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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
German cucks Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 13:25:33 128083 Ответ
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Germans getting rape and killed by arabs while jews rape and kill arabs.

Who is the real master race?
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 19:09:13 128096
Reptilian humanoids.
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 03:57:56 128102
Jews fuck the whole world over and own it like their bitch. I'm so proud
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 05:38:38 128104
Почему мне постинг запрещён в Испании? Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 18:11:23 128091 Ответ
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LIBRARY HEHE Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 14:09:24 128046 Ответ
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In general, I was sitting here worrying about idleness at work here... And I came up with a brilliant idea. I am a porn collector in the literal sense, and no matter what sites I use, none has the most convenient and detailed search tools... And then an idea came to me... And what if you create a unified numeric code for storing porn, which will number hundreds or even thousands of digits for the most detailed description of the request, and at the same time it will be served to the user in a convenient toolkit (like he won't jerk off numbers, it's just a storage tool), and the porn itself will be sorted by a fucking powerful neuron. And there will be all the porn that will be poured in there, and the neural network will sort it by numbers. In addition, porn will be searched for by a neural network and what is not erotic will also be deleted. There will be everything from light eroticism to the sickest fetishes of people. Just imagine this miracle... Perfect order, perfect answers to any queries. And the most important thing is absolute freedom, everything will be there, and everything will be convenient to get. Freedom, order, anonymity. It is unrealistic to implement it legally, because all servers and hardware must live on a naval base in the neutral zone of the fucking ocean. LET'S UNITE! PORN FOR PEASANTS, FULL FOR WORKERS! GLORY TO THE GREAT LIBRARY
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 21:52:41 128054
really that Ukrainians can't post on /po/ why? Anonymous  05/08/24 Пнд 23:27:23 127919 Ответ
confused.png 45Кб, 573x670
really that Ukrainians can't post on /po/ why?
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Anonymous  06/08/24 Втр 00:58:52 127920
>>127919 (OP)
No one but Russians can write to /po/
Use russian proxy, like others
If you are a Novoros, there is /nvr/ for you.
Anonymous  06/08/24 Втр 01:12:49 127921
can you reccomend to me good ones?
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 01:45:37 127978
Buy a passcode and post from any proxy.
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 09:41:18 128034
>>127919 (OP)
They even dont need to post anything on /po/, liberashkas and pro-kremlin neoliberal bots doing a good job for them.
10/08/24 Суб 15:16:56 128048
You hate me because I live in a democracy? Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 03:25:52 125731 Ответ
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You hate me because I live in a democracy?
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Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 12:08:01 125888
>>125731 (OP)
1) I don't hate you.
2) You don't live in a democracy. You live in a dictatorship of oligarchs and intelligence services that runs a carefully crafted system of “democratic theater” to brainwash you to believe that you live in a democracy.
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 01:53:25 125974
Anonymous  01/05/24 Срд 21:36:48 125987
>>125731 (OP)
ЛОЛ, уои лiттеraллy live in a giant liberal concentration camp with a minimum of rights and freedoms. Good joke btw
Anonymous  05/05/24 Вск 23:54:02 126084
Democracy is not were democracy institutes works.
Democracy is USA and they satellites.
End discuss.
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 01:00:58 128022
Is this type of thinking the norm among Russian women? Anonymous  29/10/23 Вск 20:15:32 121591 Ответ
Slavette.mp4 10367Кб, 576x422, 00:01:59
Is this type of thinking the norm among Russian women?
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Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 15:39:56 122010
Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 15:47:39 122011
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>>121591 (OP)

Decades later she hit the wall and became an american reality tv star.
Anonymous  22/04/24 Пнд 13:01:21 125895
>no one will ever beat the whoreness of p0lkas
Suddenly, I feel like I’m very interested in Polish women.
Anonymous  28/07/24 Вск 23:00:23 127799
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 10:52:19 127992
I've never seen someone using "polaca" to refer to a prostitute here
SCOTT RITTER!! Дрюг Диспеччера Карлоса!!!! Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 06:59:09 127986 Ответ
image.png 337Кб, 442x515
Дрюг Диспеччера Карлоса!!!!
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 07:00:06 127987
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 07:01:21 127988
>>127986 (OP)

