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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
Slavs languagues Anonymous  # OP 13/02/24 Втр 11:52:04 124168 Ответ
i (58).jpeg 341Кб, 1354x1081
Славяне давайте общаться на своих языках и попробуем поговорить ккждый на своем языке. Я уверен у нас найдуться общие слова.
The Tower of Babel thread
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Anonymous  03/03/24 Вск 03:57:06 124464
Anonymous  11/03/24 Пнд 00:44:29 124595
11/03/24 Пнд 14:29:46 124602
1710156576545.png 48Кб, 200x199
> Ганьба, біндера, паляныця
Anonymous  13/03/24 Срд 12:11:51 124628
Anonymous  29/11/24 Птн 03:29:28 131545
>>124168 (OP)
>Славяне давайте общаться на своих языках и попробуем поговорить ккждый на своем языке. Я уверен у нас найдуться общие слова.
Здраво, пије ми се, јебе ми се, тренира ми се, али морам учити. Јебига.
Добро, код тебе?
what changes with time? Anonymous  30/09/23 Суб 19:42:53 120640 Ответ
1682044325067611.gif 3520Кб, 640x640
what changes with time?
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Пропущено 28 постов, 4 с картинками.
Anonymous  21/10/24 Пнд 14:23:55 130448
Anonymous  23/10/24 Срд 07:38:50 130499
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 22:37:46 131407
Anonymous  27/11/24 Срд 21:14:57 131535
Nothing, life is meaningless and the pile of regrets gets unbearably larger to the point it starts stabbing you in the chest

and all you do is sit and regret the situation you put yourself in
Anonymous  28/11/24 Чтв 07:46:38 131542
pustite v fap
Why are you not using Linux already? Anonymous  11/11/22 Птн 14:22:15 106441 Ответ
image.png 121Кб, 421x500
Why are you not using Linux already?
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Пропущено 139 постов, 47 с картинками.
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 20:59:13 131169
help1.png 46Кб, 716x565
help2.png 104Кб, 481x374
bbe956dd-d796-4[...].png 330Кб, 713x1004
requesting help. opinions
For Windows, I've got """backup copy""" of ABBYY Finereader 12 and Foxit PDF Editor Pro (2023)

pic 3 is the book

Haven't tried office lens android pic.
Anonymous  10/11/24 Вск 02:14:16 131182
image.png 1307Кб, 1503x845
Do I understand correctly that you need a text recognition program?

a) Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, PDF-XChange Editor
b) gImageReader+Tesseract OCR (GUI+Core)
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 15:10:33 131215
I will try when I have time. thanks
Anonymous  14/11/24 Чтв 18:21:54 131295
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 17:14:39 131477
I want to become an Old Believer and live isolated. How can I do that? Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 20:53:19 131459 Ответ
179834900.jpg 120Кб, 620x413
I want to become an Old Believer and live isolated. How can I do that?
Anonymous  21/11/24 Чтв 23:47:35 131461
>>131459 (OP)
Wouldn't know, we are reformist ourselves. Try approaching them I dunno.
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 10:12:41 131469
Anonymous  22/11/24 Птн 12:46:19 131470
image.png 334Кб, 480x360
image.png 635Кб, 626x417
I myself used to attend post Nikon Russian orthodox churches, and there I knew a guy who was son of Old Believers parents. Never met him again, however. I think the region of Brazil where Old Believers live resembles a lot rural Russia, because it is a flat land. I was born in a place where everywhere is a mountainous terrain.
My dinner, adobong manok. What do you think? Anonymous  16/11/24 Суб 05:41:24 131349 Ответ
PXL202411160237[...].jpg 1693Кб, 1920x2560
My dinner, adobong manok. What do you think?
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Пропущено 2 постов, 4 с картинками.
Anonymous  16/11/24 Суб 19:14:05 131357
Anonymous  16/11/24 Суб 22:24:45 131358
УЧИМ АМЕРИКАНКУ[...].mp4 5719Кб, 720x1280, 00:00:19
Take a picture of something I didn't see.
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 06:19:56 131388
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 06:36:37 131389
17318439498950.mp4 11661Кб, 576x1024, 00:01:02
17318440682710.mp4 22022Кб, 576x1024, 00:02:11
Anonymous  18/11/24 Пнд 06:39:15 131390
17318440107780.mp4 21058Кб, 576x1024, 00:02:22
17318439500322.mp4 11463Кб, 576x1024, 00:01:04
17318439499531.mp4 7178Кб, 576x1024, 00:01:00
Dear Russian Anonymous  16/05/24 Чтв 18:16:24 126350 Ответ
17002907459190.mp4 3970Кб, 576x1024, 00:00:17
Why are you not in the army?
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Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 17:22:20 126556
Anonymous  26/05/24 Вск 17:23:32 126557
Anonymous  30/05/24 Чтв 15:10:39 126622
>>126350 (OP)

I was in the russian army, but they kicked me out. They told me that I'am dumb octopy with 8 ass-driven hands.
Anonymous  31/05/24 Птн 14:50:12 126635
Anonymous  17/11/24 Вск 00:57:37 131362
> They told me that I'am dumb octopy with 8 ass-driven hands.

