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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
Welcome to Russian /Int/ernational board ## Mod ## 09/10/16 Вск 18:32:39 616 Ответ
127Кб, 495x333

Welcome to Russian /Int/.

There are no limits and you can post anything that does not breach the Russian law. Please, post in English, so we can understand each other well. Please, abstain from using this board as your file hosting. Due to ban on suicide methods, child pornography, homosexual content and discrediting of the Russian armed forces in Russia, please refrain from posting materials containing any of the above. It is also not recommended to post NSFW material here such as guro and sexual perversions of any kind, you were warned.



Thank you for your attention.

/intpol/ General Anonymous  28/12/23 Чтв 23:50:58 123465 Ответ
war.webm 7968Кб, 960x720, 00:00:19
afgan.webm 16209Кб, 576x432, 00:05:14
g.mp4 10056Кб, 432x828, 00:00:49
svoboda.mp4 2495Кб, 898x720, 00:00:10
A thread related to discussing politics.

Russian/Ukrainian languages (these belong to /po), NSFW content and discrediting the armed forces of Russia are forbidden ITT, also refrain from posting this stuff elsewhere.

Пропущено 295 постов
295 с картинками.
Пропущено 495 постов, 295 с картинками.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 11:36:19 132477
There would be a lot more war since traditionally there were a lot more war.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 11:53:38 132478
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 15:01:48 132479
image.png 19Кб, 440x218
"Ukraine will not go for direct talks with Putin: the ban remains in force - Ukrainian Foreign Minister Sibiga.

He also said that Kiev will not make concessions on NATO membership during peace talks.

Note to self."

Anonymous  16/01/25 Чтв 22:52:56 132486
Anonymous  17/01/25 Птн 00:44:33 132487
ytrussian.png 503Кб, 867x853
/colony/ General Anonymous  28/12/23 Чтв 23:57:05 123466 Ответ
7ac.png 472Кб, 1779x887
Don't know where to go?

You can try make a small colony or else post links to any other international anonymous imageboard here.

Please don't spam your links in any other places and don't raid this board with many threads with a same subject matter otherwise it can and will be deleted.

List of indian chans for your convenience here (provided by PT-bro, 06/02/24)
Пропущено 34 постов
34 с картинками.
Пропущено 154 постов, 34 с картинками.
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 13:28:45 132198
>Mymy picrelated
> Japan flag
huh. fuck.
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 07:30:06 132223
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 02:17:30 132359
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 14:29:23 132438
96436 - SoyBooru.mp4 2630Кб, 672x1024, 00:00:09
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 14:33:00 132439
88209 - SoyBooru.mp4 2270Кб, 1024x1024, 00:00:08
I've thought for a very long time and I came to the conclusion that only U.S. can be a REAL country Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 01:14:07 132315 Ответ
images (1).jpeg 9Кб, 223x226
I've thought for a very long time and I came to the conclusion that only U.S. can be a REAL country. Other countries are shitholes.
>EU, faggot GULAG with kikes, sand niggers, slav scum.
>Latin America is shithole with machete and high inflation
>Asian countries just shitholes with rice niggers that can be used as cheap slaves
>Africa is god's crap
>Eastern europe is damned place. Niggers kill each other every fucking time cuz they can
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 13:31:02 132429
America is not the land of happiness and sunshine, all of those things can be found in the usa
Anonymous  17/01/25 Птн 01:20:38 132489
Why are Russian men dating Asian women these days so often? It was an exclusively North American tre Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 17:25:18 132240 Ответ
vid.mp4 12714Кб, 1080x1350, 00:00:58
172252409429554[...].webm 3928Кб, 576x1024, 00:01:29
image 195Кб, 1080x1350
Why are Russian men dating Asian women these days so often? It was an exclusively North American trend in 2010s but nowadays I see Russian males dating East and Southeast Asian women too often.

