serious or not is so bad. I truly believe all these content comes originally from the USA. For example LGBT, native rights and other shit that doesn't apply here. People see something in the USA, they copy it and parrot it. The same thing doesn't happen with other countries. English is the only language that affects.

The problem with USA is that USA is solely created for that purpose. To brain rot people, to destoy everything. France is for French nation, study of actual culture not this man-made thing that we supposed to act like it is country of people. I do blame every country in the Americas for this. Natives are destoyed and there is left this Satanism.

The USA is the country of Satanic elite. This is not a joke or funny thing really. You listen any American music, watch film or so and you can list Satanic symbolism, words and movements. I watch lot of foreign films and nowhere I have seen such satanism as in the American filmography. The way English is spelled is one thing too (this ablied to French too)

The USA has made a deal with aliens in 1800s. Since that time they offer humans, animals, land everythig to get technology. This is the technology we use and it is from the satanic USA originally. Copy and paste. So yeah we can blame a country for bad enterteiment.
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 15:22:08 128973
16986009921010.mp4 1190Кб, 400x360, 00:00:14
>>128712 (OP)
The russian bear is smarter then nigger shitskin american monkeys

Poland now is ruled by pidors. It just to be ruled by based PiS. Not anymore ... Anonymous  07/09/24 Суб 16:31:02 128780 Ответ
172571466866943[...].jpg 177Кб, 1280x1018
Poland now is ruled by pidors. It just to be ruled by based PiS. Not anymore ...
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Пропущено 7 постов, 6 с картинками.
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 19:00:05 128903
it's nothing but liberals and russian shills. absolutely fucked and unelectable
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 20:49:44 128905
Yes, vote for them. Just for lulz. All Polish elections are controlled from the US anyway.
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 21:21:25 128908
not a chance. i would consider rn if they left that circus and russia lovers behind
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 22:56:02 128912
>it's nothing but liberals and russian shills
and that's why I am voting them [cool][czesc]
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 15:19:44 128972
17254543890790.mp4 1068Кб, 576x478, 00:00:09
17254229495190.webm 1053Кб, 480x850, 00:00:08
17160423449900.webm 5590Кб, 1280x720, 00:01:39
17064443963462.webm 6041Кб, 1920x1080, 00:00:53
&gt;привет из норвегии Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 23:44:55 128881 Ответ
19849 - SoyBooru.png 30Кб, 1500x1500
>привет из норвегии
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 20:51:15 128907
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 21:55:09 128909
Why you two different writing systems that are official?
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 15:16:49 128971
>>128881 (OP)
Ты чё нелехал или релокант? Признавайся сучка
Poland Anonymous  13/07/23 Чтв 21:25:19 117237 Ответ
FlagofPoland.svg.png 0Кб, 1200x750
Why are they so butthurt all the time?
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Пропущено 74 постов, 30 с картинками.
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 19:25:20 128868
maxresdefault.jpg 186Кб, 1280x720
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 21:43:00 128875
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 00:20:10 128966
because slavs, slavic = trash, all slavic the poor, the hater (the angry&racist), and the criminals, literally a mixture gypsies&jews mindset
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 05:57:16 128969
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 11:59:52 128970
Быстрая помощь нужна! Помогите пожалуйста! Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 20:10:40 128007 Ответ
Screenshot20240[...].jpg 470Кб, 1080x1201
20240809190721.jpg 3719Кб, 4080x3060
Привет всем!
Я мед сестра Софија и работаю на одной от многих не-государственыих клиник в Сербии и тоже учусь на факультете одновременно.
Зарплата неплохая, босс, конечно - пиздулыщик (знаю что такое слово не существует, но также знаю как его описать по другому.)
Ну, смотрите: у нас есть один пациент - на Онкоурологической части нашей клиники, который работал, лечился и живёт постоянно в России.
У меня прадедушка был русским, и всё в клинке знают что я по русскому языку говорить могу...
Ну - проблем в этом - что у меня есть теперь задание- чтобы я перевела один медицинский доклад/отчёт/документ - а я русский язык чуть-чуть, когда читаю книжки могу поймёт! Уровень моего русского языка- только.... общительный- можно сказать.
Самый документ Я почти совсем понимаю - но есть каких-то медицинских слов, фразы и других Профессионализмов - которое для меня - совсем непонятный....
Скажите мне, пожалуйста, где бы я могла найти другие медицинские работнике и специалисты здравоохранения - которой бы могли мне помочь перевести эту КОШМАРНУЮ бумажку? Мне только с немножко слов надо помочь...
Спасибо Вам!
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4 с картинками.
Пропущено 15 постов, 4 с картинками.
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 00:56:33 128957
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 01:15:46 128958
20240913001246.jpg 1448Кб, 4000x1800
"WR100M" Теперь можешь купить такой же
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 01:41:03 128959
мы не братья, никогда не были, и никогда не будем, убирайтесь нахрен из Белграда, чертовы пидорасы
13/09/24 Птн 13:52:52 128964
а кто тебе брат, додиq?
Anonymous  14/09/24 Суб 05:55:29 128968
Бошняк, спокойно.
Versatile Master thread Anonymous  24/07/24 Срд 14:42:10 127713 Ответ
wszechstronny m[...].webm 10633Кб, 852x480, 00:00:49
Versatile Master thread
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Пропущено 48 постов, 20 с картинками.
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 20:50:47 128906
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 22:54:33 128911
krzysiek, smród hukinolu nie przeszkadza w ćwieczeniach na rozjebanie postawy?
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 00:00:40 128915
no płatne, skoro kapcie są tak pojebane że się ich nie da rozwiązać albo cała Polska jest zbanowana więc jak najbardziej forczan jest płatny
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 12:03:46 128962
>kapcie są tak pojebane że się ich nie da rozwiązać
czyli trafiłem, to musi być fajfer
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 21:33:34 128965
rozwiązanie kap czy na czworczanie to jest jakieś odmęt szaleństwa
I want to fuck her so hard that she starts begging me to send troops into her like in 45 Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 20:52:27 128871 Ответ
1725990714495.jpg 104Кб, 800x1200
I want to fuck her so hard that she starts begging me to send troops into her like in 45
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 20:58:00 128872
1725991048198.jpg 46Кб, 534x800
Imagine how loud she will scream when I pound her pussy and call her hungrig deutsche hure.
Anonymous  13/09/24 Птн 10:11:52 128961
Подрыв Устоев Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 17:47:07 128925 Ответ
image.png 526Кб, 859x726
image.png 363Кб, 539x531
На пресловутых дебатах Кумала смешно похихикала над Трампыней. Типо Тримп дурак, выдумывает что нелегалы-понаехи крадут и жрут домашних животных.

