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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
What do you think about this soap? Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 14:43:16 125474 Ответ
image.png 2169Кб, 1500x1216
Looking for solutions for my dandruff and head itchiness i came across this soap, just bought it today on a Russian shop for 2,50€ expecting that it is good.

What can you tell me about it?
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Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 16:52:03 125516
I'm surprised you found this in Spain.
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 17:27:28 125518
I've bought it in a russian shop, they had food and such.
Anonymous  07/04/24 Вск 21:18:55 125525
image.png 1685Кб, 1000x1000
You suddenly get dandruff in the middle of Spain, someone suddenly advises you Russian tar soap, then suddenly there is a Russian store near you in walking distance where you can buy it, then you tell it on a Russian imageboard and I suddenly have professional Photoshop skills to make a joke about it... it's all very strange and suspicious. Too many coincidences.
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 01:49:42 125537
Tar soap is what russians smell like?
Anonymous  08/04/24 Пнд 16:17:07 125553
No, silly boy. Russians smell of pain.
Why is Russian music so powerful? Anonymous  12/12/23 Втр 16:50:43 122859 Ответ
xenia degelko.mp4 23589Кб, 854x480, 00:02:32
Why is Russian music so powerful?
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Anonymous  13/12/23 Срд 11:51:41 122889
Why did you bring this here?
Anonymous  17/12/23 Вск 19:34:57 123042
Anonymous  29/12/23 Птн 15:14:19 123480
Anonymous  29/12/23 Птн 17:11:28 123481
Anonymous  02/01/24 Втр 20:48:26 123549
NuPogodiAK47.jpg 141Кб, 1885x1246
Bugurt-Threads Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 17:33:11 125477 Ответ
image.png 53Кб, 700x635
image.png 86Кб, 673x625
image.png 35Кб, 478x590
image.png 39Кб, 630x567
can someone tell me what the lyrics of this russian song say? Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 21:18:41 125451 Ответ
hq720.jpg 32Кб, 686x386
Anonymous  06/04/24 Суб 14:21:30 125472
My name is Mima. I have not been in a single Touhou entry since 1998 as since then I made a decision Anonymous  14/09/23 Чтв 21:34:48 120265 Ответ
1694712563833742.png 258Кб, 500x500
My name is Mima.
I have not been in a single Touhou entry since 1998 as since then I made a decision to become a slut for BBC. Thank you for your understanding. I will not return.
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Anonymous  19/09/23 Втр 21:03:09 120463
In 8 years from teens emo-icon to Voice podmetalo. Russian show bizness)
Anonymous  25/09/23 Пнд 23:47:14 120555
Anonymous  25/09/23 Пнд 23:54:57 120557
16956655177380.png 188Кб, 1200x800
Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 17:40:00 125450
Nuckie is Mima.I have not return.
Anonymous  05/04/24 Птн 19:27:01 125464
What can I expect from this? Is it depressing like people say? Anonymous  09/10/23 Пнд 16:26:52 120925 Ответ
IMG1825.jpeg 5561Кб, 4032x3024
What can I expect from this? Is it depressing like people say?
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Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 12:41:10 125298
> I can already see the western essence of this text because he’s always quick to disregard the views of “soviet historians” in favour of western historians
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 18:30:11 125312
0.jpg 1090Кб, 2000x1000
I'm not correcting you, just complementing your cool thread
Anonymous  30/03/24 Суб 20:08:05 125323
1705324679385166.jpg 65Кб, 989x806
Thank you for providing information.
Anonymous  03/04/24 Срд 22:55:56 125439
>>120925 (OP)
dude, russian history should be studied only from foreign authors. There has never been a normal historical school in Russia. all academic history was created (and exists now) under the strong ideological influence of the state. so read western authors.
Anonymous  04/04/24 Чтв 00:26:20 125441
7563673.png 404Кб, 673x734
>historical school in Russia
What are you talking about, VPN-pidorashka?
Russia has Karamzin and Artsybashev who wrote their historical multivolumes on scrolls and annals given to them by Catherine II. I don't recommend them to him because it's a year or two's reading and he's asking for a simple book.
Fuck off back to your /b/-"porasha", you stupid uneducated animal.
how high heat can u get in ur apartment? we used to have 28c option until the 00s. now standard is 2 Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 05:09:40 125212 Ответ
1710709563962.png 54Кб, 809x465
how high heat can u get in ur apartment?
we used to have 28c option until the 00s. now standard is 21c. i get the sense that old commieblock from former ussr have proper heating
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 16:07:32 125220
>>125212 (OP)
I suppose, as long as floors are warm, its nice to have 22. But personally I keep heater turned up to 24.3, cause floors are cold.
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 16:55:33 125225
image.png 1599Кб, 1359x641
>>125212 (OP)
21 degrees Celsius is a comfortable temperature for humans, and in new houses built since the 2000s it is. But in Soviet-era apartment buildings in the winter in the European part of Russia, you have to open a window to avoid getting fried.
In private houses, the role of heater is played by gas boilers, so their residents have flexible control over this.
Anonymous  02/04/24 Втр 20:30:19 125408
russia heating.mp4 25448Кб, 404x720, 00:01:23
>21 degrees Celsius is a comfortable temperature for humans
if u are wearing clothes, yes.
but if you want to sleep naked / with underwear only, it's too cold. not comfortable to sleep with clothes on imo.

