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This board focuses on international friendship and cultural exchange.
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test Anonymous  26/02/24 Пнд 23:15:19 124387 Ответ
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Anonymous  26/02/24 Пнд 23:15:52 124388
Anonymous  27/02/24 Втр 01:43:40 124389
27/02/24 Втр 13:05:49 124391
Opinion? Anonymous  24/02/24 Суб 06:22:01 124319 Ответ
haley-grilled-o[...].webp 174Кб, 2000x1333
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Anonymous  24/02/24 Суб 22:38:38 124337
Anonymous  25/02/24 Вск 06:22:55 124351
>he lost months before, bruh. Who cares

Про хохлов в 22 году так же говорили.
Anonymous  25/02/24 Вск 23:13:48 124357
>>124319 (OP)
Have some basic decency to name the person at least, I am too lazy to reverse image search.
Anonymous  26/02/24 Пнд 18:28:39 124369
>>124319 (OP)
Они дадут Байдену тонны Аддерола. Потом в один момент он совсем забудет, где он и что происходит. Камала 2024 негры т.к. бургер
Nikki Haley, Ivan.
Anonymous  26/02/24 Пнд 19:12:57 124376
No, they didn't. SMO went bad right away. Republican premeris being going on for a while now, she has no support.
Russian women are top notch Anonymous  16/02/24 Птн 12:05:28 124234 Ответ
IMG202402152206[...].jpg 3539Кб, 4624x2604
Here in India women are barely available due to the whole cultural layout. I have moved from Delhi to Arambol in Goa. I always thought that Russia has some top notch economy and I wont be able to compete.

But how wrong I was. There are chicks who make like 30,000 rublies a month back in Russia. Which is quite close to what people make in the area.

All you basically have to do is offering drink and substances and you get laid a lot. Russians have best in slot women. I wish more came here this season
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Anonymous  16/02/24 Птн 14:13:36 124235
>>124234 (OP)
Really? I always thought you has to be super wealthy to go to Goa. That's the price range ?
Anonymous  22/02/24 Чтв 14:27:10 124291
john-jonah-jame[...].gif 4060Кб, 640x640
>>124234 (OP)
>get laid a lot

We all know 1.60cm black skinned Pajeets with thicc techsupport accent are irresistable to women
Anonymous  22/02/24 Чтв 14:47:23 124292
70g810.jpg 26Кб, 536x467
Your women are total whoring disgrace, Иванушка, now even Rajesh can nail em
Anonymous  23/02/24 Птн 14:02:02 124299
Tbh I’d never date a Russian woman that’s actually from Russia
I prefer Russian girls that are raised in the U.K.
Anonymous  23/02/24 Птн 14:44:10 124301
What do you think about this shit? Y'all hoes are angry, I've been waiting for a long time to see t Anonymous  21/02/24 Срд 17:09:19 124281 Ответ
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What do you think about this shit?

Y'all hoes are angry, I've been waiting for a long time to see this.