"dumb octopy with 8 ass-driven hands" === Anustralian (in brief)
Zerranosky Anonymous  11/09/24 Срд 00:15:14 128882 Ответ
448443399834113[...].jpg 213Кб, 946x2048
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448232482832420[...].jpg 116Кб, 946x2048
448253038832999[...].jpg 121Кб, 960x1226
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 03:58:37 130257
Anonymous  16/10/24 Срд 03:59:07 130258
Bump треду
Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 00:40:41 130945
zavarnik  17/11/24 Вск 00:09:27 131359
Question to GRU anons, is Utkin alive, was his death faked? Seems like a nice, cool guy to me, I hop Anonymous  16/11/24 Суб 17:53:44 131354 Ответ
173170555783266[...].jpg 627Кб, 1079x1792
Question to GRU anons, is Utkin alive, was his death faked? Seems like a nice, cool guy to me, I hope he is living under different name on some island together with Epstain, John McAfee etc.
Anonymous  16/11/24 Суб 18:33:03 131355
Anonymous  16/11/24 Суб 18:33:58 131356
Im hungry bowl  15/11/24 Птн 23:10:21 131333 Ответ
image.png 264Кб, 505x513
Yo, I'm hungry and bored. Can anyone get me a pizza? My address is 2441 Carlmont Drive Aparment 205, Belmont CA and I want a pizza now.
AMA Georgia Anonymous  # OP 13/11/24 Срд 05:47:11 131266 Ответ
11.jpg 57Кб, 468x269

I am Georgian, ask me anything + read the below and answer the question, please.

As you may or may not know, the country of Georgia is in great turmoil right now. Yesterday the opposition leaders signed pleas of refusal to join the parliament which, sidelining the constitution and basic human rights, was rejected by the Election Administration of Georgia. They basically have to be present in the parliament on 21st of November, otherwise, they will be arrested.

As I see it, there either is going to be a revolution on 21st of November, or the country will be slowly swallowed by Russia. There doesn't seem to be any other alternative.

With all this in mind, do you happen to know of any immigration policies suited for political refugees? I might be in need of one very shortly.
Anonymous  13/11/24 Срд 05:52:50 131267
>>131266 (OP)
>With all this in mind, do you happen to know of any immigration policies suited for political refugees? I might be in need of one very shortly.
Have non of them here. Gotta go dome place else.
Anonymous  13/11/24 Срд 07:22:20 131268
>>131266 (OP)
Ok, too bad for you I suppose, didn't know you had elections over there. What's the oppositions problem? Didn't get to fuck any sheep ? And why do they have to be present?
Anonymous  13/11/24 Срд 22:58:05 131279
Take it easy, Taras. Sergeant Mykola Pidorashko is already waiting for you in the trench.
16/11/24 Суб 11:17:37 131351
Who's your favorite Tsar? Anonymous  01/09/23 Птн 16:10:21 119949 Ответ
image.png 2009Кб, 1098x696
Who's your favorite Tsar?
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Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 07:09:33 130612
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 07:13:57 130662
17160339074160.png 498Кб, 400x524
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 13:38:07 131212
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 23:10:58 131260
>>119949 (OP)
Elizabeth The Merciful most likely, she eas really fun to be around. But most female emperesses were pretty cool, not to be simp or smth but woman managed Empire better, emperors always felt threatened by our military, rightfully so considering how Nicolas the Second ended.
All the time. Most of our victory's were, dude, we been fighting non-stop for thousand year, since before we begun recording stuff, not every war was a death struggle. From August War to Kazan Conquest, from Halkin-Gal to first Tsargrad raid we had plenty of success fighting. Doesn't matter how good you are you gonna failed sometimes, it's a matter of percentage and then you fight as much as we you gonna rank up plenty defetes and death struggles, but percentage won be as high as tou think.
Anonymous  12/11/24 Втр 23:14:16 131261
Yeah, maybe, he is not well respected here: gay, anglo lacey, chickened out every reforme he imagined, lived in fear of the guard, stopped liberation of the peasantry, he just held the position between really important historical figures.
Fuck Twitter for banning me saying this but I dream of killing Finns. A genocide of Finns would actu Anonymous  05/03/24 Втр 12:25:42 124503 Ответ
33c5b943037c70e6.png 163Кб, 277x508
Fuck Twitter for banning me saying this but I dream of killing Finns. A genocide of Finns would actually be a my biggest dream. I'm dreaming massacring Finnish children in front of their parents, and then raping the women and after that killing them while their husbands are watching it all and after that I dream killing the men. I'm dreaming all kinds of ways how to cause pain to them.