thanks for info though
Is it true or is it a myth? Do women in Europe come to meet men themselves and or is it a show? Belgorod-kun  27/03/24 Срд 17:04:14 125188 Ответ
16018852311530.webm 8743Кб, 1280x720, 00:00:30
Is it true or is it a myth? Do women in Europe come to meet men themselves and or is it a show?
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 19:48:18 125192
>signs in Khazarian
Belgorod-kun  27/03/24 Срд 23:16:49 125198
So you tell me, yes or no, what is the market rate of a cunt in your country?
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 20:48:50 125273
The average portuguese woman doesn't do this. Does the average Natasha wear choker necklaces and are inbred like this Israeli Mizrahi jewess?
PSOne Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 12:06:55 125259 Ответ
image.png 158Кб, 496x368
What's this shit for?
An online game using your phone? You call another person and tell them what weapon you're shooting at them with and what part of their body you hit, so that they make the appropriate pain sound and let you know how much health and armor they've lost?
Anonymous  29/03/24 Птн 15:34:17 125261
The end of the gaming industry? Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 21:26:47 125151 Ответ
image.png 2722Кб, 1280x1024
image.png 327Кб, 800x600
image.png 2054Кб, 1024x768
image.png 2091Кб, 1280x720
Why doesn't anyone make games with innovation anymore? Have we hit a wall of progress?

We've been getting the same projects with the same concept for almost 10 years now, what can turn this around?
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 15:20:45 125217
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 21:19:16 125237
Shit of gator, what's game is depicted on 4 pic, op? Is that a city craft simulator?
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 21:21:35 125238
>what can turn this around?
Anonymous  28/03/24 Чтв 22:46:18 125242
1320965a7984b09[...].jpg 248Кб, 1024x768
1117966-morutop[...].jpg 158Кб, 1024x768
gallery66801100[...].jpg 59Кб, 1200x675
57d887d391889ea[...].jpg 120Кб, 1024x768
The Guild 1/Европа 1400: Гильдия (2002)

Also +PR oldschool Russian games
Russian dog gets humiliated by African BVLL in Russia. LOOOL.. Anonymous  31/08/23 Чтв 19:15:03 119905 Ответ
TMPa2wy8j3mVGHHa.mp4 2484Кб, 640x640, 00:00:27
Russian dog gets humiliated by African BVLL in Russia.
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Anonymous  01/09/23 Птн 14:52:31 119948
VID202302051634[...].mp4 6766Кб, 496x848, 00:00:47
Anonymous  03/09/23 Вск 02:25:02 120009
Meeting Vladimi[...].mp4 12619Кб, 1920x1080, 00:00:31
Anonymous  04/09/23 Пнд 22:56:29 120058
NPCs of Starfield are soooooo ugly. Like, even worse than Oblivion which is telling.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 13:50:48 125179
17113212758230.jpg 22Кб, 260x194
>>119905 (OP)
He says he's his son and beats him to prove it. In Russia there is some retarded stereotype from the USSR that blacks steal children.
Anonymous  27/03/24 Срд 13:51:38 125180
The son is apparently somewhere off-screen.
Jari, the first person in the world to row alone from Europe to America and back. What do you Russia Anonymous  19/12/23 Втр 11:41:06 123131 Ответ
IMG4393.jpeg 430Кб, 1179x1451
Jari, the first person in the world to row alone from Europe to America and back. What do you Russian warmongers think you can do to a Finn? Nothing. There is nothing you can do.
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Anonymous  21/12/23 Чтв 08:27:10 123195
>>123131 (OP)
Did you know, Jari last name was Pidri? Because he was real pidor, finnish king of faggots.
21/12/23 Чтв 08:30:30 123196
Anonymous  22/12/23 Птн 18:11:08 123251
Anonymous  02/01/24 Втр 16:25:10 123542
>>123131 (OP)
>What do you Russian warmongers think you can do to a Finn? Nothing. There is nothing you can do.
We could deny you St. Petersburg vodka shopping, but finnish govt did it first. Russians indeed can not fuck finn as hard as finnish govt.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 21:00:02 125150
Thats only you stole it.PROOFS or I remember correctly, the border between Finland and back.
What do you also use ours.
The problem with Russians do to a fucked by
Russia is essentially a medieval or late roman empire history book event. The leader of the mercena Anonymous  25/06/23 Вск 13:36:25 116208 Ответ
Byzantine.png 1386Кб, 1054x758
Russia is essentially a medieval or late roman empire history book event.