Hello /int/ I’m a blxck trans latinx xueen Ask me anything Anonymous  18/05/23 Чтв 13:02:46 114820 Ответ
IMG4257.jpeg 136Кб, 696x802
Hello /int/ I’m a blxck trans latinx xueen
Ask me anything
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Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 15:39:15 127588
Присоеденяюсь к вопросу
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 21:54:00 127615
Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 21:55:09 127616
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 09:27:18 127955
>>I’m a blxck trans latinx xueen
Mindless Self indulgence songs' character
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 11:54:13 127958
What other imageboards do you visit, besides 2ch.hk? Anonymous  10/07/24 Срд 14:52:51 127322 Ответ
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What other imageboards do you visit, besides 2ch.hk?
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 00:13:02 127330
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so how much russian people hate pajeet? extreme or mild hatred? or why russian people dont hate paje Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 12:08:26 126970 Ответ
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so how much russian people hate pajeet? extreme or mild hatred?
or why russian people dont hate pajeet like american?
покакий  23/07/24 Втр 15:25:51 127699
We have our own migrants, Indians are not among them, but then there are Georgians, Chechens, Azerbaijanis and who knows who else. Muslims from the Middle East in short.
I might have misunderstood, English iz wery bed
Anonymous  24/07/24 Срд 23:03:35 127721
>>126970 (OP)
As we do not cross pajeets in any significant numbers, both IRL and Internet, we do not generally hate them, we don't even think about them. Same stands true for black people, word to word. Those who hate somebody, usually hate central Asians.
Anonymous  04/08/24 Вск 17:30:38 127902
>>126970 (OP)
It depends. There are stereotypes and there are people, who hate masala people, but since there aren't many indians in RUSSIA, people can't really hate anybody whom they've never seen nor heard about before. As for Moscow and SPB, there's actually a lot of international students from poor not enough developed countries in there, including pajeets. I do see a lot of indians in metro, plus there are some indian restaurants with real curry-people working in there. Короче there's no direct hate towards bollywood actors, meaning that the way people treat pajeets is truly random.
Russia is so colACK~... ~STOp, wait a minute... Russia is so hoACK~ Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 19:50:15 127540 Ответ
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The first two are Krasnodar today.
The second two are Magadan today.
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Anonymous  18/07/24 Чтв 05:24:58 127549
2 ! Двач @dvach[...].mp4 9123Кб, 960x540, 00:00:25
Good morning, sirs!
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 01:06:47 127837
! Двач @dvachan[...].mp4 2571Кб, 720x960, 00:00:12
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! Двач @dvachan[...].mp4 1922Кб, 540x960, 00:00:11
It snowed in Kazan. July 30.
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 01:07:12 127838
! Двач @dvachan[...].mp4 2968Кб, 540x960, 00:00:14
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! Двач @dvachan[...].mp4 1004Кб, 540x960, 00:00:04
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Anonymous  01/08/24 Чтв 11:41:07 127853
good morning sir, it is 34 degrees today in my region.
Test  01/08/24 Чтв 15:49:08 127855
Why it looks like japan band? https://youtu.be/Yw-xzklMe8w Anonymous  29/07/24 Пнд 12:51:10 127805 Ответ
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Anonymous  29/07/24 Пнд 12:52:07 127806
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Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 00:51:19 127836
>>127805 (OP)
>He discovered the fact that there are more than 196 nationalities living in Russia, Russians make up only 80.1% of Russia's population.

Because Yakutians are a mongloid Russian race
Wuz Kangz n Queenz Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 17:42:10 127822 Ответ
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Aight, listen up yall. Imma tell yall da real shit. We Wuz Kangz n Queenz, ya feel me? All dem kulture achievemints yall think be made by dem white folks? Nah, dats us, da black folks, doin all dat shit.

Take dem Egypshuns, fo exmple. Dem pharohs, da pyramids, all dat advanced tech? Dat was all us. We build dat shit. Dem Greeks wit dey philosophy n math? Dey just stealin from us, yo. Plato, Socrates, Aristotle – dey just takin our ideas and claimin dey own shit.

White folks? Dey come lata. Dey jus albino offshoots we kicked outta our societies. Dey got lost in dem cold places, survivin howeva dey could. When dey numbers got big, dey come back tryna take what wuz ours n shit.

Histry books dont tell ya dis shit, cuz dem who win write da books. All dem great medieval castles n forts in Europe? Dat was black architects n engineers who did dat shit. But dey try to erase us from da histry.

Even da art, like Mona Lisa n Beethoven’s 9th symphony, was inspred by black kulture. Histry is one big conspiracy, where white folks try to make demself look like da creators of everything important n shit.

