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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
me danse. thoughts? Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 10:30:34 127572 Ответ
563721284989725[...].mp4 3988Кб, 384x384, 00:00:50
me danse. thoughts?
19/07/24 Птн 18:21:33 127598
Kys nigger
19/07/24 Птн 20:31:48 127612
Самая Лущщая Писичька Серияла! Anonymous  19/07/24 Птн 01:42:27 127568 Ответ
image.png 461Кб, 645x517
Самая Лущщая Писичька Серияла!
Happy independence day! Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 19:59:57 127097 Ответ
rLZkEez5VDU.jpg 1297Кб, 2560x1920
Happy independence day!
Anonymous  12/07/24 Птн 03:48:05 127351
Anonymous  17/07/24 Срд 09:27:48 127528
The Anglo-Saxons are celebrating independence from the Anglo-Saxons.
Im russianbashkir but I was born in the west (cant speak russian nor bashkir) Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 16:29:42 127342 Ответ
bashkir.png 735Кб, 716x557
Im ethnically 50% russian and 50% bashkir, and I cant take this shit anymore. I look like a fucking ogre not being compatible with society, thats the reason I have no friends and am a virgin probably.

I thought about remigrating. I think I can easily obtain the russian citizenship since both of my parents still have the russian citizenship but I cant speak any russian. I'd have to learn the language all over again, and considering my <95 IQ it would take some significant time.

I just want a bashkir or russian gf, and I dont wanna be cannon fudder for putin. What to do, anon?
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 17:45:44 127343
>>127342 (OP)
>Im ethnically 50% russian and 50% bashkir
That makes you 98% russian. Only slightly less russian than double russian (100%) or russian-tatar (99%) ancestry.
> What to do, anon?
Wait for several years so the war ends or enters frozen state. Meanwhile, try green owl and conversing with people through Internet. While I would not usually recommend games with voice channel, it os ok to use it several times to ease psydhologhcal block to speaking, you tell several retards "mamu tvoyu yebal" and when time comes to speak with normal person it will be much easier,
Anonymous  11/07/24 Чтв 19:47:25 127344
image (39).png 418Кб, 460x575
>>127342 (OP)
>and I dont wanna be cannon fudder for putin
You can't do it without it. Being a fan of Putin is a sign of high intelligence, educated in the history and culture of your country, as well as curiosity and ability to analyze. Girls like smart guys, if they are smart girls, of course, and not frivolous sluts who only think about their comfort.
Anonymous  16/07/24 Втр 17:55:41 127516
>You can't do it without it. Being a fan of Putin is a sign of high intelligence, educated in the history and culture of your country, as well as curiosity and ability to analyze. Girls like smart guys, if they are smart girls, of course, and not frivolous sluts who only think about their comfort.
ur rubbing bullshit to me nigga
what do you think about the biggest attention whore on polish chans? this fat guy in this video com Anonymous  09/10/23 Пнд 22:04:31 120927 Ответ
169687769822411[...].webm 4603Кб, 1080x1920, 00:00:16
what do you think about the biggest attention whore on polish chans? this fat guy in this video comes from karachan org, it's an imageboard, the polish equivalent of the russian 2ch
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86 с картинками.
Пропущено 110 постов, 86 с картинками.
Anonymous  03/03/24 Вск 01:12:40 124460
20201005-Stary [...].mp4 10403Кб, 270x480, 00:04:24
Anonymous  03/03/24 Вск 18:46:10 124484
Anonymous  04/03/24 Пнд 15:36:32 124495
życie ostre jak[...].mp4 11801Кб, 640x360, 00:03:52
Anonymous  04/03/24 Пнд 15:45:05 124496
ułomek tribute.webm 8908Кб, 640x360, 00:01:01
Anonymous  14/07/24 Вск 16:59:28 127447
Arkadio i Kajfe[...].mp4 32233Кб, 640x360, 00:07:26
Russian’s response to a foreigner speaking Russian Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 21:35:16 125486 Ответ
IMG6198.gif 91Кб, 640x636
Fellas, as an actual pindos, I’m here to tell you that learning Russian is genuinely fucking scuffed.