fucking hoes must die
Bible Anonymous  18/02/24 Вск 03:29:18 124249 Ответ
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Why do the West love ISIS, Nazis and LGBT so much?
I think the reason lies in your most important book.
Anonymous  18/02/24 Вск 19:38:54 124250
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>>124249 (OP)
Yup, the "imaginary collective entity West" is run by Zerg's Overmind in Washington DC or Langley Virginia.
Like Russians believe that every European Union country is the same. They will have a nasty surprise here.
Anonymous  19/02/24 Пнд 23:55:24 124259
Anonymous  21/02/24 Срд 10:24:32 124276
Question for VK-veterans Anonymous  17/02/24 Суб 11:52:51 124244 Ответ
IMG2276.jpeg 163Кб, 570x760
When I try to search for some old posts that I for sure know exist, they only let me scroll down to year 2021 posts. Are there add-ons that bypass this problem and let me scroll down further? Thank you.
Anonymous  17/02/24 Суб 19:51:39 124246
I've soiled my diaper. Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 16:22:53 122320 Ответ
Jokeri.jpg 26Кб, 780x438
I've soiled my diaper.
Anonymous  26/11/23 Вск 17:48:05 122322
>>122320 (OP)
It was a political statement or medical issue? Care to share photo?
Anonymous  17/02/24 Суб 10:33:25 124243
>>122320 (OP)
You should get those diapers made of filth. Just be careful who you buy them from, you can't tell when they're used or new.
What does poccnrs think about jews? Anonymous  17/11/23 Птн 00:14:58 122090 Ответ
Jew.mp4 970Кб, 352x640, 00:00:09
What does poccnrs think about jews?
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Anonymous  19/11/23 Вск 12:31:55 122123
jew katz.mp4 307Кб, 624x854, 00:00:03
jews dancing.mp4 4616Кб, 480x848, 00:00:23
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 13:57:36 124175
It doesn't seem to be the original. The sound is different
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 23:16:56 124195
освобождает пони.png 1956Кб, 1717x1725
Well, one thing you couldn't skip while being a jew in Russian Empire is the beating.
Anonymous  15/02/24 Чтв 20:37:22 124231
>>122090 (OP)
I like them. I am Israel's strongest soldier and I spend my days trolling poltards about how the jews are based.
Anonymous  16/02/24 Птн 18:00:29 124236
don't forget to use the obligatory memeflag while posting.
Hey, Polands, did you ewer know that root of your country's name is Russian word Поле (Pole), that m Anonymous  29/12/23 Птн 12:00:42 123473 Ответ
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Hey, Polands, did you ewer know that root of your country's name is Russian word Поле (Pole), that mean is just field, and so your country is just place where are a lot of fields
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Anonymous  15/01/24 Пнд 10:07:45 123892
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>>123473 (OP)
yeah its a nickname for fieldpeople

same as indians in USA which are not indians

Po in german means Ass or Butt, so land of the Butts.
Anonymous  16/01/24 Втр 09:39:10 123897
Anonymous  16/01/24 Втр 10:22:31 123898
That makes Polish a dialect of Ukrainian.
Anonymous  17/01/24 Срд 00:39:37 123906
And what does "bobr kurwa" mean in polish?
Anonymous  16/02/24 Птн 10:26:12 124233
obraz2024-02-16[...].png 447Кб, 876x723
one of the polish tribes that lived here called themselves the polans (polanie) so the rest just got called that since the first capital was on their ground because the rest was too busy sucking cocks to develop properly
President Vladimir Putin is a Russian Orthodox man who grew up in a deeply Atheistic society. He di Anonymous  14/02/24 Срд 17:52:25 124213 Ответ
Putin saint RU.jpg 121Кб, 922x1280
Putin Calendar [...].png 652Кб, 722x500
President Vladimir Putin is a Russian Orthodox man who grew up in a deeply Atheistic society.

He did not have the luxuries many Orthodox Christians experience today. No spiritual father, no Christian upbringing. Christian identity was suppressed, he was not catechized properly growing up, the education system indoctrinated young Soviet people into believing nonsense (such as Darwinism, historical marxism).

This is why we see over the last 20-years, a continued transformation of his character, under the influence of his Orthodox peers - he is overcoming decades of Communist ideology, which infect many of the baby boomer Soviet generation.

To me, what he has done - and continues to do, in good conscience, will be judged by God. I personally believe it is mostly good. We see him improving before our very eyes, slowly but surely, and I hope that this personal growth continues, to the benefit of the Russian Christian people.

Russia rises, it is taking off the Talmudic Bolshevik & Masonic noose which has tied it down by the neck for almost 80-years. An end to the dark ritual is almost here, and President Putin has contributed to this freedom, to the best of his humble ability.
Anonymous  14/02/24 Срд 20:30:59 124216
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>>124213 (OP)
No. First of all, picrelated, dude is into judaic mysticism, second he lives in sin with his mystress Kabanova with whom he has several children, all born in sin, and third he doesn't really inforce or understands any christianic traditions or practices, fourth he never invokes Jesus in his speaches either, even then he speaks of "traditional values". So no-no-no-no. Sorry.
15/02/24 Чтв 15:09:05 124228
Russian history Anonymous  12/02/24 Пнд 18:42:11 124152 Ответ
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Who are good authors (books) for a non-Russian speaker to learn about Russian history?
I would like something going over through the entire Russian history, to get a general grasp, but if you've liked a book talking about a certain time period, post it anyways.
And please, no pozzed shit about how Galician villagers are the real Russians.
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Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 15:23:13 124177
>It is interesting that he says they came from Pannonia
Naturally, all the peoples came from somewhere.
>This is in the "Tale of Bygone Years"
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 18:14:02 124179
>I've seen Russians write about this, and I don't dispute, since I've talked to some credible people that researched the Normanist theory, and called it complete horseshit. Russian academy is split into two, pro-Normanist, and anti-Normanist.
No. Not anymore, anti-Normanist theory was disproven decedes ago. It was always on shaky grounds, it's only real argument being "russian aristocracy could never invite a foreigner" but the did. It was Lomonosov ploy back at Elisaveta Petrovna days to win some cloud on anti-german sentiment of the time.
>I don't think Nevsky battle being made up is far fetched, though there is some dispute about that claim, as always.
There is actuall historical evidence disproving it. At 16 century second to last of Alexander's line Ivan the 4th was at war with Sweden and also genocided the Norther Land, so he needed a better version of history to justify why he was better than the nords.
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 19:31:52 124184
I also added "imperial" before soviet/FSB.