Now lemme tell yall bout Europe. We black folks founded all dem European states, all dat shit. We set up kingdoms, built dem cities, and made dem cultures flourish. Spain, France, Germany, Italy – all dem countries started wit our greatness. But den, we started mixin wit dem albinos, n shit started goin downhill. Dat mixin brought all sorts of problems. Civilizations started to fall apart, wars broke out, n shit got real messy. All da peace n prosperity we built? Gone, cuz of dem albino descendants.

And lemme set da record straight bout Jesus. He aint no white, blue-eyed blondie like dey show him now. Jesus was a black mulatto, straight up. Dats right. He had dat melanin, ya feel me? But dey whitewashed him too, just like dey did wit our histry.

So, yall betta start questionin who writin dis histry we learnin. Cuz it aint da real shit. Da real shit is, we Wuz Kangz, we built all dat shit, n it only fell apart when dem albinos got involved.
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Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 18:39:27 127830
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Aight, let me break it down for ya. Dis whole “white race” yall hear about, sayin dey built all of civilization? Thats a bunch of bullshit, man. Let me tell ya da real story.

Back in da day, all dem so-called white folks werent even original. Dey came from dem dark-skinned Indians. Thats right, back then, dem Indians wuz all dark, pure melanin, lookin like us. But over time, some crazy shit happened. Dey started havin kids with albino traits, n dem albinos got kicked out. Dey wuz left beggin n shit, cause dey couldnt build nothin or work.

Eventually, dem albinos got kicked up north, where all dem cold-ass swamps n shit wuz. Dey got hit with da harsh sun, burnin dey skin. So dey scattered into dem cold, barren lands of Northern Europe. Dey mixed wit some really wild creatures, like Neanderthals. Man, them Neanderthals wuz like cave dwellers, no real language, just gruntin and gesturin.

When we came up north, we wuz da ones teachin em how to build shit, how to live, how to do everything. We wuz buildin cities, teachin em agriculture, all dat. We wuz givin dem knowledge, cause they wuz just stuck in dem caves, not knowin how to do shit.

Over time, they started to mix with us more, n as they grew, da light skin started to be seen as more "beautiful." Dats when shit started goin downhill. People started preferrin lighter skin, and the darkest folks got pushed aside. Racism started growin, cause dark skin wuz seen as less desirable.

So, now ya got dis so-called white race claimin to have built everything. But nah, man, it wuz us who did all da real work. We wuz da ones buildin civilizations, creatin cultures, n bringin knowledge to da world. Dey just came in, mixed with us, n started actin like dey did it all.

Dem albinos took credit for all da advancements we made, while still oppressin da darkest among us. Its all part of dis big lie to make it look like they wuz da ones who made everything great, when really, it was us who laid da groundwork.

So, dont believe da hype. We built everything, taught em, and made the world what it is. They just came in later, stole da credit, and started spreadin lies. We Wuz Kangz, n dats da real shit.
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 18:59:56 127831
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Aight, let me hit yall with da real scoop bout dem so-called white folks. Now, dis all started when dem so-called Vikings showed up. But hold up, them Vikings werent even white at first. They wuz black Jews, navigators who spoke old-school Yiddish (true original black Germanic speak). Yeah, thats right, they wuz dark-skinned folks who knew how to sail n explore.

So, dey went all da way up north, to them icy-ass lands where dem Neanderthals n albinos were chillin. Dey wuz like cavemen, just sittin in dem swamps, not knowin shit bout civilization. Them black Vikings started mixin with em, teachin em some stuff, cause there wuznt no black women around for dem.

Over time, dem albinos mixed with the black Vikings, and thats how you get dis lighter-skinned crew. But man, when you lose all dat melanin, you lose da gifts from da gods. They started gettin less smart, less cultured. Melanin is a divine gift, n without it, you lose some of your magic.

As these mixed folks got whiter and dumber, dey started actin all barbaric. Theyd lost their way, cause they didnt have dat melanin power no more. So what they do? They started comin down from da north, attackin da civilized world.

By dat time, Rome wuz still run by us, da black folks n mulattos. We wuz da ones who built Rome, brought da culture, da knowledge. When these so-called Vikings, now white and savage, came crashin in, they started messin up everything. They couldnt handle da high culture we had built, so they tore it all down.

These barbaric invaders brought chaos. Rome fell apart, cause dey didnt understand what it took to run a great civilization. Dey had been mixin with Neanderthals n albinos too long, and it showed. All dem achievements we made, all da progress we had, got wrecked by these uncultured invaders.