однака оказалось...

Springfield OH - гарадишка на 60 тыщ, куда компактно поселили 15 тыщ гаитянских быдло-беженцев. Которые натурально Voodoo People. Которые риальна жрут чорных кошек ночью на кладбище, чтоб обрести СИЛУ.

Журналисты-блогеры массово ломанулись туда посмореть, и уже получили полицейское видео как чорная баба убивает и жрет чорново кота
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 21:54:53 128944
>>128925 (OP)
Слышишь, говно, иди хуячь ксилазин, пока не отгниют твои ёбанные ноги, одна за другой.
Question to Polish anons Anonymous  27/08/24 Втр 12:41:53 128497 Ответ
1646303427687.png 1842Кб, 1316x775
1592997814323.png 1524Кб, 1280x854
Why doesn't Warsaw demolish this building? Isn't it associated with occupation, totalitarianism, Stalin, Russians?
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Пропущено 9 постов, 5 с картинками.
Anonymous  30/08/24 Птн 14:55:53 128584
HolPałacuMłodzi[...].jpg 216Кб, 1280x900
it would be just as out of place anywhere else in europe, are you trying to contest that?
it is a monument to the khazarian people, it's even got star of soviet in the main halls
Anonymous  31/08/24 Суб 05:39:59 128608
warszawa 2009 v[...].mp4 10586Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:24
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 09:03:48 128713
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 23:02:03 128913
>>128497 (OP)
still a part of our history, also I like it
also if we would have to demolish all of the communist buildings then the great majority of Poles would become homeless
following that logic lets demolish all the post-german buildings also
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 15:16:20 128922
webm mp4 Anonymous  21/07/23 Птн 18:46:46 117377 Ответ
7845778.mp4 16801Кб, 640x480, 00:01:59
webm mp4
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Пропущено 280 постов, 228 с картинками.
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 19:24:37 128854
Z6IdRyG35y9pc1O.mp4 5455Кб, 480x720, 00:00:53
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 01:13:47 128861
1725915315636143.mp4 2296Кб, 360x668, 00:00:37
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 05:22:50 128862
I think it's just a troll).
What is the backstory and implications?
Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 01:41:48 128886
desxet.png 57Кб, 845x307
Anonymous  12/09/24 Чтв 11:44:54 128920
videoplayback ([...].mp4 8546Кб, 640x360, 00:01:41
How easy and unexpected it is to lose touch with reality just because the assholinium molecule in your brain has entered the interaction phase with the pidorphine receptor. Interesting, thanks for the Russian link.
Best yli /int/ poster here ama Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 16:09:20 128899 Ответ
q8vae0msnew41.png 1046Кб, 2000x3000
Best yli /int/ poster here ama
Zerranosky Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 00:15:14 128882 Ответ
448443399834113[...].jpg 213Кб, 946x2048
448837211838203[...].jpg 693Кб, 1817x2048
448232482832420[...].jpg 116Кб, 946x2048
448253038832999[...].jpg 121Кб, 960x1226
Hello internationals anons. I have a strange hobbi — collect interesting posters Anonymous  25/10/21 Пнд 13:38:54 88826 Ответ
15188756304882.jpg 1171Кб, 2304x1273
3uUvvUjngCU.jpg 407Кб, 728x1080
80ac179eefff50b[...].jpg 1966Кб, 2500x2508
15122431686890.jpg 270Кб, 1000x1210
Hello internationals anons.

