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Why are Russians ashamed of their Asian background? Even its elite recognize this. Putin worships Te Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 02:32:08 132081 1
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Why are Russians ashamed of their Asian background? Even its elite recognize this. Putin worships Tengri and Practices Siberian Shamanism.

>It is claimed the Kremlin boss had taken part in bizarre secret shamanic rituals with his defence minister Sergey Shoigu

>Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu is considered a discreet acolyte of shamanistic practices

>The inhabitants of Tuva declared him the incarnation of Subutai, one of the most effective military leaders of the Mongol Empire. Subutai’s exploits included a victory in the Battle of the Kalka River, which began the collapse of the Kyivan state

>Putin spends all his vacations in the Altai, mainly in the Republic of Tuva

>Russian researchers claim that Putin became interested in Altai mysticism in 2014: “The president has already visited many sacred places, and when the war broke out and unrest broke out, he found a point of strength in the Altai"

>According to the Altai Bilyk, when change begins and unrest arises, the ruler must return to the source of the river of life. He is actively told that the Altai is the common root of the Slavs and the Turks, and that this “place of power” may be the assembly point of Russia

>Tuvan shamans insist that the northern entrance to Shambhala is in their republic, near the ruined fortress of Por-Bazhin

>In 2007 Sergei Shoigu organized an “archeological expedition” there and convinced Putin that there was an entrance to Shambhala

>Putin was received the sacred sutras of the psycho-physical doctrine of Shaolin kung fu as a gift from Abbot Shi Yongxing

>Shi Yongxin introduced the President of the Russian Federation to one of the wushu masters named Shi Yanzhou and said that this experienced master is able to use “qigong” as a powerful mean of self-defense and fighting back the enemy”

Putin literally thinks he's an Asiatic Khan. He worships the Great Sky-God and wants to conquer the world like Genghis. He is part an atavistic oriental steppe cult.




Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 02:54:08 132082 2
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Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 04:29:47 132083 3
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I'm not a Russian. But relevant
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 04:53:23 132084 4
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It's because of your blood, Manuel. Portuguese settlers were almost 99% degregated/political prisoners men of Nafri/Jewish descent whose wives would be Indians or Africans and their mixed children would be treated as full heirs to their father's property. Most Bandeirantes were halfbreeds themselves.

>Moorjani et al. (2011) estimated that some Southern Europeans have inherited 1%–3% sub-Saharan ancestry (approximately 3.2% in Portugal, 2.9% in Sardinia, 2.7% in southern Italy, 2.4% in Spain and 1.1% in northern Italy), although the percentages were lower (ranging from 0.2% in Sardinia and northern Italy to 2.1% in Portugal) when reanalyzed with the 'STRUCTURE' statistical model. An average mixture date of around 55 generations/1100 years ago was given, "consistent with North African gene flow at the end of the Roman Empire and subsequent Arab migrations". This admixture was not identified in Northern Europeans

>In 2011, Moorjani et al. detected 3%–5% sub-Saharan African ancestry in all eight of the diverse Jewish populations (Ashkenazi Jews, Syrian Jews, Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Greek Jews, Turkish Jews, Italian Jews) that they analyzed. The timing of this African admixture among all Jewish populations was identical. The exact date was not determined, but it was estimated to have taken place between 1,600 and 3,400 years ago. Although African admixture was determined among South Europeans and Near Eastern population too, this admixture was found to be younger compared to the Jewish populations. This findings the authors explained as evidence regarding common origin of these 8 main Jewish groups. "It is intriguing that the Mizrahi Irani and Iraqi Jews—who are thought to descend at least in part from Jews who were exiled to Babylon about 2,600 years ago share the signal of African admixture

>Scientists Discover Gene That Predisposes Ashkenazi Jews to Schizophrenia:
skip paywall: https://archive.is/YDCEr
study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgi-bin/study.cgi?study_id=phs000448.v1.p1

>Study of Ashkenazi Jewish Population Reveals New Schizophrenia Mutation:

>Schizophrenia is characterized by high heritability (~80%)

>Jews suffer from certain mental illnesses at higher rate [...]
[...] including schizophrenia