Are Russian women so bad these days?
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5 с картинками.
Пропущено 4 постов, 5 с картинками.
Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 22:21:43 132417
>>132240 (OP)
Because of shitty demographics we have next to no young women.
Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 22:51:29 132420
image 114Кб, 640x799
>Now u just have a tons of them in any big cities in russia
What ethnicity do they have? I heard there were many Koryo-saram women in Russia but very few Chinese
>I dated a kyrgiz girl during the pandemics, and a chinese exchange student lately
Who was better in bed?
Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 23:05:52 132421
image 377Кб, 2822x2417
>Because of shitty demographics we have next to no young women.
Thuth said. There are more young males than young females at the age of 18-32 in Russia. But after the age of 32, there are more females than males. Russia is a great country for dating milfs.
Anonymous  16/01/25 Чтв 10:15:13 132483
140837e0e65cc1b[...].jpg 47Кб, 550x734
>>132240 (OP)
>>Russian males dating East and Southeast Asian women too often

Those are women from Russia actually. Like the one on the pic. (From Buryatia) So why Russian men date women from Russia? IDK.

>>It was an exclusively North American trend in 2010s

LOL. PRussians do that since 0 AD.
Anonymous  17/01/25 Птн 01:03:27 132488
Marichkas creator doxxed Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 01:00:33 132384 Ответ
191721.webp 7Кб, 192x192
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1 с картинками.
Пропущено 2 постов, 1 с картинками.
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 02:10:07 132388
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 00:29:28 132423
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 22:57:45 132481
Anonymous  16/01/25 Чтв 12:54:24 132484
>happy to know
As if anyone had ever had any doubts.
Anonymous  16/01/25 Чтв 22:01:16 132485
2chGODS, how do I learn russian easily so i can post in other boards? Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 23:26:05 132422 Ответ
babyjakyummyora[...].png 69Кб, 186x250
2chGODS, how do I learn russian easily so i can post in other boards?
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2 с картинками.
Пропущено 5 постов, 2 с картинками.
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 14:11:49 132434
Yeap. Or just speak plain English, people who don't know it are not worth talking to.
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 14:12:17 132435
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 19:45:04 132441
>>132422 (OP)
You know Polish. We're already halfway there." T. e. you know the basics of Slavic grammar. It remains only to learn words that in many cases are similar to.
Some of the main differences: in Russian there are 6 cases, in Polish — 7. In the Russian Empire, they decided that the Voactive case is practically useless(which is true), and simply put it in part of speech.
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 03:47:46 132459
173690168888799[...].mp4 5261Кб, 1920x1080, 00:00:10
I'm Polish and I speak in Russian because Russians are our brothers.
Anonymous  16/01/25 Чтв 10:05:56 132482