I have a strange hobbi — collect interesting posters or something that, idk what right its calling. I wondering print it on paper and stick on my walls on room but its just dream :c

If you have posters like this, please, post it in my thread.
Or, if you too like it, you may take it too.

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138 с картинками.
Пропущено 201 постов, 138 с картинками.
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 03:42:20 128270
Anonymous  18/08/24 Вск 19:30:00 128279
Anonymous  20/08/24 Втр 22:59:54 128330
308135814f1e27c[...].jpg 8Кб, 141x213
100.jpg 1252Кб, 3534x4704
nXE2du8aYUk.jpg 238Кб, 751x807
16879968377363.png 341Кб, 448x600
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 14:24:52 128864
0IFyp4GQgzw.jpg 456Кб, 800x1200
Anonymous  10/09/24 Втр 14:33:01 128865
prtOMyClkRo.jpg 1887Кб, 1440x2160
ehVpxOhNqsI.jpg 1744Кб, 1417x1985
FYckf0RWfJY.jpg 1112Кб, 1616x2160
-G0QuIjc43E.jpg 974Кб, 1164x1727
Bump 2x
Foreigners, what's your favourite russian TV series and movies? Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 09:32:19 127956 Ответ
download.jpg 8Кб, 175x288
Foreigners, what's your favourite russian TV series and movies?
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3 с картинками.
Пропущено 19 постов, 3 с картинками.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 15:28:47 128161
Yes, a season two has been announced, and it's definitely coming.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 23:30:22 128181
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 22:04:34 128200
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 15:47:50 128848
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 20:53:49 128855
Green Elephant.
Dating in your country Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 22:48:28 127860 Ответ
186928055bdf596[...].jpg 94Кб, 1024x775
As you will see from my country flag, I am an American. I have been trying to date women for nine years and have only ever had one girlfriend. I have been turned down on nearly 20 times, 18 times just "No", one "I am a lesbian, actually" and one that was along the lines of "Ew, no". Probably could be something to do with me or the state of women in the country right now, I am not one to judge.

This is all with girls who were born in the U.S.

How is dating in your country? Any better?
Anonymous  23/08/24 Птн 18:30:25 128384
>>127860 (OP)
i guess it is better in Russia, but it became worse here too. Yet you still can see a lot of ugly dudes with beautiful Slavic women
Anonymous  07/09/24 Суб 13:18:52 128770
Back in 2017 I was at teens mental hospital, there was this girl who was into me. Year younger, after we got out - we met once at the beach and spend time there but she commited suicide.

I found this Russian girl on HelloTalk (it's type of app where you teach each others your own languages) in 2019. We talked for years but I wanted to end things because she lied about her age and other stuff. She was very obssessive stalker and she even reported me to local police and I had to explain myself to them :D during this time I lived with my mom so it was very fun try to explain to her why police is on to me.

Then I started daiting this Slavic girl. She was schizophrenic and disturbing, our relationship only lasted few months. Year later I found my current girlfriend from imageboard and we are happy together. I have been rejected once tho, back in 2021 when I asked for contact with a girl at my Russian class. She said "not now." but never gave it.
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 03:39:40 128839
>>127860 (OP)
Dude, you created humanism, malthusianism, multiculturalism and minority movements, and now you wonder why fucking machines (women) have any rights to say no.
Please give videos where Poles are angry and swearing. Anonymous  25/01/23 Срд 12:54:14 110275 Ответ
лес заебали.MP4 9031Кб, 608x848, 00:01:04
image.png 17Кб, 1200x750
Please give videos where Poles are angry and swearing.
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Пропущено 154 постов, 86 с картинками.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 04:48:50 128708
Russia simply needs more manpower, at least 200 millions on total, huge political worldcrisis and yes - if NATO would use its full potential Russia won't be able to conquer Poland. Also Russians don't perceive Poland same way as Ukraine, so Poland isn't #1 on Russian list. It will take at least few years of propaganda to make people like war with Poland.
Anonymous  04/09/24 Срд 14:49:30 128719
kalisz.mp4 1052Кб, 352x640, 00:00:15
Anonymous  06/09/24 Птн 19:40:12 128760
172562794619243[...].webm 2613Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:12
Anonymous  07/09/24 Суб 02:13:51 128765
Anonymous  08/09/24 Вск 15:14:18 128803
! Двач @dvachan[...].mp4 8798Кб, 540x960, 00:00:59
УАААААААААААА ССАТЬ ХОЧУУУУУУУУУУ! Anonymous  08/09/24 Вск 13:11:50 128802 Ответ
0N5h4P0IbRM.jpg 664Кб, 2560x1707
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