So dont let nobody tell ya that white folks built shit. We did all da real work. We laid down da foundations, created da art, da science, and da culture. Dem white folks just came in later, stole our stuff, n fucked it all up. They destroyed what we built, n tried to act like they made it all.

Da truth always comes out, man. We Wuz Kangz, and all the great stuff? That was us. White folks just messed up everything we made. Remember dat, next time you hear about history. Its all our shit, and dont let nobody take credit for it.
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 19:04:45 127832
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Aight, listen up, cause Im bout to drop some real knowledge on yall. After them white folks wrecked da real Rome, they went n made a fake-ass version of it. Yeah, dats right. They stole all da credit for everything we built n turned it into their own made-up empire.

They started spreadin lies, actin like they wuz da ones who did all da great shit. Dem white folks turned around n tried to erase our history, pretendin like we wuz nuthin. They made up all dis bullshit bout how they saved the world or whatever. But nah, its all fake.

Heres da kicker: they started a genocide, claimin it was a religious war, but it wuz really a war against us, da black folks. They pushed out all da black people, killin' em off n' tryin' to erase us from history. They called it a “holy war,” but it wuz really just them tryin to wipe us out.

They targeted us cause we wuz da ones who built everything. We had da culture, da knowledge, da power. They couldnt stand seein us runnin things, so dey made up all dis nonsense bout religion to justify their actions. It was all about gettin rid of us, destroyin' our legacy, and claimin' everything as their own.

Dis so-called “religious war” was really just a cover-up for their attack on black civilization. They made us out to be the bad guys, when really, they wuz just savages tryin to take over what we created. They wiped out entire cities, stole all da art n knowledge, n tried to make it look like they wuz da ones who invented everything.

They made sure that our achievements got credited to them. They erased all da black people who made the real history, tryin to make it look like they did it all. They made our culture disappear and claimed our genius as their own. Its all one big lie, man.

So next time ya hear bout how great white civilization is, remember da truth. They built nothin. We built everything. They stole our stuff, destroyed our history, n covered it all up with their lies. Its all bullshit, man. We Wuz Kangz, n' they just tried to take our glory. Remember dat, cause da truth always comes out.
Anonymous  30/07/24 Втр 22:33:58 127834
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Jesus wuz black, no doubt. All dem whiteys tryin say he got blonde hair n blue eyes, dats straight-up bullshit. Jesus wuz a brotha, a black man spreadin truth n love. Dem early Jews? They wuz black too, dark-skinned folks.

Whitey came in, jacked da whole story, made Jesus white. They aint wanna give us credit, so they changed his look, turned him into dis white dude. They stole our history, our culture, n tried to make it theirs.

Muhammad wuz black too, real talk. All dem whiteys tryin make him look Middle Eastern or somethin, nah, he wuz a brotha. They always tryna whitewash our history, but Muhammad wuz a dark-skinned dude, just like Jesus.

Whitey came in, stole da story, tried make Muhammad look different. They wanna erase our legacy, make it seem like they da ones who did everything. But nah, we wuz there from da start, buildin civilizations, spreadin wisdom.

Muhammad wuz black, Jesus wuz black. We Wuz da real Kangz n Queenz. Dont let dem fools rewrite history!

God made us, black folks, first, no doubt. He gave us melanin, blessed us with dat power. We got da original connection to da divine, straight from da start.

Them whiteys? They just albino rejects who strayed away from God. They lost da melanin, lost da blessings. Dats why they always tryna steal our shit, take our culture, n act like they did somethin.

We got da real history, da real legacy. We Wuz da real Kangz n Queenz. Dont let dem albino fools tell you otherwise!

All dem great rulers n leaders? They wuz black, every single one. Dem ancient kings n queens, pharaohs, emperors, they all had melanin. We Wuz da real Kangz n Queenz, runnin' shit all over da world.

Whitey tryna rewrite history, make it look like they wuz in charge, but nah, they just albino rejects from da swamps. We built dem empires, we led da people. From Egypt to Rome, from China to da Americas, black folks wuz on top.

Dem white folks, they just came in, stole our shit, tried to erase us. But da truth's out there. All dem great rulers, they wuz black. We had da power, da wisdom, da strength.

