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Аноним (Linux: Firefox based) 24/04/16 Вск 18:14:06  1684679  
14615108464940.png (363Кб, 803x688)
Без понятия, было или нет. Лисы, как насчет поделиться своими конфигами с остальными. Чтобы все было в одном месте. Вдруг кому-то и понадобиться.
browser.fullscreen.animate - отключение продолжительной анимации при переходе в полноэкранный режим
browser.search.openintab - открытие поиска в новой вкладки, если поиск идет с самой лисы
browser.tabs.animate - актуально для слабых машин. отключается анимация открытия-закрытия вкладок
privacy.trackingprotection.enabled - позволяет ускорить загрузку страницы засчёт отключения проверки местности
image.mem.max_decoded_image_kb сменить на 51200. фаер хранит картинки в своем кеше несжатыми, поэтому память забивается с большой скоростью.
Аноним (Linux: Firefox based) 24/04/16 Вск 18:21:07  1684686
http://www.logicalincrements.com/firefox/ - firefox guide
Аноним (Linux: Firefox based) 24/04/16 Вск 18:25:38  1684689
These sorts of lists are stupid because people just copy them wholesale without understanding wtf it does. At best you should be picking and choosing single elements from the list. As the case for many of these lists many of the changes suggested come down to personal preference.

Turn off the new tab page, and makes it about:blank:

browser.newtab.url => about:blank

personal preference

Turn off Geolocation:

geo.enabled => false

the user is prompted before allowing access to geolocation services that the device has. The user has full control over granting this access. In most desktop laptops this is a very rough location based on the nearby wi-fi access points. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/geolocation/

Turn off file virus-scan after download:

browser.download.manager.scanWhenDone => false

I think we turned this off some time ago

Override the useragent to most common useragent (not needed with Blender/UA Switcher):

New > string: general.useragent.override =>

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0

this is just plain stupid. The most common version of Firefox is going to increase every 6 weeks. The user is not going to keep this up to date and being this far out of date is going to be more fingerprintable.

Force installation of non-updated add-ons:

New > boolean: extensions.checkCompatibility.[version #] => false

this is not needed for most users

Disable prefetching (preloading of pages), which lowers RAM usage:

network.prefetch-next => false

Slows down your browsing, may slightly reduce your RAM usage, may slightly reduce the amount of data Firefox requests

Override location bar search (pick only one):

keyword.url => "https://duckduckgo.com/html/?q="

keyword.url => "https://startpage.com/do/search?q="

obsolete pref no longer functions without an extension

Enable HTTP pipelineing regularly, on SSL pages, and on proxies, respectively:

network.http.pipelining => true

network.http.pipelining.ssl => true

network.http.proxy.pipelining => true

may break your browsing depending on ISP or proxy settings

Increase the amount of connections/requests Firefox will make:

network.http.pipelining.maxrequests => 64

network.http.max-connections => 512

network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server => 32

The numbers here are mostly bullshit. the server you are connecting to controls value of these numbers as long as they are larger than the default settings for apache httpd, IIS and nginx they won't do anything

Speed up the security delay when installing add-ons:

security.dialog_enable_delay => 500

Slight reduction in security as you cannot fully understand the dialog in 500ms

Disable tab animations:

browser.tabs.animate => false

Don't think this pref works in 29+

Put cache on RAM:

browser.cache.memory.enable => true

browser.cache.memory.max_entry_size => -1

browser.cache.disk.enable => false

browser.cache.disk.parent_directory => /tmp/firefox

Only do this if you have more than 8GB of ram, The last line moves your cache directory but the path is listed with a Linux path, but that is meaningless as you just disabled it in the line above???

Reduce page loading delay:

New > integer: nglayout.initialpaint.delay => 0

New > boolean: content.interrupt.parsing => true

New > boolean: content.notify.ontimer => true

New > integer: content.max.tokenizing.time => 100000

New > integer: content.notify.backoffcount => -1

New > integer: content.notify.interval => 100000

New > integer: content.switch.threshold => 2000000

mostly a placebo the default for nglayout.initialpaint.delay is 250ms

Remove submenu slide delay:

New > integer: ui.submenuDelay => 0

personal preference, may make navigating menus harder as you can't cut corners

Set a "do-not-track" header to tell sites not to track browsing habits:

privacy.donottrackheader.enabled => true

personal preference, in addition there is UI for this

Disable Google Blacklists:

browser.safebrowsing.enabled => false

browser.safebrowsing.maleware.enabled => false

Generally will make your browsing less secure. The privacy gained by turning it off is rather small. There is a local database of malicious sites if you visit a site that matches the local database it is then checked to see if the database is still current. This is the only time that this leaks any personal browsing data.

Disable pings:

browser.send_pings => false

browser.send_pings.require_same_host => true

disables the ping standard. Uncommon for sites to be using this currently. If you disable this sites will just fall back to an older method of tracking you, transparent 1px gif, etc.

Disable suggestions on searchbar:

browser.search.suggest.enabled => false

personal preference

Disable keywords:

keyword.enabled => false

does not work, but we set a keyword above in this list wtf

Disable certificates:

browser.ssl_override_behavior => 2

WTF 1) this is the current default 2) does not do what the site says it does. This prepopulates the unknown certificate dialog with the url and the certificate info. Almost no one sees this dialog. (ex https://www.cacert.org ) It does not disable SSL

Disable DNS proxy bypass:

network.proxy.socks_remote_dns => true

only useful if you are using a proxy (hint you are not)

Disable crash reporting:

In application.ini in the Firefox folder,

[Crash Reporter]Enabled=1 => [Crash Reporter]Enabled=0

This more or less will prevent us from ever knowing about your crash. We can't fix what we don't know about. I spend a good chunk of my week going over these reports. If you can describe what you are doing when you crash even better.
Аноним (Microsoft Windows XP: Firefox based) 24/04/16 Вск 18:26:20  1684692
>>1684679 (OP)

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