LMAO. For God sake, Ivan! Stop it!
Estonia Anonymous  26/12/24 Чтв 02:54:44 131998 Ответ
est2.jpg 321Кб, 1500x1000
est.jpg 94Кб, 3595x2288
Эстончеги, хватит отмечать, давайте потрындим.
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Пропущено 9 постов, 1 с картинками.
13/01/25 Пнд 14:33:36 132410
> retarded narvals even here cannot speak any language but russian
Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 19:05:15 132411
Why don't you teach us some English, sweetheart?
14/01/25 Втр 12:44:11 132426
Answer your questions.
And then teach me some Estonian.
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 14:21:36 132437
How developed is skateboarding in Estonia?
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 18:15:32 132480
>Answer your questions
Why you're so gay?
>And then teach me some Estonian
You can start with Estonian alphabet. Have fun
Liminal spaces surround us Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 14:12:28 132436 Ответ
image.png 1652Кб, 1280x964
image.png 1242Кб, 1280x960
image.png 2091Кб, 960x1280
Send us pictures of liminal spaces you've seen or thought were cool in the thread.
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 14:34:18 132440
image.png 2138Кб, 1280x1280
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 10:03:48 132475
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 10:04:28 132476
NAFOtard pedophile Kavunyak doxxed Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 00:34:25 132424 Ответ
Merlin.JPG 3Кб, 92x131
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 05:10:57 132471
Anonymous  15/01/25 Срд 05:18:05 132473
>>132424 (OP)
I looked it up, it's really interesting information. You need to have one thread, otherwise the mods will delete them for deviating from the ideological line of the section. One way or another Marichka relates to politics.
cooking Anonymous  29/12/24 Вск 21:32:42 132045 Ответ
images.jpg 11Кб, 275x183
images (1).jpg 12Кб, 259x194
What are you cooking for the new year? Do you cook sausage and potato dishes like us?
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6 с картинками.
Пропущено 7 постов, 6 с картинками.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 19:11:47 132298
sülze.jpg 193Кб, 894x720
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 19:18:37 132299
schweinebraten.jpg 498Кб, 1800x1200
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 05:54:05 132319
Обними холодными руками своего невкусного холодца
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 13:12:08 132427
piggu.jpg 926Кб, 2014x1620
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 22:45:33 132443
Hello internationals anons. I have a strange hobbi — collect interesting posters Anonymous  25/10/21 Пнд 13:38:54 88826 Ответ
15188756304882.jpg 1171Кб, 2304x1273
3uUvvUjngCU.jpg 407Кб, 728x1080
80ac179eefff50b[...].jpg 1966Кб, 2500x2508
15122431686890.jpg 270Кб, 1000x1210
Hello internationals anons.

I have a strange hobbi — collect interesting posters or something that, idk what right its calling. I wondering print it on paper and stick on my walls on room but its just dream :c

If you have posters like this, please, post it in my thread.
Or, if you too like it, you may take it too.

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159 с картинками.
Пропущено 230 постов, 159 с картинками.
Anonymous  29/12/24 Вск 16:40:51 132042
Отличный сборник, чувак.
Anonymous  29/12/24 Вск 18:51:53 132043
С наступающим тебя ^^
Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 19:16:05 132414
GhLKQ9DXUAE4LES.jpg 298Кб, 897x1200
Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 19:34:12 132415
GhLEqzYXMAAWkQO.jpg 1791Кб, 2288x3112
GhLEqzdXAAAeaDj.jpg 151Кб, 1012x759
Anonymous  14/01/25 Втр 19:55:41 132442
Look at this funny soyjak! Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 22:46:51 132418 Ответ
96436 - SoyBooru.mp4 2630Кб, 672x1024, 00:00:09
Look at this funny soyjak!
Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 22:50:33 132419
legosbaby.png 175Кб, 435x429
make the ui for int english or something
get youre ass here with soyjaks 14/01/25 Втр 14:11:16 132433
Why do american people breath this way? Seems strange to me Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 05:54:59 132320 Ответ
17364494439540.webm 1989Кб, 480x848, 00:00:11
Why do american people breath this way?
Seems strange to me
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 00:25:09 132352
escaped from one of P. Diddy parties
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 18:46:03 132378
>>132320 (OP)
Stop creating this threads outside of /intpol/, asshole. Almost no one is in the section because of you.

Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 13:28:07 132408
I&#96;m from United States (Texas). You can ask me any questions you want. I&#96;ll bump but not for Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 08:28:18 131904 Ответ
1732209157698175.png 139Кб, 1200x701
I`m from United States (Texas). You can ask me any questions you want. I`ll bump but not for long.
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6 с картинками.
Пропущено 20 постов, 6 с картинками.
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 21:07:56 132061
>>131904 (OP)
What is your stance in the debate about highly skilled migrants (Elon's Indians)?
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 01:55:33 132080
Arise, Texas!.mp4 7948Кб, 1280x720, 00:02:51
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 05:05:49 132281
It's barely free, I pay around 6 euros for it for a 2 room flat in SPB.

Overall the communal services (kommunalka) are cheap in Russia, 30-60 euros per month in SPB, depending from the season. That includes all but internet.