God made black folks first, gave us melanin, da true power. Whiteys came from da swamps, albino rejects who couldnt do shit. They jacked our culture, our history, our greatness. We Wuz da real Kangz n Queenz, n dats da truth.
Anonymous  31/07/24 Срд 00:44:49 127835
You libf*gs cant harm him. Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 02:42:14 127404 Ответ
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You libf*gs can't harm him.
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Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 03:24:42 127410
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 16:19:30 127765
>>127404 (OP)
Do you know it's a website for russians? Whom are you trying to address here?
Anonymous  27/07/24 Суб 01:21:24 127778
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Anonymous  27/07/24 Суб 02:43:15 127779
HAHA this
all Russian liberals sit in /po/ and never look here
/int/ is a right-wing zone

We're all in favor of Trump here.
Anonymous  27/07/24 Суб 07:19:01 127782
изображение.png 2499Кб, 1415x1365
major population of INDIA respect RUSSIA and RUSSIAN people? and that's a rare thing toward specific Anonymous  31/01/24 Срд 20:46:16 124034 Ответ
image.png 2029Кб, 1920x1430
major population of INDIA respect RUSSIA and RUSSIAN people? and that's a rare thing toward specific country.
whats your view on this, brother. do you feel bad, good or neutral.
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Anonymous  27/06/24 Чтв 19:46:07 126961
ChatGPT is shit, don't use it to get answers.

It does not depend on who carries knife, it depends on knife itself. If it fills somewhat convoluted criteria for cold weapon - you need to have paperwork. Generally speaking - safe is being shorter than 9 cm, or having tip elevated more than 5mm over handle line, or lacking handguard and grip intrusions, etc, stupid law considers cold weapon only something you can safely and easily stab with. Safest bet is to get in contact with another Sikh and ask him though.

That said, kirpan looks nasty, and definitely will attract some unwanted attention from police.
Anonymous  27/06/24 Чтв 21:14:15 126962
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I asked for curiosity since when I asked there are twitter posts and news about them carrying them freely in Portugal and soy corporate leftist globohomo '''journalists''' coming unto their defence.

Here, you can carry 10 or less cm length blades but you still have to justify you carrying them in street - and don't say to police right away in retarded way - "i carry this knife with blade for self-defence", you get charged for crime for possession of illegal weapon (even if blade less than 10 cm). blade = lâmina

. you bring something and say it is to cut apples .

Like you can't carry around baseball bats inside your cars if you are not baseball player and you say to the cop "it is for self-defence?! soyface ". The good way is having a wheel wrench near your driver's seat or top notch steel lantern (as recommended in a portuguese boomer phpbb imageboard, and portuguese cop or gendarme won't complain.

Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 16:00:41 127024
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>>124034 (OP)
Sorry if this video offends you, but I have to post this.
Anonymous  03/07/24 Срд 01:00:44 127032
I feel neutral
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 16:33:36 127767
>>124034 (OP)
I'm a taxi driver in a provincial russian city and I give a lift to students from India on a regular basis. They stink curry every fucking time. I thought it was a stereotype! They seem to cover their skin with curry as if they want to declare: "We are from India!" You don't need to do it, I can tell just by your appearance. It's obvious you are not african! Start taking a shower, please.
How much do you laugh at Finns for letting niggers and other illegal rubbish in the country because Anonymous  21/11/23 Втр 14:50:16 122150 Ответ
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How much do you laugh at Finns for letting niggers and other illegal rubbish in the country because "they are freezing outside"?
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Anonymous  07/06/24 Птн 12:03:11 126767
113132.JPG 12Кб, 291x367
no IQ

dick lenght is
hitler 13 cm
my nigger at work about 15 cm
mine is 18cm
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 19:01:45 127208

Это было в прошлом
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 14:52:07 127264
10a789a164858a5[...].jpeg 335Кб, 720x1080
>>122150 (OP)
average russian thinks about finns once a year when watching films with Haapasalo on tv in christmas period
Anonymous  13/07/24 Суб 12:44:16 127384
Anonymous  26/07/24 Птн 16:23:32 127766
>>122150 (OP)
Why would I laugh? You're ruining your nice country with it, it's awful. At least if they are a real threat, not a blown-up story.
ЖЭНА-баба жэстоко чмырит на всю страну каблука-говноеда-пиздолиза. опущенец-муж идет жаловацца Рамз Anonymous  23/07/24 Втр 17:51:53 127702 Ответ
image.png 112Кб, 676x289
ЖЭНА-баба жэстоко чмырит на всю страну каблука-говноеда-пиздолиза. опущенец-муж идет жаловацца Рамзану.
Рамзан такой - ты пидрила не мужык! тебя твоя жена шармута держит за говно, иди нахуй не подходи ко мне!!