More about retarded stuff that looks a legend or myth that they asked some random foreigner to rule over them like Putin said. There are chronicles written by monks that are also forgeries in West as well.
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 20:00:12 124185
Well, Rurick wasn't a random guy. He was one of the nordic merc that roamed southern Baltics before germs came and civilized it. Young, strong, capable, with a solid crew and without ties at Novgorod, so he wouldn't be biesed toward one clan or the other, which was the main concern at that time. Novgorod was too far to the North, so nomads didn't bother them, finns always were to themselves type of people, germs didn't yet came and balts were just a bunch of savages with a one metal axe on a thousandof them. The only threat Novgorod had is infighting, so they brought a foriergn forse to mitigate. Again position of knyaz was not that important at the time, veche kicked out of the plenty of Rurick seccessers, until Moscow grew too strong.
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 21:24:04 124187
>Well, Rurick wasn't a random guy. He was one of the nordic merc that roamed southern Baltics before germs came and civilized it. Young, strong, capable, with a solid crew and without ties at Novgorod, so he wouldn't be biesed toward one clan or the other, which was the main concern at that time. Novgorod was too far to the North, so nomads didn't bother them, finns always were to themselves type of people, germs didn't yet came and balts were just a bunch of savages with a one metal axe on a thousandof them. The only threat Novgorod had is infighting, so they brought a foriergn forse to mitigate. Again position of knyaz was not that important at the time, veche kicked out of the plenty of Rurick seccessers, until Moscow grew too strong.
That makes much more sense than my previous viewpoint, ty.
Why are so many Russian oligarchs Jews? vekselberg - jew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor&#95;V Anonymous  30/03/23 Чтв 10:23:10 113969 Ответ
Jew kohler.jpg 91Кб, 593x584
Why are so many Russian oligarchs Jews?

vekselberg - jew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Vekselberg

abramovich - jew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Abramovich

deripaska - jew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleg_Deripaska

rotenberg brothers (both are billionaires) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arkady_Rotenberg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Romanovich_Rotenberg