The catch is that when u rent a flat, the kommulalka is not included in the rent price and u have to pay it separately. That suprised me when i moved to Russia, I was at first sure that it's a scam.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 12:46:54 132365
Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 12:03:51 132407
>>131904 (OP)
There are 2 chairs. One with hard cocks and another with sharp arrows. Which one you choose to sit?
Foreigners, what's your favourite russian TV series and movies? Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 09:32:19 127956 Ответ
download.jpg 8Кб, 175x288
Foreigners, what's your favourite russian TV series and movies?
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19 с картинками.
Пропущено 79 постов, 19 с картинками.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 01:29:12 132356
Just found a video about abandoned Soviet underground bunkers in Chukotka. Too bad there are no English subtitles, but if anyone is interested in watching an interesting video with incomprehensible words in the background, you are welcome.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 01:31:02 132357
In brief: an abandoned military base in Chukotka (far north of Russia)
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 01:40:22 132358
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 20:55:39 132404
Well, russians make three types of movies: War Movie, Social Drama and Social Comedy. Of the three first category is the best since the state in Soviet Times and Now puts money into it, the problem with it is that since they put money into it they also want to have say in messaging. Not like they don't in other categories, but less things slip throw. Social Drama is unwatchable since it made by people without talent or financing, Social Comedy I'm not sure can translate into other cultures humour but since you are from EE I figure you'll manage. So of the 3 War Movies is that you should watch. The best in each genre is: "Они Сражались за Родину" (it's technically second best after "Иди и Смотри", but I won't recommend it to anyone), "Зелёный Слоник" и "Горько".
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 20:56:46 132405
Where is &#47;int FAP THREAD? Anonymous  18/10/19 Птн 09:12:02 61993 Ответ
1fcb415c7a9304b[...].mp4 10992Кб, 640x480, 00:02:17
Where is /int FAP THREAD?
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143 с картинками.
Пропущено 302 постов, 143 с картинками.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 17:01:30 132373
17364405646443.jpg 366Кб, 765x853
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 17:12:49 132374
>Japan original / Made in China
Goyslop / Good copy with improvements + Russian language support
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 18:40:33 132376
image.png 506Кб, 453x604
17359963868571.jpg 766Кб, 1179x1549
photo2025-01-08[...].jpg 125Кб, 810x1040
photo2025-01-08[...].jpg 76Кб, 810x1037
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 18:43:11 132377
image.png 1717Кб, 960x1280
image.png 2295Кб, 960x1280
image.png 1973Кб, 960x1280
image.png 531Кб, 453x604
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 20:16:12 132403
She's a disgusting prostitute, I don't even want to jerk off to her
I'm a blind idiot Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 23:02:10 132380 Ответ
relax.jpg 73Кб, 840x633
Make america gr[...].jpg 171Кб, 1280x1280
based.jpg 90Кб, 736x736
Regardless of what is written I can't read simple shit
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 05:53:58 132389
why does it bother you
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 09:35:53 132390
I suppose he is interested in politics in general, but he cannot discuss Russian politics, especially nationalism, without the fear of ending up in prison.
12/01/25 Вск 15:55:01 132398
I'm a retarded newCHAD to dvachistan. What do we call the Dvach equivalent of goyim, those who don' Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 09:37:28 132322 Ответ
smug soyjak at [...].jpg 30Кб, 600x482
I'm a retarded newCHAD to dvachistan.

What do we call the Dvach equivalent of goyim, those who don't use Dvach (like me) here?
MVTT  10/01/25 Птн 09:45:15 132323
lemme rephrase a bit
what word do i use in this context
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 12:31:53 132335
"pikabushnik" it's like redditor since we don't like both forums
Fourchan thread Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 19:54:50 132302 Ответ
logo-transparent.png 7Кб, 300x120
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 22:49:17 132308
10/01/25 Птн 12:34:11 132336
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