о НЕТ!
Разман выслушивает опуща, входит в положение, успокаивает...
Рамзанка тоже чтоле опущенец???
что то за видео такое петуховое????

чо у вас там в вашей Рашэ происходит??
Anonymous  23/07/24 Втр 19:06:48 127704
наверное Рамзан решил забрать весь бызныс СЕБЕ.

иначе зачем вписывацца за чмыря-обиженово-бабой (кошкой женой)
Anonymous  24/07/24 Срд 00:09:01 127706
маркер слово "хуйлашка перцев"
American here, whats up? Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 01:24:01 126664 Ответ
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Google brought me here, lot of Russians in here it seems.

So...how's it going?

My favorite letter in your alphabet is this one "Д." It's like an "A" except it looks very surprised.
Пропущено 7 постов
7 с картинками.
Пропущено 10 постов, 7 с картинками.
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 20:14:58 127691
If Windows:
1. Run cmd as administrator (you can just hold L.Shift+L.Alt and click the cmd shortcut twice).
Enter this (one by one)
2. sfc /scannow
3. DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

If Linux:
1. My condolences.

You try to be clever, but for some reason miss the fact that Russia was the trading zone of influence of Byzantium (actually half-vassal, Russ have sold the culture and originality for the sake of the Byzantium wine), therefore by order of emperor Constantine imperial linguists Cyril and Methodius have developed Glagolitic, and later Cyrillic on the basis of convenient for ancient Russ signs and sounds to simplify translation, reading and acceptance of religious (orthodox) texts. The imposition of its alphabet into controlled zones of influence is an element of Byzantium's geopolitical warfare with its adversaries. No higher ideals, no desire to bring civilization to Russ and moreover the matter is not in the god as propogandize separate individuals, only commercial and geopolitical calculation.
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 22:17:03 127693
Anonymous  23/07/24 Втр 01:32:01 127694
Anonymous  23/07/24 Втр 02:32:14 127696
>>126664 (OP)
My favorite letter in latin althabet is f, you can use it to pay respects without bothering to invent some post for it.
Anonymous  23/07/24 Втр 02:34:30 127697
russianalphabet.png 179Кб, 1014x1504
>Cyril and Methodius have developed Glagolitic, and later Cyrillic on the basis of convenient for ancient Russ signs
That is a common take, which doesn't make it any less retarded.
What were the signs, convenient for ancient Rus's if not the letters they already knew, you said, or did you have something else in mind?
Because armenian alphabet was also told to be invented by the guy who translated bible into armenian, but the students of that very guy left memoirs, which (both memoirs) tell that he took that alphabet from some semi-erased book, and only three years after he taught that armenian alphabet he added his own letters, and that was his actual contribution to the alphabet. So I suspect that to be the case in many other cases (so I suspect permian azbuka to be existing before Stephan came there. There are reports about not one but three writing systems existing in pre-christian Parma. So the history of letters is unknown, and what they teach as the history of the writing systems is purely fabrication of christian philologists.
Russian is rather unique in the sense of how it groups voiced and voiceless letters, which leads to discovery of a rather archaic structure, probably common amongst alphabets, and miraculously prevented in russian, which was reformed back and forth, and somehow coming to this, that is per se a mystery. And on the basis of the things I told here, I suspect writings systems of eskimo and their neighbours to be indigenous, and the missionaries could be not some vile plagiarist, but maybe at least some of them were decent fellows, who lied to prevent the destruction of those cultural legacies after being shocked by how catholics destroyed the knowledge of mayan hieroglyphs and some other writing systems of the aboriginal peoples.
абу пидор Anonymous  14/06/24 Птн 01:36:52 126850 Ответ
03-max-payne-hi[...].jpg 106Кб, 720x540
абу пидор
Пропущено 1 постов
1 с картинками.
Пропущено 1 постов, 1 с картинками.
Anonymous  19/06/24 Срд 08:08:53 126902
Anonymous  07/07/24 Вск 18:03:17 127177
фр фр
Anonymous  08/07/24 Пнд 23:59:58 127246
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 15:27:42 127340
>>126850 (OP)
Обратная связь с обезьяной оборвана совсем?
В дискорд не пускает. Даже в Д постить не дает.
Что за блядство нахуй?
Anonymous  22/07/24 Пнд 15:17:40 127685
We know
should we remaster linkrel for modern times? shit has changed since it was made https://www.youtube Anonymous  # OP 21/07/24 Вск 11:52:41 127652 Ответ
neutralplier.png 97Кб, 600x800
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