Not only is it a difficult language to learn, extremely so for someone whose baseline native language is English but the payoff when interacting with natives is usually just comically underwhelming. Please don’t take this as an insult, it’s kind of funny, but just something I’ve noticed.

You see on YouTube/tiktok/instagram/whatever videos of foreigners speaking Chinese, Arabic or some African language and when they speak it to a native, the natives reaction is always something crazy. Something like shock or 😮😮😮😮😍😍😍😍 and praise. Maybe it’s because they’re white and most natives aren’t white so it really comes as a surprise.

Now when I as a white guy from the US with no Russian DNA or connections what so ever speak Russian to a native Russian speaker the only reaction I get is just

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Пропущено 44 постов, 11 с картинками.
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 21:23:51 126882
image.png 1Кб, 256x50
how about "was lisping [my R's]", mr. Nesterman?

>Is there anything better I can do so that I don’t forget the language.
visit >>>/hry/ to check out some less (or more) retarded bloggers, than @marginal
install FSBgram to read some popular 9gag-tier meme streams from time to time and let them look at your phone files

for me a good part of wanglish practice was Obama's yt:@crashcourse
lectures on various humanitarian topics were probably biased, so I didn't put their lessons very high on my proof's scale, but I still learned a lot more about various American stuff than the average Russian

you can do something similar, finding lectures on Russian language to learn something new

I personally liked this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUWVNtd6NW0

you can also try sci-fi audio books:
yt says channel has 1.8k videos
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 22:54:05 126885
Thanks for the recommendations. So do you think if I continue this passive retention of Russian, where I consume media in Russian, would that means let’s say if I’m dropped off in middle of Russia, then within a month or so, speaking would be very easy?
Anonymous  17/06/24 Пнд 00:31:05 126886
the ease of speech is not really related to the skill
it's just your inner... idk.. confidence

what i can point out there is that with your current english tonguing instincts you might think that you should spell all the sounds in a certain manner to be taken for an important individual, and not a walking cringe festival, but in Russian it's relatively normal to sound different

to sound smart you have to say smart things, even if you sound like a complete nigger on the anglo instinct scale

even if you don't say smart things, but it's clear that you are having some thought process behind your sentence and word building, this also would look like you're at least a thinking individual

what you should also be careful in studying with Russian native assistance, is not to listen to people who want to "доёбываться до слов", tuning your semantics
you should make your own words, your own word orders, your own cases as you see and get your own feeling to it
if their stuff would start to sound smart to you, you'll copy their manner of speech automatically anyway
Anonymous  04/07/24 Чтв 20:23:37 127098
>>125486 (OP)
Uhhh...well, you do have to have some kind of purpose to learn a language, right? This "why" btw, is people being curious why you even bothered to study Russian, nobody really expects outsiders to learn our language, besides literature, there is really little reason to do it.
Anonymous  09/07/24 Втр 12:51:19 127257
Having a cup of tea. Anonymous  06/03/24 Срд 12:26:08 124531 Ответ
98728958p0.png 1061Кб, 1080x1080
Having a cup of tea.
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30 с картинками.
Пропущено 30 постов, 30 с картинками.
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 22:15:02 125280
31511357p0.jpg 38Кб, 399x369
I'm getting tea.
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 18:43:28 125313
what tea you drink?
Anonymous  31/03/24 Вск 20:45:06 125352
95157977p11.png 55Кб, 576x731
Had tea with my dinner.
Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 13:30:42 126972
just had green tea
Anonymous  03/07/24 Срд 01:47:59 127034
just had rakia
samovar Anonymous  13/11/23 Пнд 00:27:17 121967 Ответ
8d48810baeb502d[...].jpg 114Кб, 780x1049
Do you own one of these?
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7 с картинками.
Пропущено 27 постов, 7 с картинками.
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 01:47:21 127014
images (13).jpeg 48Кб, 739x415
>>121967 (OP)

Бэтмен, или насильник Батмен — прозвище неизвестного мужчины, совершившего серию изнасилований в Англии с 1991 по 2000 год. Также есть предположение, что он может быть причастен к одному убийству, совершённому в 1996 году
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 01:49:12 127016
What are you talking about, shizo?
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 02:11:01 127017
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 11:12:23 127020
>>121967 (OP)
I do.

