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Foreigners, what's your favourite russian TV series and movies? Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 09:32:19 127956 1
download.jpg 8Кб, 175x288
Foreigners, what's your favourite russian TV series and movies?
Anonymous  08/08/24 Чтв 14:03:37 127959 2
Slovo Pacana
That was kino. Hope that there will be 2nd season
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 00:45:32 127975 3
>Slovo Pacana
There are two endings. One of them leaked before the show (more vital), the second is moral (imposed by the censorship of the Ministry of Culture, which gave money for all this).
Anonymous  09/08/24 Птн 10:30:02 127991 4
Idk, I don't watch many Russian media
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 09:38:33 128033 5
Watch "Lawlessness"
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 10:14:44 128040 6
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 12:59:20 128044 7
I checked and indeed lol. I saw the official ending.
Is the censored ending available somewhere?
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 13:03:02 128045 8
also Ненастье was a good serie
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 21:54:53 128055 9

The seventh and eighth episodes in the series are different.
The censored version is the official version.
The leaked series has "numbers" and montage markings on the frame.
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 22:09:43 128056 10
I got it from rutracker but I got only the official version, will have to search deeper
thx for info anyway
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 23:06:47 128058 11
image.png 354Кб, 1052x624
Anonymous  10/08/24 Суб 23:18:50 128059 12
mpv-shot0024.jpg 183Кб, 1920x1080
Found it. As far as I see its 8 and 9 serie merged into one.
>Also, there are no subtitles on them. So I do not know how you will watch it.
I speak Russian) It was easier for me to watch with Russian subtitles though but it will be no problem without.
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 03:00:30 128065 13
Cool, I hope you liked it so I don't feel bad about it because I think it could have been filmed better.
Anonymous  11/08/24 Вск 18:39:23 128092 14
I like Brother (1997). Haven't watch that many Russian films or so but Courier (1987) was nice also. I watched some Kazakh television series on Youtube Игрок (?) it reminds me of Korean series and Kazakh entertainment as general too. Odd.
Anonymous  12/08/24 Пнд 20:52:17 128130 15
I've seen it today and for me the official one is better. Maybe it's the impression due to the fact that official is more polished. But, the main sense in fact remained the same(Vova Adidas died and Palto got into jail). Vova's death was definetly better in the official one for me.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 00:10:25 128134 16
>>127956 (OP)
I've only watched Admiral (2008), Stalker and a movie that was streamed in ptchan about some security officer kidnapping a Russian woman and keeping her prisoner in room chained to a bed and leaving corpses near her. Once in a cable TV Cinema channel in Portugal and in Spain, I started watching this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_Watch_(film) in the middle of movie and didn't understand anything. From these 4 movies, I can hardly say that I have a favourite Russian movie.
only watched your Slovo Patsana, still have it in one of my NAS and it's mediocre specially in the end
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 15:00:26 128158 17
Yeah, that's good. As the Portuguese guy above said, the series is really mediocre, but it's definitely a good start for a country that 24 years ago was a poverty-stricken Africa where you could be killed in the street for a loaf of bread.
Also, if you need to maintain Russian language and have an interest in imported cultural products, you can use movie search to find Russian movies and TV series.

Here, for example, is a list of Russian (good) TV series:

Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 15:01:35 128159 18
It's the Russian imdb
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 15:11:40 128160 19
no, for me, considering the qualty and all the climate it was really good. I enjoyed it as much as the American productions. But it would be great to have another season.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 15:28:47 128161 20
Yes, a season two has been announced, and it's definitely coming.
Anonymous  13/08/24 Втр 23:30:22 128181 21
Anonymous  14/08/24 Срд 22:04:34 128200 22
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 15:47:50 128848 23
Anonymous  09/09/24 Пнд 20:53:49 128855 24
Green Elephant.
Anonymous  21/09/24 Суб 14:52:02 129322 25
Anonymous  23/09/24 Пнд 01:28:39 129393 26
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 14:07:47 129850 27
Anonymous  01/10/24 Втр 23:16:52 129881 28

Груз 200
Anonymous  02/10/24 Срд 17:25:29 129907 29
Anonymous  24/10/24 Чтв 19:02:48 130541 30
Sherlock Holmes (all episodes)
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 01:35:04 130995 31
>>127956 (OP)