Finns, just like Ukrainians, are subhuman cockroaches that deserve to smashed. Those two countries should be cleansed entirely from those subhuman cockroaches and be repopulated with ethnic Russians.
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Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 09:24:46 130613
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 12:47:10 130736
>>124503 (OP)
No, Finnish femboys are meat for assimilating by Russians.
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 03:50:49 131077
IMG202410261656[...].jpg 135Кб, 720x609
My dream is to marry a russian femboy
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 12:26:10 131085
1730885122850.jpg 210Кб, 1280x929
> My dream is to marry a russian femboy
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 16:02:09 131218
Oh that dammed beer kega!!! Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 19:50:29 130984 Ответ
Двач @dvachanne[...].mp4 1528Кб, 540x960, 00:00:21
First an innocent dog, then a person. And look at all of this beer on the floor! What a waste!

What do you think about kegas?
Anonymous  11/11/24 Пнд 14:38:18 131213
jpg png Anonymous  28/10/24 Пнд 23:44:24 130801 Ответ
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16062608840080.jpg 271Кб, 1000x1001
jpg png
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Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 00:10:14 130813
ЕЕ.png 323Кб, 604x487
16028804982850.png 1091Кб, 1080x1080
16053636920030.jpg 80Кб, 720x720
15856968812031.jpg 149Кб, 474x551
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 00:12:50 130814
15914651861500.jpg 91Кб, 738x960
16250539898180.jpg 184Кб, 594x880
-15190616.jpg 55Кб, 572x476
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Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 00:14:25 130815
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a08653850b74730[...].jpg 103Кб, 280x341
f53487b0ad04998[...].png 89Кб, 192x218
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 19:34:31 131097
FBIMG1730883979[...].jpg 74Кб, 1080x1088
Anonymous  09/11/24 Суб 15:30:22 131163
Why is this guy always wearing womens clothes? Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 09:55:51 130614 Ответ
image.png 4036Кб, 2000x1125
Why is this guy always wearing womens clothes?
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Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 21:33:40 131102
its not unisex, obviously
06/11/24 Срд 21:56:55 131106
tee hee
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 23:07:56 131123
11110-A3-Boy-si[...].webp 36Кб, 1024x1024
Anonymous  08/11/24 Птн 01:18:06 131151
GbT1wK0XgAEW6Q.jfif 153Кб, 778x1100
>>130614 (OP)
Gayefication of the brain... it's deemed incurable in Russia. We try to prevent it by all costs, but even here young men can fall victim to it, when they decide to bypass site blocks, thinking it's just fun and games.

For people who are interested in prophylactic measures - we detect early symptoms with this picture.
09/11/24 Суб 16:23:49 131165
About Russian relationships (femalemale) Anonymous  02/11/24 Суб 05:53:22 130953 Ответ
d4ydg4bv20f61-2[...].jpg 156Кб, 1242x1502
It's true that Russian women like alpha male, tough, very masculine men, but what about men who are effeminate and not gay?
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Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 21:12:34 131016
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 00:44:17 131027
natasha.png 479Кб, 566x608
2) Are Russian ethnic women very masculine nowadays?
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 11:18:48 131056
They were there until they started to impose Western culture on us in 1917 and then in 1991. Now Russian women are almost no different in appearance from Western toilet bimbos, perhaps only those who have not been washed by the cancel culture and those who have preserved the Russian spirit as part of themselves.
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 16:38:52 131062
Anonymous  06/11/24 Срд 00:21:27 131070
>>130953 (OP)
No. Russian women as all modern women want only unique and valuable men - good looking like Keany from The Matrix, rich, from some other country with small immigrants. You can very easy (if compare with local guys) get a gf\sex just because you are from Latin America. So - the woman will tell her female friends "I had sex with a guy from Latin America". There is no you for her. There is Latin America and the fact she can tell her female friends to feel unique as herself to these female friends.
Seeking the truth Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 03:27:54 131028 Ответ
Screenshot 2024[...].png 625Кб, 645x701
Hello from Bulgaria,
I want to know the truth about the war with Ukraine.

Why did Russia invade Ukraine?
Is the Azov battalion made of nazi mercenaries that terrorized Donbas?
Is Zelensky put in power by the US government?
Did Russia attack Ukraine to stop NATO expansion?
Do you support this war to continue or do you want it to stop?
Do you want Trump or Kamala to win? Which one do you think would help Russia more?
Do you think Russia will win?
What needs to happen for Russia to win?
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 11:19:46 131034
>>131028 (OP)

It didn't invade, but it's returning its territory

You can find a video, recorded in 2015 of how the fighters of this battalion crucified a living man on a cross and then burned him only because he was Russian.