fridman - jew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Fridman

Aven - jew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petr_Aven

prokhorov - jew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Prokhorov

prigozhin - jew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevgeny_Prigozhin
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Anonymous  09/02/24 Птн 17:59:26 124124
Your writing style reminds me of many Russian books I've read lol.
Anonymous  11/02/24 Вск 15:50:11 124141
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>>113969 (OP)
You know why. You know. It's total pizdecover. Jews already own half the Earth, with only Africa, Muslims and East being somewhat resistant. Stop looking at just Russia and look everywhere else, it's not just about this country.
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 13:45:32 124173
>>113969 (OP)
Cuz jews are most talanted and active ppl on russians lands.
They are like gods lives among primitive barbarians.
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 13:46:28 124174
yes bolsheeviks shits in pants of great russians ppl hahaha
27/02/24 Втр 14:30:38 124393
Где раздел Anonymous  # OP 26/01/24 Птн 17:24:19 123986 Ответ
i (56).jpeg 122Кб, 900x900
Где тут раздел /racemix/? Специально для таких которые за мультикультуру
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Anonymous  08/02/24 Чтв 20:45:31 124111
Anonymous  08/02/24 Чтв 21:01:08 124112
>Transcaucasians, Caucasians
Only people migrating there are russians, who are happened to be white.
Anonymous  08/02/24 Чтв 21:57:50 124113
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forgot to write "imagine the following"
Anonymous  08/02/24 Чтв 23:17:36 124115
Scary witch lookin lady is scarying me.......
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 11:47:41 124167
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Why does the USA resemble a huge stinking garbage dump? Why can't you look like an example to others Anonymous  10/10/23 Втр 01:08:24 120934 Ответ
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Why does the USA resemble a huge stinking garbage dump? Why can't you look like an example to others?
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Anonymous  04/02/24 Вск 02:17:59 124070
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Anonymous  05/02/24 Пнд 14:14:47 124076
bum-eagle.mp4 1780Кб, 480x854, 00:00:15
Anonymous  12/02/24 Пнд 00:34:53 124145
>>120934 (OP)
America has decided to be soft on crime, culture is dying here.
Anonymous  12/02/24 Пнд 13:12:31 124151
Capitalism, the same thing that ruined places like Ukraine after the USSR was illegally dissolved
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 09:01:25 124163
>Culture is dying here
No, bruh, you the culture.
Amiffa is the best streamer in Russia Anonymous  12/02/24 Пнд 23:06:01 124156 Ответ
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Amiffa is the best.
Anonymous  13/02/24 Втр 08:54:10 124161
Can anyone explain why Zelensky dismissed Zaluzhny from the position of a top commander and awarded Anonymous  12/02/24 Пнд 20:58:33 124153 Ответ
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Can anyone explain why Zelensky dismissed Zaluzhny from the position of a top commander and awarded him with the highest title of hero? Isn't it stupid thing to do? I mean if he was good enough to be awarded, what's a point to kick him out?
So if you could afford to change central figures with no reason while your country at war, why would you cancel election? Smells like a dictatorshit.
What do you think, guys?
12/02/24 Пнд 23:06:39 124158
Hello, foreigners. Do you sometimes browse thematical boards and use translation tool to read posts Anonymous  21/01/24 Вск 10:45:02 123940 Ответ
image 2121Кб, 1337x771
Hello, foreigners. Do you sometimes browse thematical boards and use translation tool to read posts out of curiosity or boredom? Do you understand our weird memes and manners of speech?
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Anonymous  27/01/24 Суб 08:04:59 124003
Anonymous  27/01/24 Суб 08:26:46 124005
Anonymous  27/01/24 Суб 09:02:54 124007
Anonymous  12/02/24 Пнд 00:37:41 124146
Anonymous  12/02/24 Пнд 01:25:04 124147
here is civilized
it literally doesnt matter what happens for russia in the future 09/01/24 Втр 07:04:53 123680 Ответ
IMG0274.jpeg 19Кб, 360x360
literally just don’t import niggers and pajeets. that’s it. you’ll have a far better country than anywhere in the EU or North America in 50 years if you simply follow that rule

No niggers. No Pajeets.
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Anonymous  12/01/24 Птн 16:47:26 123715
Are they really that bad?
I heard they rape and kill a lot
Anonymous  12/01/24 Птн 17:12:30 123717
yes i am aware of the churka question.
regardless, at least churkas are russified to some degree. I'm not saying they're good, my gf (armenian) has told me all about how awful north caucasians and uzbeks are.

however, niggers and pajeets will not assimilate and will force your people to give up their cultural identity. they will stop at nothing to ruin your country beyond belief. at least churkas stick to their own. as far as i know they rarely "marry out" of their groups as well.

look at the US, UK, France, etc. our nations are being decimated both culturally and genetically by the importation of niggers and jeets.
Anonymous  22/01/24 Пнд 00:29:52 123946
>>123680 (OP)
Fellow burger, diversity is our strength. Stop being antisemitic.
Anonymous  05/02/24 Пнд 20:21:48 124078
>>123680 (OP)
>if you simply follow that rule
I have bad new for you: we already broke that rule.
Anonymous  11/02/24 Вск 22:18:53 124143
>>123680 (OP)
never bring jeets in
>this has been certified canadian advice
ааа негры Anonymous  11/02/24 Вск 15:42:19 124140 Ответ
i - 2024-02-11T[...].jpeg 83Кб, 628x674
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