Coma (2020)
Attraction (2017)
Attraction 2 (2020)
The Blackout: Invasion Earth (2019)
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 02:00:25 130996 32
Kin-dža dža
КУ, патсак
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 17:20:39 131010 33
Anonymous  03/11/24 Вск 17:44:44 131011 34
forgot about Ну, погоди!
Anonymous  05/11/24 Втр 12:00:53 131057 35
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 01:49:37 131131 36
Probably STALKER (the game will soon be set in Russia)
Anonymous  07/11/24 Чтв 02:04:23 131132 37
Anonymous  13/11/24 Срд 17:57:39 131271 38
image.png 288Кб, 300x425
Foreignerbros, you definately must this this TV show
It was spambotted to downvotting by officials to be rated as shitty show, yet it a beloved a very raw gem of 2010. You'd be lucky to found translated to your language due to years it was made
Anonymous  04/12/24 Срд 09:39:28 131607 39
Anonymous  05/12/24 Чтв 12:24:21 131622 40
Anonymous  05/12/24 Чтв 16:08:37 131623 41
To ease your sadness in some way, I can offer this. It's science fiction, but it must be dubbed or subtitled on Netflix because they bought the rights to show it.

I haven't watched it myself yet. So I disclaim responsibility for the recommendation in case it turns out to be shit ;)
Anonymous  05/12/24 Чтв 18:44:48 131629 42
The Turkish Gam[...].mp4 29464Кб, 1280x720, 00:01:55
I like the Russian war movies
Anonymous  05/12/24 Чтв 19:03:35 131630 43
Bitter Harvest [...].mp4 26523Кб, 1920x1080, 00:02:37
Anonymous  06/12/24 Птн 01:39:34 131638 44

The countries that these Russians liberated from Turkish slavery later became allies of Hitler and then joined NATO. Russia gets all the prizes in the category of most retarded humanitarianism.
Anonymous  06/12/24 Птн 01:44:13 131639 45
Anonymous  06/12/24 Птн 01:56:53 131640 46
image.png 1680Кб, 1200x720
Anonymous  06/12/24 Птн 17:35:41 131648 47
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 00:56:57 131652 48
>retarded villain who tries to present russians as some shameless retards?
Hey buddy, I don't work for ActivisionBlizzard and I am not the author of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
You're confused.

>In 2008, the Ukrainian-born Canadian screenwriter Richard Sutton sought financial support for his project about the Holodomor among the Ukrainian authorities and elite
The Holodomor is a very dubious historical phenomenon, which is clearly not confirmed as a directed genocide of Ukrainians according to the modern Ukrainian authorities, because due to the failed food policy of the communists, the famine was not only in Ukraine. Presenting everything in an exclusively favorable light is propaganda dumb shit.

Bonus fact:
When foreigners make movies about the Soviet Union, the Russian Empire, or the Russian Federation, they tend to be geared toward success with Western audiences; to Russian audiences, they look like cringe. Except for rare rarities like Leo Tolstoy, it takes great talent and education to understand a culture that has been isolated from or opposed to the West for most of its historical time - both the subtle cultural moments and the historical aspect.
I didn't open the link, I'm too lazy to look for a proxy it works with.
Anonymous  07/12/24 Суб 22:10:16 131670 49
are there Russians movies about Syria Civil War for Russian jingoist or war autists audiences?
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 06:05:06 131689 50
Небо — Трейлер [...].mp4 31788Кб, 1280x720, 00:02:10
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 06:07:54 131690 51
Небо — Трейлер [...].mp4 30380Кб, 1280x720, 00:02:32
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 06:11:58 131691 52
Своя война Штор[...].mp4 12293Кб, 1280x720, 00:01:00
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 06:14:13 131692 53
Однажды в Пусты[...].mp4 9689Кб, 1280x720, 00:01:53
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 06:19:04 131693 54
Syrian Warfare,[...].mp4 35620Кб, 1280x720, 00:03:00
Anonymous  08/12/24 Вск 06:33:47 131694 55
Good morning, Russia
Hello! (from Russian, it can also be translated as a wish for health)
You are our friends and brothers
Anonymous  09/12/24 Пнд 00:09:18 131733 56
I watched the Stalker film and I enjoyed it