The leader of the mercenaries takes advantage of the monarch's vulnerability, march on the capital in a show of power with almost nothing standing in the way. The emperor can do nothing, but lower his head and offer pardon and other promises.
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Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 09:23:58 119848
Двачую. Назло всем хочу чтоб Путин жил КаК можно дальше и правил как можно дальше. Всё равно ни-ху-я не изменится
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 09:58:50 119858
Even after his death I'm sure we, good russians, can find a way to him to be president. Like digital president or neuro-machine.
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 10:21:19 119862
Видел нейросеть Жириновского? Путин проживёт ещё лет 10 минимум. За это время мы продвинемся в этом плане на столько, что думаю, что будем сканировать мозг полностью и заливать сознание оттуда в машину компьютерную.
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 09:40:52 125119
Ты совсем дебич что ли?
двачую. назло всем хочу чтоб путин жил как можно дальше. всё равно ни-ху-я не изменится
Anonymous  26/03/24 Втр 15:02:53 125124
I am warning you Russia and Ukraine. Stop fighting or i will have to get involved. &gt;Norway could Anonymous  24/08/23 Чтв 10:29:51 119653 Ответ
539YfPq.jpg 763Кб, 3456x3168
I am warning you Russia and Ukraine. Stop fighting or i will have to get involved.

>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Russia and Ukraine in a week

TOP KEK SLAVSHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with Russia and Ukraine. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty countries. There wouldn't be a square meter of Slavic soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY SLAVshit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
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Anonymous  27/08/23 Вск 15:00:17 119753
Thanks for the Milchakov vid.
Another evidence of ruzzo-nazis crimes which they commited since 2014.
Anonymous  27/08/23 Вск 15:01:51 119754
16498924393730.jpg 27Кб, 698x392
Anonymous  28/08/23 Пнд 08:20:02 119796
лето.jpg 450Кб, 1270x1280
Retard does not know MIlchakov has never denied removing filth like you from Earth.
Anonymous  30/08/23 Срд 09:26:26 119850
>>119653 (OP)
Как же у тебя горит, маленький сладенький маняшиз... Мхмхмх
Anonymous  25/03/24 Пнд 10:03:28 125085
retard does not on red square!" is gonna do you go, um, and up and down you and general faggotry, as this is done bombarding your trousers or i will
hey Finns, we can do it again Anonymous  21/12/23 Чтв 15:59:27 123205 Ответ
17031584647090s.jpg 8Кб, 250x243
17031632798471s.jpg 6Кб, 172x200
hey Finns, we can do it again
Anonymous  21/12/23 Чтв 16:10:32 123206
Lmao what kind of drugs are you taking if you think r*ssia who loses against Ukraine has any chances against NATO and Finland?
Anonymous  21/12/23 Чтв 17:00:28 123209
1b5ba9ffc1d38cae.mp4 2133Кб, 644x480, 00:00:38
>>123205 (OP)

Anonymous  05/03/24 Втр 12:42:21 124504
>>123205 (OP)

