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I&#96;m from United States (Texas). You can ask me any questions you want. I&#96;ll bump but not for Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 08:28:18 131904 1
1732209157698175.png 139Кб, 1200x701
I`m from United States (Texas). You can ask me any questions you want. I`ll bump but not for long.
Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 08:34:16 131905 2
Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 08:44:09 131906 3
bump. anyone know why I'm getting code -4 posting prohibited on /b? still better than CIA shithole 4chan
Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 10:52:42 131908 4
Unless you from Kazakhstan, Russia or Belarus yiu can't post anywhere outside of /int/.
>>131904 (OP)
Do you suck dick ? Like doing barrels ?
Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 15:52:29 131909 5
Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 15:54:22 131910 6
Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 17:54:51 131912 7
No, never have sucked dick, I'm not a faggot. Not sure what you mean by doing barrels.

Not sure. Are these types of toasters not common outside of the US? Plenty of Americans have them.

Understood, thank you.
Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 20:48:29 131913 8
Anonymous  21/12/24 Суб 22:13:31 131914 9
americamulattos.png 1257Кб, 1171x673
Google "american couple"

How will the amerimulatto cope?
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 02:30:02 131918 10
No, most people in Texas are not cowboys.
Don't you have to get ready for your daily Muslim prayer, Hans?
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 02:39:01 131920 11
How to AMERICAN[...].mp4 1329Кб, 854x480, 00:00:08
Anonymous  22/12/24 Вск 10:21:28 131924 12
where are you from
Anonymous  23/12/24 Пнд 06:37:11 131945 13
Anonymous  27/12/24 Птн 20:14:56 132028 14
Без названия.jfif 82Кб, 597x800
>>131904 (OP)
Europeans have free healthcare. And also, even if you are a completely stupid loser and unemployed, they will still give you a dorm room and money. At least in European rich countries such as France and Germany. Well, why the hell do you need weapons in Europe? This is Disneyland with cute villages and towns where you are unlikely to be threatened by something.
Anonymous  28/12/24 Суб 14:21:26 132036 15
image.png 4154Кб, 1208x1537
>>131904 (OP)
>>131904 (OP)
Where is proofs Billy? without proof, as we say, you're a simple dick.
1) What about niggers in general? (Imagine we can say nigger in our space and will not banned fo it)
2) Do you have nigger friens? may be u have dark sheboon girlriend?
3) Вo you use the word nigga in your vocabulary offline?
4) is it true that in the us it is difficult to find a girl who is not a feminist and without children
5) Asian, laina or white chick? you choose?
6) white stright men is considered worse than a worm in society?
7) what is your salary per month? (which includes all taxes)
8) Do you have own home/appartment or renting a place to live? (May be you live with parents?)
9) Tip is the problem? do you leave tip for any service? how many?
10) Do you use paid services ex netflix, Apple TV+ or onlyfans?
11) Have you ever downloaded pirated movies/soft? In out russia it is not a crime. If you are afraid, just use vpn. Why americans dont use this hack?
Anonymous  29/12/24 Вск 01:48:13 132039 16
Healthcare is not free at all lol

It's more like a mandatory tax actually
Anonymous  29/12/24 Вск 01:58:29 132040 17
Is it true that electricity and internet is free in russia, a man who comes from russia told me that it is all free, heating in winter as well
Anonymous  29/12/24 Вск 09:46:55 132041 18
>>132034 →
not free, but it is very cheap. I pay 7 euros for unlimited Internet at home and in my smartphone.
Anonymous  29/12/24 Вск 21:24:10 132044 19
How about electricity? Is it free in russia

In germany it is expensive
Anonymous  29/12/24 Вск 21:34:57 132046 20
Russians are poor. They can't heat their houses with electricity. Electricity is expensive.
Anonymous  30/12/24 Пнд 21:07:56 132061 21
>>131904 (OP)
What is your stance in the debate about highly skilled migrants (Elon's Indians)?
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 01:55:33 132080 22
Arise, Texas!.mp4 7948Кб, 1280x720, 00:02:51
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 05:05:49 132281 23
It's barely free, I pay around 6 euros for it for a 2 room flat in SPB.

Overall the communal services (kommunalka) are cheap in Russia, 30-60 euros per month in SPB, depending from the season. That includes all but internet.

The catch is that when u rent a flat, the kommulalka is not included in the rent price and u have to pay it separately. That suprised me when i moved to Russia, I was at first sure that it's a scam.
Anonymous  11/01/25 Суб 12:46:54 132365 24
Anonymous  13/01/25 Пнд 12:03:51 132407 25
>>131904 (OP)
There are 2 chairs. One with hard cocks and another with sharp arrows. Which one you choose to sit?
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