Zelensky doesn't decide anything, he's a good actor who has been performing on Russian tv for many years, now he's a pawn to divert attention. In reality, all the affairs are run by outright nazis like budanov, zaluzhny syrsky and others.

Yes, because Ukraine can be used as a battering ram to destroy Russia, this idea was proposed by Oliver Cromwell.

There is a difference. For example, when a veterinarian performs an operation to remove worms, it is a special operation, but for worms it is a war for survival, and the same is true here. I support it.

It doesn't matter which pawn comes for the public. The American deep state has always been anti-Russian, Russophobic.


Change of power to a less pro-Western one, at the moment Putin and his entourage are the most liberal and most pro-Western group of all possible on the Russian political scene. I am sure that we would have achieved even greater success if the country was led by people like Dugin, Zhirinovsky, Limonov, Zyuganov, Tesak and other patriotically minded individuals and parties of Russia.
Anonymous  04/11/24 Пнд 13:58:07 131036
Prigozhin told a version that approximates to truth 1-2 days before his rebellion.
04/11/24 Пнд 17:05:08 131040
Технология Anonymous  29/09/24 Вск 05:18:09 129737 Ответ
0.png 156Кб, 827x1169
Music casts away бѣсы.

Do you know Русъ's technology?

I am trying to teach the Russians how to bow.
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Пропущено 8 постов, 7 с картинками.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 10:18:21 130516
To suck ass, it is obvious, he is a sucky murican.
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 13:50:12 130521
I forbid you from calling Americans that in this section. The section is the deadest on the board and you're already starting to troll like you're sitting on 4chan.
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 14:35:48 130574
Не говорийте с пиндосами.
Anonymous  26/10/24 Суб 04:52:58 130609
Anonymous  31/10/24 Чтв 20:37:53 130904
hmm.gif 161Кб, 602x789
Strange вкус.
Where (country) you gonna go next? Anonymous  05/10/23 Чтв 12:12:26 120803 Ответ
16963499425510.jpg 245Кб, 736x920
And why?
Also, why do you want to leave current country?
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Пропущено 6 постов, 7 с картинками.
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 14:00:41 130418
изображение.png 2165Кб, 1280x821
Ministry4.jpg 149Кб, 900x600
Before the war it 100% was Poland.
Nowadays, idk, most of Europe is pretty much hostile towards anyone Russian, and bordering countries banned Russian completely. So, probably Serbia or some other ex-Yugolavian country.
Anonymous  20/10/24 Вск 17:54:23 130425
>banned Russian completely
*RussianS aka people from Russia
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 09:25:07 130859
16670683772070.jpg 116Кб, 552x501
Do you know, you can`t dvachevat kap4u from ugoslavia?
I can post only here in /int
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 13:15:19 130863
You should have read the disclaimer when entering /int, have you? Now live your miserable life without possibility to post anywhere but here stupid nigger get your ass in discord.gg/2ch and ask there
Anonymous  30/10/24 Срд 22:44:19 130876
Not stupid. but mountain
To ask what?
Do you guys in Russia actually prefer Belarusian dairy products, or is it just something our politic Anonymous  26/09/24 Чтв 17:06:47 129590 Ответ
1727357304772268.jpg 7Кб, 275x183
Do you guys in Russia actually prefer Belarusian dairy products, or is it just something our politicians keep saying? Honest question. I've heard a lot of praise for Belrussian milk and cheese, but curious what actual Russians think
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Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 13:27:24 130570
>>129590 (OP)
>ou guys in Russia actually prefer Belarusian dairy products, or is it just something our politicians keep saying? Honest question. I've heard a lot of praise for Belrussian milk and cheese, but curious what actual Russians think

Same answer: exported from Belarus = quality

Examples: I have ATLANT brand fridge. Price - 220$ Quality: has lived for a decade already; unlike VESTEL (compressor broke in the first year, replaced it for >100$, it lived for 8 years more, broke beyond repair e.g. rusted down) or BEKO (busted a pipe, donated away to strip the compressor from it) from Turkey.
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 13:28:34 130571
Additional info: the ATLANT is 195cm tall, taller than BEKO or VESTEL

Besides, it has a funny "bottle shelf" which is useful to store bottles of mineral water
Anonymous  25/10/24 Птн 13:30:04 130572
OOOOOrrrrrrr... it's a "premium" for the very quality (e.g. more complicated, the raw material used is more expencive, more expencive furniture etc.)
Anonymous  27/10/24 Вск 09:24:11 130688
>>129590 (OP)
imho, almost everything that belarus produces is better than russian, not only dairy products, but allso furniture &other
Anonymous  29/10/24 Втр 16:08:10 130840
>>129590 (OP)
They have good quality, so yes, most people prefer them.
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