>The rate of schizophrenia is lower than normal in Europe:

>After discovering Brazil, the Portuguese settlers moved westward, hoping to discover gold and silver and extend their landmass. They were known as the Bandeirantes because they carried a bandeira (flag) with them. Based on their names, records suggest that many of them were conversos, hidden Jews

>One of the most important Bandeirantes was Fernando de Noronha, a Portuguese converso with many contacts in the Lisbon court. He convinced the crown to lease him the land and that he would give them in exchange a wood named Pau Brazil that provided a dye and other precious items he would find. The wood that he sent gave the land the name Brazil

>Historians suggest that his leasing scheme was an effort to help Portuguese Jews by creating a place for them to live away from the growing threats of the Catholic Church and the Inquisition. This was crucial because after they were expelled from Spain in 1492 by the infamous Alhambra Decree, many Jewish Spaniards moved to nearby Portugal where they were far more tolerant of Jews

>But this haven came to an end in 1497 when Portugal expelled its Jews. At this point, some Jews moved to the Netherlands, and others tried to move to the far-flung colonies, hoping to get as far as possible from the centralized government and its Inquisition. Thus, many New Christians or conversos settled in Brazil, where they would benefit from Fernando de Noronha’s settlement

>Mameluco is a Portuguese word that denotes the first generation child of a European and an Amerindian. It corresponds to the Spanish word mestizo

>In the 17th and 18th centuries, mameluco was also used to refer to organized bands of explorers from Colonial Brazil known as bandeirantes, who roamed the interior of South America departing from São Paulo near the Atlantic Ocean to the interior of Brazil and Paraguay, invading Guarani settlements in search of slaves and gold
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 05:01:49 132085 5
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The second pic bugged. But even the fucking Nazis knew that Jews were Mulattoes.

>Background: From 1936 to 1938, the Nazis waged a variety of anti-Bolshevist campaigns. Hitler and Goebbels, among others, made major speeches at the Nuremberg rallies. Numerous books and articles assailed the Soviet Union. In 1937, there was a major anti-Bolshevist exhibit produced by the Reichspropagandaleitung, the party’s central propaganda office, that traveled to major cities. This is a translation of the program book for that exhibition. The booklet includes sixteen pages of photographs of the exhibits, one of which I have included here, though I may add more as time permits. With the signing of the German-Russian treaty in August 1939, anti-Bolshevist propaganda ceased abruptly until the attack on Russia in June 1941, soon after which the Nazi party organized another major anti-Bolshevist exhibit

>Jewry is the Core of Bolshevism

>Jewry was born on the soil of Palestine, that crossroads between Europe, Asia, and Africa, the battleground and settlement region of the most varied peoples It is a mixture of Middle Eastern and Oriental races, with strong Hametic and Negroid elements. All of these races are nomads or wandering shepherding peoples, whose characteristics are intensified in Jewry. Over a long period of development, the trading spirit typical of Jewry has developed, based on a foundation of usury, fraud, deceit, and cowardly wretchedness

>This varied mixture of differing races and peoples gradually solidified into Jewry, and was protected against further mixing as the result of strict laws of religious nature enforced by the rule of the rabbis to preserve the purity of the Jewish race to this day
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 05:05:21 132086 6
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>All these laws to prevent further mixing with foreign blood were unable to assure Jewry’s existence as a state, since there it lacked the creative force of healthy, pure-blooded peoples. Thus, they spread throughout the world to split all peoples and states, driven by the insane notion that they were God’s chosen people that other peoples had to serve. Everywhere, they were an element of destruction. The Roman Empire broke against the rule of the Semitic Emperor after the Nordic leadership was systematically exterminated and replaced by the influence of Syrians and Jews. Throughout the Middle Ages, they continued their tightly connected financial and political efforts with the help of their usurious loans to the leading courts of Europe. At the beginning of the nineteenth century, given the powerful influence of Rothschild money, one could say: “There is but one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild.”

