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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
Matthew 17:20 KJV And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If Anonymous  27/09/23 Срд 00:55:26 120584 Ответ
IMG0235.jpeg 45Кб, 421x614
Matthew 17:20 KJV
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Anonymous  18/12/23 Пнд 13:23:28 123078
Birbs ain't monsters. Caw, caw
WAR on TERROR Anonymous  30/11/23 Чтв 15:32:32 122414 Ответ
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The Supreme Court recognized the international LGBT movement as an extremist organization and banned it in Russia

Various signs and manifestations of extremist orientation have been identified in the activities of the movement in the Russian Federation, including the incitement of social and religious hatred, the lawsuit says.
The decision to ban the LGBT movement in Russia comes into force immediately, the court said.
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Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 18:38:24 122462
Мировой-майдан-[...].jpg 489Кб, 810x1100
Such laws are hidden hybrid repressions against the population.
Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 00:47:58 122656
jewblackcocksor[...].png 33Кб, 207x181
Good decision
Anonymous  17/12/23 Вск 03:22:03 122990
>>122414 (OP)
So broomings and bottlings are now outlawed? What will the petukhs do now that they have no job?
This is clearly an attack on Russian kultur.
Anonymous  18/12/23 Пнд 12:12:02 123071
background-remo[...].gif 70Кб, 241x255
Anonymous  18/12/23 Пнд 12:13:33 123072
Dirty lumpen, you don't even know what communism is.
Does USA think that the world without illegal drugs is Communism? Анек  17/12/23 Вск 16:55:37 123028 Ответ
daihuisnim.jpg 116Кб, 1252x1252
Does USA think that the world without illegal drugs is Communism?
Анек  17/12/23 Вск 17:32:27 123029
image.png 158Кб, 392x275
I be uzbek. Anonymous  19/09/23 Втр 09:22:08 120444 Ответ
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I be uzbek.
Anonymous  19/09/23 Втр 14:31:36 120454
Anonymous  20/09/23 Срд 14:02:20 120468
Anonymous  23/09/23 Суб 16:14:50 120505
>>120444 (OP)
Your English is like memes about Poles or Russkies. Learn English to be a good civilized man, bro.
Anonymous  16/12/23 Суб 04:46:45 122965
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwJKjuyLv80 сап двач Anonymous  16/12/23 Суб 20:46:39 122982 Ответ
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Anonymous  16/12/23 Суб 23:07:22 122985
Russian Scams - The Day Before by Russian Yakuts Anonymous  12/12/23 Втр 02:19:11 122836 Ответ
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ssstwitter.com1[...].mp4 6350Кб, 720x1280, 00:00:12
ssstwitter.com1[...].mp4 6825Кб, 640x360, 00:00:06
yakuts.png 62Кб, 984x521
Why Russians are ashamed of such countrymen? Or the average Russian accustomed of being scammed domestically?
Anonymous  12/12/23 Втр 03:14:00 122837
Are Russians...
is accustomed
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 17:59:19 122949
>>122836 (OP)
It's bad, but nothing can really be done, those guys are protected. U know they run scams from prisons, right ? But to be honest after beginnings of SMO scammer situation is better.
Anonymous  16/12/23 Суб 05:50:14 122966
xD 26/11/23 Вск 00:49:46 122274 Ответ
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For some reason the retarded Colombian subhumans started accusing me of being: A Russian, A CIA Agen Anonymous  13/12/23 Срд 06:07:40 122877 Ответ
d144d5bd2e174d7[...].png 915Кб, 1589x1947
For some reason the retarded Colombian subhumans started accusing me of being: A Russian, A CIA Agent, A guerrilla, a Isis terrorist, a gang member, among other unsavory things.
I literally had to go to the countryside because these pieces of shit never gave me a job in the city, despite me being somewhat adept with computers and with foreign languages, I could never get a job, I literally am considering simply smuggling myself to some other country and accept that these niggers don't want me to either work or be self sufficient.
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 17:57:05 122948
Poccnrs have school shootings too? Anonymous  07/12/23 Чтв 12:18:29 122721 Ответ
MCQ.gif 4795Кб, 251x255
Poccnrs have school shootings too?
Anonymous  08/12/23 Птн 11:59:11 122742
Anonymous  14/12/23 Чтв 01:29:00 122915
Do Russian schools have literally metal detectors? wtf even small schools?
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 17:53:25 122946
Not in my day, although maybe now. There were several incidents with tatars few years back.
im unironically learning Russian to get Russian gf Anonymous  30/11/23 Чтв 11:53:17 122404 Ответ
Imagepipe10.jpg 67Кб, 768x1024
im unironically learning Russian to get Russian gf
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Anonymous  14/12/23 Чтв 10:21:12 122924
Anonymous  14/12/23 Чтв 10:21:43 122925
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 12:44:49 122939
My handwriting is the same
t. progger
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 17:47:56 122942
Anonymous  15/12/23 Птн 17:49:23 122943
What do you think about Humza Yousaf's speech in the Scottish Parliament? I think he said everything Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 15:14:22 121457 Ответ
VID202310261513[...].mov 15887Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:44
What do you think about Humza Yousaf's speech in the Scottish Parliament? I think he said everything right and the Scots should be ashamed of their country.
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Anonymous  26/10/23 Чтв 16:12:16 121462
>>121457 (OP)
He should go back to his Pakistani himeland, there he would see his beloved non-white comrades
Anonymous  27/10/23 Птн 11:00:05 121514
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 11:48:41 122031
Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 13:09:31 122035
>>121457 (OP)
Hohol brings another nazi scum speech, how typical. SAGE AND HIDE!!!!11
Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 01:08:43 122663
Xe should be sterilized and sent tp gulag
Творчество местных соевиков, посвященное каре над трансами мне напомнило об угарных артах, от того ж Anonymous  30/10/23 Пнд 11:20:39 121612 Ответ
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Творчество местных соевиков, посвященное каре над трансами мне напомнило об угарных артах, от того же автора, что и арт на пике, призывавших пидоров съебать из Б. Реквестирую их итт.
Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 01:05:36 122662
soytrannyackjak[...].webm 1870Кб, 640x360, 00:00:15
I thought they were talking about India at first but turned out it's about US. Did US really became Anonymous  14/11/23 Втр 10:06:27 122025 Ответ
shit.jpg 204Кб, 514x938
third party.jpg 113Кб, 1649x881
I thought they were talking about India at first but turned out it's about US.
Did US really became so shitty just in 30 years? Who's to blame?
Anonymous  06/12/23 Срд 00:57:34 122658
(((I dont know.)))
здравствуйте мой друзья! Anonymous  29/11/23 Срд 07:51:41 122367 Ответ
IMG7192.jpg 109Кб, 366x408
Greetings /int/ from the US