When we are making backyard party with friends I also put some coals into it and have 5 liters of constantly boiling water for hot beverages. It looks interesting on a table and samovar is a simbol of hospitality.
Anonymous  03/07/24 Срд 01:26:11 127033
MAN we had one of these when I was a kid, it was a brass one, I always wondered what they're for, now I know. good thread
Jimmy is angry that Cartman tries to take credit for a joke he created that is now sweeping the nati Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 21:56:01 127027 Ответ
image.png 138Кб, 611x444
Jimmy is angry that Cartman tries to take credit for a joke he created that is now sweeping the nation. However, an angry Kanye West just can't get his head around the punch line.

кто нибудь ваще слышал пестни этово Канье Вест?
чо вы на нево сморите как на барина?
он же уебан уровня оттово вашево актера, который ебал собаку
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 22:02:55 127028
так это
чо вы там в русне увожаете каканью веста? вам Собчак чтоле посоветовала увожать ево?
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 23:55:48 127029
Anonymous  03/07/24 Срд 00:55:58 127030
image.png 344Кб, 696x607

The committee's chairman, Republican Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, has said the panel plans to publish its report on the Biden administration's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan before the November election.
03/07/24 Срд 10:56:06 127035
Where I can find more of this animations? Anonymous  02/01/24 Втр 18:31:38 123543 Ответ
świnia i niedźw[...].mp4 2198Кб, 824x668, 00:00:49
Where I can find more of this animations?
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5 с картинками.
Пропущено 1 постов, 5 с картинками.
Anonymous  02/01/24 Втр 18:32:17 123544
świnia i niedźw[...].mp4 11502Кб, 1280x576, 00:02:10
Anonymous  02/01/24 Втр 18:49:11 123545
изображение.png 26Кб, 324x149
>>123543 (OP)
I honestly have no idea. But I've seen channels on tg that do it. Try a picture search.
Anonymous  03/01/24 Срд 02:40:13 123556
Врата Овертона [...].mp4 15194Кб, 1280x720, 00:02:28
Anonymous  03/01/24 Срд 18:04:58 123559
ты уирёшь.mp4 6619Кб, 640x360, 00:02:17
Anonymous  02/07/24 Втр 20:43:58 127026
BLJAD Абуняша хачю постить в треды про садовоцтво а не пускают туды с зограничных IP хачю хачю хач Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 23:38:11 126977 Ответ
image.png 373Кб, 829x548
Абуняша хачю постить в треды про садовоцтво
а не пускают туды с зограничных IP

хачю хачю хачю
разрешы плез!

блять какая дибильная капчя
Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 23:39:46 126978
29/06/24 Суб 15:10:18 126979
Напиши в discord.gg/2ch. Аккаунту должно быть 2 дня.
TRUMP FARTED DURING DEBATES!!! Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 07:19:20 126968 Ответ
image.png 845Кб, 1140x643


Микрофон был у Трампа,
во время ляля тарифов против Китая,
в момент фразы
...too much money
28/06/24 Птн 16:47:10 126973
Jeff monson converts Islam Anonymous  22/06/24 Суб 19:19:33 126924 Ответ
Screenshot20240[...].jpg 182Кб, 700x1188
Why does Russia calmly coexist with Muslims? Because they have always been a part of us. Muslims mock european mutts. Yeah they our ally.
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Пропущено 2 постов, 4 с картинками.
Anonymous  22/06/24 Суб 19:50:00 126926
16392282201350.png 327Кб, 480x640
>>126924 (OP)
>Why does Russia calmly coexist with Muslims? Because they have always been a part of us. Muslims mock european mutts. Yeah they our ally.
Anonymous  22/06/24 Суб 23:50:34 126928
0120MMA.jpg 32Кб, 379x500
>>126924 (OP)

В Питере друзья, В Питере Братва
Anonymous  26/06/24 Срд 02:28:32 126945
Anonymous  26/06/24 Срд 23:21:01 126953
Anonymous  28/06/24 Птн 03:57:13 126966
di International Gastronomy, Cuisine, Oenology, Food and Drinks General Anonymous  26/02/24 Пнд 00:59:16 124359 Ответ
395173875104265[...].jpg 602Кб, 1440x1440
407431719106605[...].jpg 307Кб, 1152x2048
242589743101578[...].jpg 72Кб, 828x621
429642100182225[...].jpg 309Кб, 1440x1585
In accordance to 2ch's global rule 2, don't post photos with metadata or info about your daily routine that allow you or others to be doxxed.