Any other good russian films?
Anonymous  09/12/24 Пнд 00:29:47 131735 57
Dead Mans Lette[...].mp4 18333Кб, 854x480, 00:03:39
Anonymous  09/12/24 Пнд 02:39:25 131742 58
Anonymous  26/12/24 Чтв 18:35:14 132010 59
Important for international culture. Bump.
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 20:40:17 132060 60
Triplex - Брига[...].mp4 10922Кб, 640x480, 00:02:35

Maybe in 24 years it's a bit outdated, but the series is iconic in Russia.
It should definitely have /int/subtitles or even full /int/dubbing somewhere.
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 23:51:46 132137 61
>>127956 (OP)
I really like the videos Тесак put out back in the day.
Anonymous  03/01/25 Птн 23:32:03 132159 62
Что происходит [...].webm 167Кб, 640x480, 00:00:02
Что происходит [...].webm 14659Кб, 974x936, 00:00:46
Bandit's Petersburg is better tho.
Anonymous  04/01/25 Суб 12:15:40 132176 63
image.png 374Кб, 1287x410
image.png 404Кб, 1209x499
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 19:13:35 132210 64
Anonymous  08/01/25 Срд 17:47:56 132269 65
I usually don't, they always have to make the action too unrealistic and melodramatic. Turkish Gambit is excluded here, but it's not really a war movie. More like a detective drama.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 04:59:03 132280 66
Fuck i waited so long for him to finish it.

I think the trailer was out around 2017
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 19:46:10 132301 67
Yeah, it's a real longBUILD, but the opening sequence was enjoyable. Too bad it's only 25 minutes long.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 19:57:31 132303 68
what's the Russian version of Resident Evil? I didn't saved its title.
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 23:58:18 132311 69
What do you mean "russian version" ? As in localisation? Обитель Зла.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 00:16:26 132312 70
I remember in a board here Russians comparing USA films with their domestic production. It's some imitation of Resident Evil 1 movie or Doom 2005.

Try in Yandex or Russian with - "[Russian] soldiers are sent to an island or remote location with something went wrong" I don't how to text it
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 00:57:05 132314 71
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 16:14:15 132337 72
image.png 484Кб, 1215x372
Параграф 78?
I wouldn't watch it. Shame about this shit.

t. other Russian
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 16:14:45 132338 73
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 19:55:58 132339 74
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 19:57:00 132340 75
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 22:31:21 132343 76
So is this what you were looking for or not?
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 23:08:59 132348 77
I have only watched Russian war movies and TV series. I watched the one in Afghanistan, "Gorozovye vrata" (I butchered it, cba to look it up), "Purgatory/Чистилиште" and maybe a few others I'm missing.
My father and I watched them, he says that Purgatory movie is close to a war.
I'll read through the thread, I'm probably doing injustice by only watching war stuff.
Anonymous  10/01/25 Птн 23:39:54 132349 78
paragraph78.png 298Кб, 730x574
even I've seen scenes and translated synopsis of both parts, >>132337 is probably right. even it has shavedhead Ripley from Alien 3 and a mulato lmao
yup it was this.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 01:25:46 132355 79
image.png 1817Кб, 1280x960
Ok, glad I was helpful in my responses. It's worth considering that this movie was split into 2 parts. I hope you started watching from the first one. Lol. Has very low ratings in Russia and was received poorly in its time. Also has a mediocre game as additional content from the future creators of War Thunder.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 01:29:12 132356 80
Just found a video about abandoned Soviet underground bunkers in Chukotka. Too bad there are no English subtitles, but if anyone is interested in watching an interesting video with incomprehensible words in the background, you are welcome.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 01:31:02 132357 81
In brief: an abandoned military base in Chukotka (far north of Russia)
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 01:40:22 132358 82
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 20:55:39 132404 83
Well, russians make three types of movies: War Movie, Social Drama and Social Comedy. Of the three first category is the best since the state in Soviet Times and Now puts money into it, the problem with it is that since they put money into it they also want to have say in messaging. Not like they don't in other categories, but less things slip throw. Social Drama is unwatchable since it made by people without talent or financing, Social Comedy I'm not sure can translate into other cultures humour but since you are from EE I figure you'll manage. So of the 3 War Movies is that you should watch. The best in each genre is: "Они Сражались за Родину" (it's technically second best after "Иди и Смотри", but I won't recommend it to anyone), "Зелёный Слоник" и "Горько".
Anonymous  12/01/25 Вск 20:56:46 132405 84
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