How are you guys doing?
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Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 15:19:47 122456
Hello anon, why do you post youtube videos in different threads?
Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 15:41:00 122460
Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 20:22:02 122467
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Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 23:39:10 122476
Anonymous  02/12/23 Суб 00:56:12 122482
>>122367 (OP)
Balding faggot and his old-fart-friends theive out everything, the war's taking 1-2 K of lives per day, prices are running to the space, the economics transforms to a party of a few monopolies.

How the fuck do you think we are doing?
Life is wonerful.
When I was in 9th grade, I was friends with a girl from a parallel class. We communicated very well. Anonymous  01/12/23 Птн 18:13:54 122461 Ответ
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When I was in 9th grade, I was friends with a girl from a parallel class. We communicated very well. We went home together after school. We lived in the same yard. The yard was not equipped at all, there was no place to sit, but there were swings. Well, we went to these swings and listened to music on them. First, she plays one song and sits and I rock it, and then we change. Her and subsequently my favorite band was Avenged Sevenfold. One day I wanted to get up, but she told me not to get up and sat on my lap.
-What if I’m against it?
-Who will ask you?
-You have a boyfriend.
-Well, if he doesn’t find out, then it’s okay, right?
She was then dating a boy from another school and he heard rumors that she was kissing someone else (not me). He left her and his friends who knew her personally began to write how unfaithful she was. And she should be ashamed. And in response to this she wrote a barrage of insults. And one day, when we were walking with her, these two guys met us and decided to punish her. They attacked and beat her, but I didn’t stand up. And then she began to be indignant at why I just stood and watched as they beat her. She said that she was a coward, a weakling and a traitor who was not able to stand up for a girl. And now I’m nothing to her, although she liked me. But I didn’t interfere because I had lenses on my eyes and in a fight they could hit me in the eye and tear them and I had to buy new ones. 10 years have passed since then. We are 25. I work as a courier at Yandex Food. When I arrived for the next call, guess who opened the door for me? There she was. He looks with a withering glance and says, “Well, how is your higher education, was it useful?” Then he smiles and continues, “Come in.” The two of us ate some of the food I brought. Then she took a plastic bag and pulled out a piece of cake from the refrigerator. She put it in a bag and gave it to me. We sat for about 40 minutes and at the end we hugged and kissed.
WHO MOCKED HIM &gt;0.25 shekel has been deposited into your JIDF account Anonymous  30/11/23 Чтв 18:04:38 122417 Ответ
jokesters.png 7594Кб, 5556x2248
>0.25 shekel has been deposited into your JIDF account
why rusia is so lol Anonymous  29/11/23 Срд 04:59:48 122363 Ответ
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why rusia is so lol
Anonymous  29/11/23 Срд 05:20:01 122365
>>2 what?
Jk Fg  29/11/23 Срд 15:15:04 122375 Ответ
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Hello, I am from Bangladesh, nice to meet you all. Also I hate indians, jews and ukranians. Thank yo Anonymous  27/11/23 Пнд 18:32:17 122339 Ответ
q1i23wnd2bzb1.mp4 1847Кб, 474x842, 00:00:07
Hello, I am from Bangladesh, nice to meet you all. Also I hate indians, jews and ukranians. Thank you.
Hi i am a russian livin in germany for the longest time Anonymous  18/11/23 Суб 18:31:52 122110 Ответ
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i want to live the dream by falling for the siberia meme;

i dont want to renew my passport and take harz iv in germany, it gets on my nerves and my brain rots from neeting.
Anyone can help?
what do i need?
what do i need to do?
Anonymous  27/11/23 Пнд 13:07:04 122337
>>122110 (OP)
you got russian passport ?

germany and russia is the same
i got both passports only difference is kyrilic but its same NWO plastic ausweis

are you looking to escape spiritually from NewWorldOrder ? you will be disapointed but russia is part of it.
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