- gastronomy, culinary (including recipes), oenology (wines), beers, etc.
- restaurants and dishes sugestions
- what you or average countryman would normally eat
- person eats in university or workplace canteen
- food costs
- etc
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5 с картинками.
Пропущено 9 постов, 5 с картинками.
Anonymous  01/03/24 Птн 09:45:39 124441
котокролик.jpg 8Кб, 200x192
Anonymous  15/03/24 Птн 22:17:39 124650
Leitao1bMelhor.mp4 12014Кб, 960x540, 00:01:08
leitaoparte2.mp4 9627Кб, 720x540, 00:01:07
leitaoparte3b.mp4 10868Кб, 720x540, 00:01:18
leitao2.png 708Кб, 613x938
There's a speciality in the Center of continental Portugal - that is "Roasted suckling piglet - Bairrada's way" [Leitão assado à moda da Bairrada] The piglet is killing before stop sucking its mother boobs.

110-130 euros - a entire roasted piglet (weighting 4,5kg - 5kg)

depends on the restaurant and "companies" only specialised in selling take-away leitão. suposedly there are Spaniards having second doubts of this leitão being better or worse than Segovia suckling piglet that it's killed way younger.
Anonymous  21/06/24 Птн 20:11:41 126917
Russian youtuber buying ingredients for Russian goyslop in ethnic Eastern European with blue and yellow strips of Ukrainian flag in the walls
Russians eat buckwheat; sunflower seeds (like Cockatiels ,agapornis and parrots) and instantaneous goyslop food
Anonymous  21/06/24 Птн 20:50:04 126918
Gay stuff is only when you being fucked in ass or in mouth. When you fuck someone in ass or in mouth it is totally straight no homo 100%.
Anonymous  21/06/24 Птн 23:31:22 126920
ronaldo.webp 110Кб, 475x593
Ronaldo, stop using a Russian proxy on your smartphone.
Learning Russian Language Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 02:49:59 125251 Ответ
qoXrAzZ2i7o.jpg 480Кб, 1920x1280
For learning Russian, what are some things I need to consider and keep in mind? What is the best way for me to learn (besides moving to Russia and forcing myself to speak 100% of the time, which is obviously the best way)? I feel like those online courses and shit are scams or made for retarded people.
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7 с картинками.
Пропущено 18 постов, 7 с картинками.
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 20:42:59 126493
Anonymous  23/05/24 Чтв 20:44:37 126494
image.png 245Кб, 500x246
Anonymous  16/06/24 Вск 20:12:34 126880
Anonymous  19/06/24 Срд 03:25:59 126901
Anonymous  21/06/24 Птн 05:29:10 126910
Just learn alot of individual words and read. Sense of time and all that suffix bullshit will come naturally with relative chill. Its not fastest way nor is it efficent but its easiest to keep up running.
Also avoid kids books or old ones, russian language mutates into different widely adopted dialects in matter of decades. Take books from decade or rough time period you want your speech to sound like reprints usually adopt vocab of books for time so take them as orient too.
Do not use internet texts as reading practice as it is too advanced shit to unravel, plus grammar is generally bad.
IWO: Krasnoyarsk oldfag  21/01/23 Суб 12:29:33 109989 Ответ
20220615160009.jpg 4725Кб, 4624x2084
20230113222029.jpg 2453Кб, 4624x2084
My last thread has been deleted (fucking lgbt-nazi monkey Abu, I loved my thread). Greetings to all oldfags.
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75 с картинками.
Пропущено 108 постов, 75 с картинками.
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 06:54:22 126652
20240601102737.jpg 4390Кб, 4624x2084
Im already in Paradise, and you will just die.
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 07:56:38 126653
200px-AinuManSt[...].jpeg 19Кб, 200x242
images (31).jpeg 9Кб, 214x235
5178d4c68558c10[...].jpeg 52Кб, 700x451