>Their claim to power rested on more than usury and financial dependency, however. They forced their way into their host peoples, destroying healthy and resistant blood. The infiltration of Jewish blood into the German nobility, and the resulting destruction of the best German blood, is best seen in the Pereier-Arnstein family. The female descendants of the founder of the purely Jewish Pereier-Arnstein family married into Aryan families and corrupted their blood. Within four generations, fourteen German noble families, and two bourgeois families, had been infected with Jewish blood

Le 56% pure chosen face.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 09:24:08 132090 7
Cool story, bruh.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 09:47:58 132093 8
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I'm not a communist or Russianboo, but learning about these things gave me an greater appreciation for your country. Not that I have much for mine. For 2 centuries we were a pretty irrelevant colony, Brazil expanded beyond the borders of the Treaty of Tordesillas during the union with Spain, because the Spanish stopped caring at that time, Brazil expanding beyond its legal borders didn't matter anymore because they all had the same king. They didn't suspect that Portugal would become independent again.

Brazil expanded through slave hunting, in São Paulo a class of mamelucos/cablocos (mestizos) like me called Bandeirantes developed who were great explorers in search of natives to enslave, their favorite victims were the Indians of the Jesuit Missions, because the Indians there were trained and educated, therefore better slaves.

Later, in the 1700s, gold was discovered in Minas Gerais, and that's when Brazil finally became an important colony, so many Portuguese moved there during the gold rush that they had to prohibit emigration to Brazil. This lasted 50 years until they ran out of gold, so they discovered that they could make money from coffee, not just sugar.

Brazil compared to Spanish America was a shithole. The Indians here were still hunter-gatherers living in villages unlike the urbanized Mesoamerican Civilizations, the vast majority of the country's inhabitants were black slaves on plantations, but also Indians in the beginning, the rest of the population was composed of owners and slave hunters. It was more like the British Caribbean islands than Peru, Mexico or Chile (which is interesting because Portugal is the oldest ally of the British Empire: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Portuguese_Alliance ). There were no universities in Brazil, no urban planning or rules for founding cities or high culture. The most they had were the Jesuits and they were constantly persecuted and expelled.

Until the discovery of gold in Minas Gerais, most of the inhabitants of Brazil spoke a Tupi language, similar to how Paraguayans speak Guarani; they became Portuguese speakers in the 1700s. It was called the General Language.

Until the mid-1800s, the majority of the Brazilian population was composed of black slaves. If it were not for Miscegenation, the Prohibition of Transatlantic Trade/Abolition of Slavery, and European Immigration, Brazil would have become a Giga Haiti like the South of the United States was on its way to becoming before the Civil War, which even after Reconstruction, remains the least developed region of the United States.
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 17:44:21 132102 9
Anonymous  31/12/24 Втр 20:39:43 132104 10
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>>132081 (OP)
>Asian background
you need learn history, my palm monke
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 12:51:45 132118 11
that's ruthenia, russia - in the volga basin - basically not even in the picture
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 13:48:59 132120 12
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 13:49:48 132121 13
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Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 13:55:52 132122 14
Dumb retard, we are talking about the origin of Rus, not its various transformations. Kiev was a village of a local non-Slavic tribe that Rurik's servants Askold and Dir conquered diplomatically. When Rurik died, the regent under his son, Knyaz Oleg of Novgorod, conquered the land by force and made it the capital of Rus'. Kievan Rus was never called Kievan Rus, it was simply called Rus. Kievan Rus is a terminology invented in the Russian Empire at the end of the 19th century to divide historical periods.

Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 13:57:28 132123 15
Also. Ruthenia is the western name of Rus' from Western medieval sources.
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 13:58:29 132124 16
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 14:35:16 132125 17
yeah it has nothing to do with russia: russia is just what duchy of muscovy renamed itself after ivan iv slaughtered nowogrodians just like seljuk turks created sultantate of rome after conquering anatolia
muscovite people and statehood were created under tatar-mongol rule from fingols and turkics native to volga basin
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 15:07:15 132126 18
op's question is: why deny this?
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 18:29:42 132128 19
People in Rus' even living in different principalities never divided themselves and despising princes who lead feuds. You're uneducated just stupid.
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 18:30:58 132129 20
>muscovite people and statehood were created under tatar-mongol rule from fingols and turkics native to volga basin

Proofs? And you don't have proofs because you're a dumb Pole, kek
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 22:23:22 132131 21
turkic words in russian language?
fortifying kremls instead of building castles?
some bullshit graph about blondes?
at this point what even constitutes a proof?
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 22:30:58 132132 22
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No one should care about Ukrainian, Belarusian or Russian historiography about themselves. It's probably all almost made up. I'm not trolling, I am not a Christmas pig (kek) or some anti-Slav troll. Plus eastern slavs specially their rulers are a bunch of compulsives liars ( insert Arestovych subbed video about lying and this Nixon interview.