I'm dreaming of genocide of subhuman cockroach Finns. I dream all the possible methods of killing them, I dream killing Finnish children, raping and killing their mothers while their fathers are watching and then killing the fathers as painfully as possible.
american here Anonymous  22/03/24 Птн 23:42:08 124870 Ответ
1200px-Flagofth[...].webp 3Кб, 1200x632
sorry for what happened in crocus city hall, i hope those responsible are put to justice
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Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 01:46:04 124983
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 20:06:42 125022
why so why
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 21:42:56 125045
17066502922501.jpg 103Кб, 656x555
>>124870 (OP)
I'm afraid that will never happen, because the real terrorists are Putin and his friends. After each presidential election a sacrifice like crocus SUDDENLY takes place. Just like 2004 and 2018. I'm not even talking about Putin blowing up houses in 1999. But thanks for the support, fren.
24/03/24 Вск 23:01:01 125058
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 23:24:12 125060
Peace to the dead no matter who is responsible.
Though, I fail to see how Putin could make ISIS take responsibility for this and how this would benefit his rule or enact mobilization, anyways.
Maybe I'd believe you if things were different.
Anyways, of course I don't believe ISIS is behind this, just for the purpose of debunking is what I am aiming at.
Recently, the largest Spanish-language YouTube channel dedicated to horror, Dross, uploaded a video Anonymous  26/02/24 Пнд 01:43:09 124361 Ответ
cap01.jpg 151Кб, 495x715
cap04.jpg 119Кб, 1167x661
cap06.jpg 243Кб, 960x806
cap09.jpg 256Кб, 1170x672
Recently, the largest Spanish-language YouTube channel dedicated to horror, Dross, uploaded a video related to a Russian Roswell incident that occurred in the Volga Federal District in 1995. The protagonist, Fyodor Obolensky, was killed by "lights" that appeared on his farm. Was this real? Is there more information about this?

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Anonymous  26/02/24 Пнд 22:02:30 124385
OP Here, thanks Russian anon

With permission of admins and mod, I will repost this theme in Paranormal.
Anonymous  27/02/24 Втр 15:07:13 124394
Good luck getting it. I think founding aliens would be easyier.
Anonymous  04/03/24 Пнд 19:12:16 124497
>>124361 (OP)
>>124361 (OP)
>Volga Federal District in 1995
happens all the time. even now. my sister watch it around mountains with kids.
Anonymous  06/03/24 Срд 01:56:33 124513
Хуй жопа
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 16:40:26 125007
>>Volga Federal District in 1995happens all the time
>Volga Federal District in 1995. The protagonist, Fyodor Obolensky, was a Russian Roswell incident that occurred in 1995. The protagonist, Fyodor Obolensky, was a "who done it" and they pick an easy way out pushing for his farm. Was this
> my sister watch it around mountains with kids
Хуй жопа
look what boos of Polish parliament speak about your new elected President of Russia Anonymous  23/03/24 Суб 21:04:13 124961 Ответ
groźny polaka.mp4 5557Кб, 360x548, 00:00:45
look what boos of Polish parliament speak about your new elected President of Russia
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 02:22:17 124985
изображение.png 209Кб, 624x336
Anonymous  24/03/24 Вск 13:56:58 125000
What happened to the poccnr empire?!?! Anonymous  18/11/23 Суб 22:44:21 122113 Ответ
image.png 1389Кб, 832x880
What happened to the poccnr empire?!?!
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Пропущено 8 постов, 3 с картинками.
Anonymous  23/11/23 Чтв 04:00:02 122174
Paintings were sold to America, many Hermitage paintings are now in Waыhington *
Anonymous  23/11/23 Чтв 12:29:30 122181
Anonymous  24/11/23 Птн 10:52:06 122193
How are they masons, they did not build even one stone bridge, house or church with their hands.
Anonymous  24/11/23 Птн 20:40:00 122199
Masonic means belonging to freemasons
Anonymous  25/11/23 Суб 18:18:13 122247
Because they lie try to enrich their Roleplaying or Esoteric LARP saying that "they track back to medieval mason guilds".
Ape-girl Anonymous  18/12/23 Пнд 15:37:44 123079 Ответ
Screenshot2.jpg 26Кб, 438x520
2.png 151Кб, 438x520
Secret mascot of 2ch
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Пропущено 6 постов, 9 с картинками.
Anonymous  19/12/23 Втр 01:15:48 123095
1702935994977925.gif 2504Кб, 180x321
They are Brazilian translators - I've checked out the orthography of their first names and surnames and installed the game. It's Brazilian Portuguese.
Anonymous  19/12/23 Втр 10:03:28 123111
ы.jpg 12Кб, 225x225
Really? And we thought for a second the whole board thought you liked 2ch mascots and decided to play the best (according to Steam) novel.
Anonymous  19/12/23 Втр 10:09:34 123113
Ape-chan.jpg 72Кб, 400x400
Anonymous  19/12/23 Втр 21:39:11 123145
jid.png 35Кб, 532x557
Secret mascot of 2ch
Anonymous  20/12/23 Срд 13:54:19 123177
No exposing Alisher you moron!
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