We need to reintegrate Matsmai into our native harbor. But taking into account the fact that the Japanese can survive as a nation only as part of Russia, we will have to allow the Japanese niggers to join Russia. It is difficult to be a saint - you have to save and bring different nations, even such degenerates who have been degenerated by the West into unnaturalness like the Japanese, to our cultural level, guided by pure altruism.
This is how we differ from Western subhumans - they target the weak points of other cultures and destroy them, while we develop and integrate them.
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 09:51:19 126654
20240601134542.jpg 6507Кб, 4624x2084
20240601134028.jpg 1690Кб, 4624x2084
Literally me. Murica you are drunk, my nigger. Soon you will be dead.
Anonymous  01/06/24 Суб 09:54:29 126655
20240601135210.mp4 26471Кб, 1920x1080, 00:00:12
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 17:55:33 126718
20240605214929.jpg 1447Кб, 3264x1468
Cheap, strong and tasty korean shit.
152mm of strawberry alcohol.
russian propoganda animation about ukraine хохол  05/06/24 Срд 14:06:01 126705 Ответ
image.png 21Кб, 1096x485
Does anyone have a Russian propaganda animation about Ukraine where a ukranian turns into a rocket?
Anonymous  05/06/24 Срд 17:39:20 126715
Литва Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 15:40:44 125262 Ответ
171171573994386[...].jpg 1Кб, 220x147
171171582217211[...].jpg 358Кб, 1080x1334
Есть тут кто-то из Литвы?
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2 с картинками.
Пропущено 8 постов, 2 с картинками.
Anonymous  14/04/24 Вск 22:29:08 125719
Возвращайся в свой харьков или из какой ты там жопы.
Anonymous  15/04/24 Пнд 02:00:28 125726
Anonymous  16/05/24 Чтв 03:51:59 126343
>>125262 (OP)
Все прибалты сидят под русскими проксями и изображают встревоженных русских вместе с хохлами в нюсаче и пораше.

Латыши судя по твиттеру. Впрочем литовцы тоже хорошо отблагодарили тысячи москвичей которые выходили на митинги за независимость этого образования когда совочек разваливался.
Anonymous  16/05/24 Чтв 08:58:10 126345
Anonymous  03/06/24 Пнд 22:25:44 126680
>>125262 (OP)
Да, у половины литовцев славянские фамилии, кроме жемайтов, которые помесь славян с немцами.
Чюрлёнис - поляк, Стуока-Гуцевич - поляк, Мицкевич - поляк, Достоевский - литовец ( ага :) ), тракайский замок построен в советское время, президентура построена русскими и польскими архитекторами, конституция ВКЛ написана на старославянском. Вильнюс изначально славянский город, упоминается в Воскресенской рукописи, захвачен прусскими племенами и жемайтами. Живи с этим.
me rate Anonymous  31/05/24 Птн 21:05:38 126639 Ответ
image.png 414Кб, 483x884
me rate
Any mods with English translations for this game? Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 08:40:28 125499 Ответ
6-1-492966-52.webp 26Кб, 382x215
Any mods with English translations for this game?
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Пропущено 1 постов, 3 с картинками.
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 11:36:45 125506
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 12:13:35 125507
Its way more popular in Russia, everything on the workshop page is in Russian.
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 13:38:15 125513
изображение.png 350Кб, 552x529
Yes, it's terrible. But it can be worse: when you walk into the workshop of a Japanese game that hasn't even been translated into English, let alone its mods.

In short, just get over it. If there are no mods in English, then the game isn't that popular in the English-speaking community. Although I could open up boosty or pateron for mod translations.... But I already have plenty of projects of my own.
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 16:49:15 125554
блето.webm 3876Кб, 360x360, 00:00:31
Anonymous  21/05/24 Втр 00:07:55 126427
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