I don't believe East Slavs gave rulership to some foreigner (according to tradition, was invited to reign in Novgorod in the year 862). It's all bullshit euphemism for Russians to serve whatever autocrat that they were imposed to.
Anonymous  01/01/25 Срд 23:04:58 132133 23
>I don't believe East Slavs gave rulership to some foreigner (according to tradition, was invited to reign in Novgorod in the year 862).
Oh no, we did, it's not a myth anymore, the only people in denial are politically motivated. But tbh position of knyaz in Novgorod wasn't that big of a deal back than. And Rurik wasn't even that high on a totem pole neither, just a random swedish looser from the Baltic.
>Nixon interview.
Amazing how little self awareness man has. Saw it recently in my YT feed as well.
Anonymous  02/01/25 Чтв 00:05:59 132138 24
>>132081 (OP)
Pretty sure it's just cargo-cultists bootlicking at play again. We have many, maaaaany people who believe they're some kind of white race warriors, that the western civilization is superior, ummmmh so fucking white. And any attempt to talk to non-white countries means we're submitting to them.

Like... it's just stupid fucking zoomers. That's it, that's the answer, they grew retarded, because they consumed too much western, retard-oriented stuff. Everything is either black or white for them, no or yes.

Thank god for 2022, many of them finally left the country.
Anonymous  02/01/25 Чтв 02:04:31 132139 25
>>132081 (OP)
>Why are Russians ashamed of their Asian background?
We are not. We are descendants of Mongolian Empie, vikings and Rome through Byzanthium, on slavic base.
Anonymous  02/01/25 Чтв 10:44:12 132140 26
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>I don't believe East Slavs gave rulership to some foreigner (according to tradition, was invited to reign in Novgorod in the year 862). It's all bullshit euphemism for Russians to serve whatever autocrat that they were imposed to.

>The famous Russian scientist-universalist Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765) (pic 1) was one of the first Russian historians who challenged the Norman theory of the origin of Russia.

Yeah, you two are great friends. Kek. The peasant who has escaped still being a boy from the evil father-farmer, forbidden to read books, to become the scientist of world level considered that Rurik was Germanic Slavic. Polabian Slav. I.e. culturally something close to this uneducated faggot >>132131

>Nevertheless, his views were not based on rigorous archaeological or linguistic evidence, but rather on the interpretation of written sources and a patriotic approach to history. Modern historians usually regard Lomonosov's theory as an important stage in the development of historical thought, but not as a definitive answer to the question of Rurik's origin.
And now I will tell officially accepted and officially disputed in the Russian scientific community: in the Russian historiography there is such concept as ‘Calling of Varagians to Russia’.
Calling of Varagians to Russia - the key plot of Old Russian history, described in the chronicle ‘The Tale of Bygone Years’, created in the beginning of XII century by monk Nestor. According to the chronicle, this event occurred in 862 and is considered the beginning of the Russian state.

[It is also worth noting that in world science only the Swedish scientific community consider themselves Varangians, other representatives of the scientific community doubt this, but zealously do not argue. This reason why Varangians is synonymous with Vikings in some histories]

History from the ‘Tale of Bygone Years’
Chronicle reports that in the IX century, the Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes living in the area of Ladoga, Novgorod and other northern lands, were in a state of constant feuds. To end the conflicts, they decided to invite (by council of elders) the Varangians (northern peoples who included Scandinavians) to govern them.

The Varagians agreed, and the three brothers - Rurik, Sineus and Truvor - arrived in Russia. Rurik settled in Ladoga, then in Novgorod, Sineus - in Beloozero, and Truvor - in Izborsk
However set did not like that to authority came foreigners and there was a revolt under the leadership of Vadim Brave. During revolt both brothers of Rurik were lost, but also rebellion has been suppressed.
In those days, it was the norm for European scientists to work in various academies of sciences outside their own country; European science had only one patriotism - European patriotism. Russia, which had the third Academy of Sciences in Europe (thanks to Peter the Great), was no exception. Thus, Gerhard Friedrich Miller - a German scholar who set his goal to work with Russian history for the sake of recognition, financial gain and printing works in Germany (‘Holy Roman Empire of the German nation’) - arrived at the Russian Academy of Sciences. It was he who began to actively promote the Norman theory of the origin of Russia, Miller's historical reports on the work on which repeatedly caused scandal and opposition from a number of Russian scholars. At the top of the source it is stated that Lomonosov proceeded from patriotic considerations and he had a good reason, ‘what terrible deeds can this rat with such power do’ - a verbatim quotation of Lomonosov about Miller and his studies of Russian history, when Lomonosov learnt, that Miller had also obtained from Empress Catherine II access to the imperial archives where the Old Russian chronicles were kept (incidentally, many of them were destroyed along with Napoleon's army in a man-made fire in Moscow a century later while another Russian historian, Karamzin (pic 2), was working on his 12-volume History of the State of Russia, Karamzin's house also burned down, along with some of the historical chronicles, books and other paper sources he had bought from private collections, most of which were devoted to Russian history).
Anonymous  02/01/25 Чтв 16:11:13 132143 27
Dude, no, pls stop. The first thing they do on ANY historical faculty in this country is to explain to you how heavy school program is politisised and how much of it is just not true. Starting with confirmation of Normann theory. I'm sorry, but we invated homeless viking to rule over us.
Anonymous  02/01/25 Чтв 20:06:40 132151 28
Anonymous  05/01/25 Вск 00:45:22 132185 29
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>>132081 (OP)
Anonymous  06/01/25 Пнд 20:32:16 132245 31
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Anonymous  08/01/25 Срд 18:52:45 132271 32
Kek, I love retarded shit like this

>A fortune teller once told Putin that his demise will come from a "green snot". This is the reason Russian propaganda bullied hard Greta Thunberg, the reason Putin run into the bunker when he heard abour Covid, and the reason of the ridiculous 20 meter tables he still meets people at now. And then the name of the President of the Ukraine is Zelensky which is a derivative of the "green" in slavic languages ("zeleniy"), who was called a "green snot" (зeлeнaя шмapкля) by his own voters in 2021 because he looked too weak as a president.
>This is the sole reason of the invasion. Putin was so much scared that he called for help to the magic of digits and signed the order for the war 22.02.2022 instead of waiting for the summer with short nights and dry roads. CIA and Bidens administration knew that well and played the ball scheduling Bidens press conference at 2:22 PM. Puting and Shoygu were horrified when heard that and still are now. They are destroyed.

>Shoygu btw is no less superstitious than Putin himself, Shoyggu is a siberian pagan and he has quite an influence over Putin to say it mildly. Putin believes that Shoygu is an avatara of Subutai (an invincible Genghis Khan's general) and that behind Shoygus back stand "Spirits of Ancestors" or whatever they call them. Their threats of "CONSEQUENCES" are no threats of aggression, they treaten that they are going to perform powerful rites for the demise of enemies. In their reality it is as real as everything else.

>Pic related is the "Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces" they built recently near Moscow. A human can't really observe its beauty from the ground, one needs to be ubiquitous and stay around the complex to grasp it. It is built for the Spirits. The stairs to the heart of the Zikkurat are cast from they trophy weapons of the defeated enemies of the past (they said it themselves).

>V, O, Z tactical signs are for Volodimir Oleksandrovich Zelensky. A hex.
Anonymous  08/01/25 Срд 20:24:45 132272 33
Anonymous  08/01/25 Срд 23:30:03 132274 34
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Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 00:01:41 132275 35
Anonymous  09/01/25 Чтв 04:28:55 132277 36
>>132081 (OP)
Who said u that we're ashamed? Apart 3.5 hitlerfags and cockholes.
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